Εξήντα τέσσερα

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Happy Valentine's day guys! Once again, I am single but it's cool. I have you guys right?

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Nervousness bubbled in the pit of my stomach while I sat in front of my therapist. This was about to happen and I knew things would go left; I could feel it in my being. I crossed one leg over the other and tried my best to refrain from biting down on my lip.

"Is he coming?" Dr. Morris checked the clock for the fifth time since the session had started. I checked my phone as well to see if Foreign had said anything.

"He should be. He said he was."

"Do you want to step out to call him?"

"Yeah." I got up and walked out of the room. Once I was in the hall I called him. His phone rung and rung until it went to voicemail.

"Foreign, where are you? It's been twenty minutes and you still haven't showed up. This is really important to me and you said that you'd come. If you're not going to be here, at least send me a text or something." I hung up and angrily trudged back to Dr. Morris's office. Anything for me, huh?

My phone rang as soon as my hand touched the door knob. I quickly answered it, anxious to hear his excuse.


"I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what Foreign?"

"Sorry that I'm late."

"Are you even going to come?"

"I'm trying to get there. I forgot what time it was and I woke up late."

"Is this even important to you?"

"Yes, of course it's important to me."

"How far away are you?"

"About thirty minutes." I bit my lip so I wouldn't cuss him out. He might as well just stay home. My session would be over by the time he came. "You know what? Don't even worry about it."

"Don't be like that Issaiah."

"Be like what?"

"You're acting like I did this on purpose."

"Well that's what you're making it seem like."

"I said I woke up late."

"And I said don't worry about it."


"Are you scared or something?"


"Then what is it? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, but you're making it hard."



"Yes really."


"What now?"

"Foreign just tell me the truth or I'm going to think that you just agreed to come so I'd shut up."

"Sai..." he took a deep breath, "I wanted to come support you."


"But this shit isn't for me. I'm not up for talking to a therapist, and having them think that they know me."

"No one was going to do that! This session was only scheduled to hear the things that you think I need to work on. Why agree to do this if you really didn't want to come? I would've been cool with it if you didn't want to."

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