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Foreign Megalos

"Let me go, you're going to make me late for work."

"Just ten more minutes."

"You said that ten minutes ago. I have to go daddy Foreign."

"If you had to go, you wouldn't be calling me that, now would you?"

"I'm sorry."

"Come on miss work."

"I have bills to make. I'll be back to pick you up from Omega's at 10:00."

"Aight, I guess I'll let you go."

"Thank you, daddy."Lyric got up and kissed my cheek before leaving out the room and out the house. I stretched a little before getting up and going to the window to let some fresh air into the room. I stripped the bed and put it in the washer machine to run while I was taking a shower.

I hadn't told Lyric that I had kissed Issaiah. I knew that I had to just so if things ever got more serious between us she wouldn't feel like secretes were kept from her. On the other hand, we're not together and I'm pretty sure she just sees us more as friends than me as a potential boyfriend.

Issaiah has my head fucked up and I knew I had her head fucked up. When I told her that I didn't have any feelings towards her, I was serious. Just because we kissed doesn't meant he we were automatically going to start dating. If that was the kiss, most of these nigga that fucked different girls would've married them. Troubled followed this girl everywhere and I was already a big target for the police. I couldn't risk that.

"Foreign, you know that you're not supposed to have girls over."Lynx came in my room and stood against the wall with her arms crossed. If she was going to tell on me then she could. I'm grown ass man, I can have whoever I want over.

"But I did so get out my room and mind your business little girl."

"I'm telling."

"Ok, go be a snitch then."I saw her roll her eyes mad that I wasn't intimidated by her threat. She better be glad I never told on her about her friend being over here.

"Why was Meg's friend over here talking to you?"

"Because we had some business to take care of."

"I don't know why everyone treats me like a little kid."

"Because you are Lyn. Trust me, you don't want to grow up too fast. Being an adult is hard."

"Easy for you to say when you're already an adult."

"Lynx I'm not trying to trick you or anything. You're new to the world about everything it can offer you and everything that it can take away."

"What has it taken away from you?"

"My time, freedom, dignity. All I'm saying is don't be in a rush. Enjoy being taken care of for a while."

"I guess I'll stay a kid for now."

"That's what I love to here. Let yourself be taken care of, the less you worry about things that ma and pops should be focused on the better for you."

"You're right."

"As always."

"That girl though, the one that was here to talk to you."

"What about her?"

"She's pretty, and I saw the way she looked at you. I think she might like you."

"How do you get that from a simple look?"She shrugged her shoulders.

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