Είκοσι εννέα

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Before you read this chapter please understand that I write each part the way I do for a reason. If it happened the way we wanted it to all the time then this book would be a short story. I've written these chapters down on paper in the past before I ever thought about publishing it on wattpad and the difference between the two is drastic. I want this book to be stretched out to the maximum point that it can be but I can't do it if all the expected things happen. Plus the book wouldn't be so interesting without all the twists and turns that I put these characters through. Please appreciate that I'm trying to make this a good read for you guys. Some things may not happen the way you want it to and at the time you want it to but it will happen. Bare with me and understand that I got y'all.

Much Love~Lex

|Foreign Megalos|

I sat in the kitchen eating my breakfast and looked at my phone going over the last two conversations that I had with Sia and Lyric. Shit was crazy what went down between Sai and I. I thought she was going to beat my ass for even attempting to unbutton her pants. I'm glad she let me give her head though. Shit was good, it felt right. We were a little closer than before. I could tell she was more comfortable around me. Probably would give me another chance if I tried.

I fell bad for keeping the Lyric situation from her. Even though we aren't together, I still feel like I owe her. I owe her the truth. Lyric was a thing in the past and even though we ended, it'd be nice to see how things would go if we made shit official. If I could be with both of them it'd be great but I know I have to chose one. I just don't know who.

Lynx walked in the kitchen grabbing herself a bowl and pouring some of the Frosted Flakes that were on the table. She ate a spoonful and stared at me. I knew she was wondering what was going on. Her ass always wanted to know shit.

"So are you and Issaiah dating, or are you two going to be how you and Lyric used to be?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well last night you and Issaiah, you know. What does it mean?"

"It means you need to stay out of grown folks business."

"You're Foreign though, I don't necessarily see you an adult."She ate another spoonful as if she didn't just insult me. I was grown as fuck, making adult decisions.


"No problem. But fore real For, are you going to date Issaiah."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I like her she's cool plus she seems to really like you."

"How do you know she likes me?"

"Because she' always over here and I saw the way she looked when she came in looking for you?"

"How'd she look?"

"Jealous and scared."

"You're so nosey."

"No I'm observant. I sit back and observe."

"Who do you think I should go with?"

"Issaiah, she's cool, cares a lot about you, and she likes hanging out with you. Plus Lyric doesn't even know about me."

"She knows about you."

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