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Do y'all know how hard this chapter was to write, and it's still not good. I was just going to leave it short but y'all don't deserve that so I was like, let me let some shit pop off just to make it half way decent. Please forgive me. How my life is set up right now, I barely have time to write. Your girl got two jobs and it is kicking my ass. Next chapter will be better though.

Also, I'm going to start replying to your comments. I hate how rude I am with it. All I do is read them and comment in my head. I'm going to do better with that.

BTE (Beyoned The Exterior)gang gang🤘🏽👌🏾. FNGS (Fuck Niggas Get Shmoney)gang🖕🏽. Put it in the comments if you're apart of the gang.

Much Love-Lex

Foreign Megalos

I sat in the living room texting Issaiah, just to make sure that she was ok from last night. She didn't call me like I told her to, and when I tried, she ignored me. I got that she was upset, but damn a nigga trying to help you and you shut me out. I guess she was feeling better because she was replying back. That nigga had God on his side because if it wasn't for Issaiah, I would've laid his ass out.

You ok?-sent 2:15 p.m.

Hollierthanthou-I don't even know.-2:17 p.m.

Your hard headed ass could've called, like I told you to.-2:20 p.m.

Holierthanthou-Damn, I forgot that you were my daddy. My bad😒-2:24 p.m.

Who are you getting an attitude with🤔, I was just trying to make sure you were ok.-sent 2:26 p.m.

She always had to ruin shit.

Holierthanthou-Obviously I'm getting an attitude with you, you're the only one I'm texting. Don't get an attitude with me because we can square up on sight, bruh👊🏽.-sent 2:29 p.m.

Aight, on sight my nigga. Got me fucked up, and you wonder why I didn't want to be your friend🖕🏽.-sent 2:31 p.m.

Holierthanthou-Fuck you too nigga, you're not the only one with that emoji🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽. -sent 2:32 p.m.

Aight, bet. 👍🏾Don't get mad, when I start acting different. Remember, you're the one who wanted to be my friend not the other way around✌🏾.-sent 2:34 p.m.

Holierthanthou-Sorry, damn. Do you know how hard it is to deal with this situation. You didn't have a nigga trying shove his dick in your mouth.-sent 2:37 p.m.

You could've just said that instead of making it harder for me. You said you wanted us to be friends, I'm trying to give your annoying ass a chance.-sent 2:40 p.m.

Holierthanthou-I'm sorry, I just....sorry.-sent 2:41

Just don't let it happen again.-sent 2:42 p.m.

Holierthanthou-You still think you're somebody's daddy🤔. No promises but I'll do my best not to take my frustration out on you. And thank you for saving me🙌🏾.Thanks friend. My hero😌😏.-sent 2:45 p.m.

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