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|Issaiah Love|

She watched as scars covered her body, wincing every time she touched one of the purple marks. Tears streamed down her face as she wondered what she did to deserve the pain she was feeling. She could feel her bruises pulse like it hand a mind of its own. Why me? She thought trying to get out of his eye sight. He was like a firecracker and she never knew when he was going to pop.

"Alright baby sis, all finished."I opened my eyes watching as Rome rubbed the soapy substance off my side. He bit his lip staring intently at the tattoo, making sure he didn't mess it up.

Yes, I had finally gotten one of the many tattoos that I wanted. Now all I had to do was keep it cover until it healed. Of course until I moved into my own place as well.

I walked over to the mirror he had hanging up on the door and looked at it. It was gorgeous."Thank you Roman, I love it."

"No problem baby sis."I ran my hand over it lightly.It was really here."What were you thinking about, while you were getting it done?"

"Did I move around too much? Sorry if I messed you up."

"Nah, you're the first person that's actually never moved while I've inked them."I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know what it was that I was daydreaming about. That was just like my other dreams and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out who those two people were. They looked familiar though."You weren't thinking about the nigga that did that to your neck were you, because I was."I stopped looking at my tattoo and looked at him, cleaning up his equipment as he leaned against the counter watching my reaction.

"Roman, it's not w-"

"Not what I think it is? You're right, I know what that is. Who is he?"Why was he acting like he was one of my big brothers? He hardly knew me, but was trying to confront me about my problems.

"That's none of your business."I pulled my shirt down ready to pay my fee and leave. There was nothing that he could tell me that I didn't already know. I grabbed my bag about to leave when he grabbed my arm making me flinch. What was with everyone grabbing me?

"The way you just reacted, makes it my business. I couldn't live with myself knowing that you're being mistreated and I didn't do anything to at least help you."

"What Roman, what can you possibly tell me that I don't already know?"

"Sit down, baby sis."Doing as he said, I sat back in the chair ready to hurry this lecture up. I swears guys acted like they were your father.


"I'm not about to preach to you, just give you some insight from my perspective."He took a sip from the red cup that he had just poured himself. Was it that serious?"You grew up around guys that were born to protect you. You know how you're supposed to be treated. If this nigga is threatening you and you're scared to tell your brothers, let me know. We don't need another pretty girl losing her life because of a fuck nigga."

"It's not even like that Roman."

"So tell how it is then, because by the look of that shit on your neck, it's like that."

"I can handle myself, he knows who my brothers are and how they are."

"I don't think he does, because if he did, he wouldn't be doing this to you."My phone buzzed on my lap. Looking down at it, I saw it was a text from Amir wondering where I was. I sent him a text letting him know that I was out and I'd be home later for us to "talk", as he put it.

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