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This is officially the last chapter for this book...... But it's not the end for Issaiah and Foreign. Deep into the Soul is the next book that I am going to be putting out so be on the lookout for that one. Who knows, you might get a two for one deal with me. Still continue to read Pipe Dream that I am working on with UrbanGlitter. The book is bomb and it is very different from this one right here. I want to thank all of you who have shown this book all the love that you have, I never thought that it would get this big when I first started it. I am very grateful for you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. BTE Gang Gang, we did dat. Happy Thanksgiving as well, eat until your heart's content and enjoy your family.

Much Love~Lex

Issaiah Love|

Foreign's new attorney Mr.Nelson has been nothing short of what Von has said he would be. He's no Von but we didn't have any other choice with the little bit of time left until the trail date. When I let Foreign know what that Von wasn't going to be apart of the case anymore he was devastated. Knowing that she was going to be his attorney on this case is the only reason why he decided to go through with the case.

I didn't let him know that daddy was the one behind it because I want him to get out and stay focused on the main goal. He could be mad after he's won. He deserves to give himself this opportunity. Not just for him but for his family as well. I know they miss him like crazy and want him out as soon as possible. He shouldn't stop help just because someone doesn't want to see him prosper for their own selfish reasons.

I have yet to talk to daddy about this issue and I don't plan on it. I know I can get and I didn't feel like going back and forth with him and hear him trying to justify his excuses. I've stayed distant and prayed up that all of this works out in Foreign's favor.

Mr. Nelson and I are in his office going over my statement and what I would say on the stand. It wasn't what I expected but I'm not going to let it change my mind about helping my baby.

"Ms. Love, can you tell me the relationship that you have or may have had with the plantiff Mr. Martin."

"We were co- wokers."

"Did you guys ever hang out outside of your job?"

"No, I barely wanted to be around him when we had the same shift."

"And why was that?"

"He was always inappropriate with me despite me constantly telling him that I didn't want to be bothered by him."

"Did you ever tell anyone about his inappropriate behavior with you?"

"Yes, I spoke with our boss Dame if there was something that he could do because I didn't want to be bothered with him."

"Was there something done about the situation?"

"I do believe that Dame had a talk with Alonzo."

"Why do you say that?"

"The same night that I talked to our boss about him harassing me, he and his friend attacked me when I was alone in the parking lot."

"We have video tape of the incident."I knew that this was coming up and even though I had prepared myself for it numerous times, I still found myself feeling uncomfortable about it.


"Can you describe what is going on in these images?"

"After locking up for my boss I walk to my car and try to get in when I am approached by two males. One being Alonzo and the other being his friend."

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