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My prayers go out to all those being affected by these natural disasters. I hope that everyone is safe and getting the car that they need. Times are extremely hard right now and we need to be united as one. We all need to come together to figure out how we're going to fix these issues. It makes no since why we're trying to make people suffer for things that they cannot control. We all need to give as many helping hands as we can because we never know when it's going to be our turn.

Update: I'm good you guys. Thanks for all your prayers and kind words. I went a few states up to stay with my uncle. When I came back, I was good. Power working. Apartment and car untouched. God is truly good. He's blessed me beyond measure, even when I didn't deserve it.

Let me spill some tea and rant real quick.

I went and stayed with my uncle for a few days with my sisters and her roommate. One of my sisters got a call while we were up there saying that her job was opening back up that Tuesday after Irma hit. She wanted to go ahead and leave the day before and no one could decline because she was the only one who was driving her car. So we leave abruptly. Her place was good, no damage or anything that we knew of. My other sister and I didn't know anything about our apartment and it was too late to call and see. Mind you, we don't know if it's flooded, if gas is available to get by the time we get back, or if we even have power. We didn't know anything but she wanted to get back because she missed work and she wasn't getting paid time off form the Hurricane.(Her words not mine because I gots paid and I only work part time.) Anyways, we're driving back and she turns to my sister and I and tells us that we need to call our aunts to see if we can stay with them. She told us this a few times not once offering us a place to stay. Her roommate doesn't offer as well even though our uncle let her stay with him. So we get back into town and it's probably 11:00 at night so everything is pitch black because in some areas the power was out. The whole time I'm praying to God that our apartment is good and we still have power. We finally get to our apartment after trying to find gas and I see that other people have their lights on. Y'all don't know how happy and thankful I was. Y'all I cried and kept on thanking God. He had us. So they drop us off and we get out things unpacked. The next day I get a text from my sister that she needed a place to stay because she didn't have power. I said NOPE. Then she calls our dad because obviously she feels like he can tell us what to do with an apartment that he's never paid any bills for. Our dad calls our mom to make us give our sister a place to stay but my mother-already knowing how my sister is- said NOPE as well. My sister should've listened to the advice she was given us and called our aunts. God gives the best revenge don't ya think? Get this, her roommate had a place to go though.

Question: Were we in the wrong for not allowing our sister to stay with us, or is that what she deserved? Let me know in the comments.

|Issaiah Love|

Detective Reynolds and detective O'Conner sat in my hospital room staring, waiting for me to respond. They seemed like they'd been through this routine thousands of times but still looked annoyed at how long I was taking to reply to their questions. I wasn't at all intimidated, but I was cautious. It was no secret that no matter what, they were going to try and flip it to be my fault. I braced myself for all the questions that were designed to make the female victim feel as if she was the suspect.

"Ms. Love, what was your relationship with Mr. Jackson?"

"We were in a relationship for a brief moment and then I ended things with him."

"Explain a brief moment for us?"

"One or two months, nothing serious."

"Why did you end things with Mr. Jackson?"

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