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It's Saturday you guys, so let me stick to my word and update right now.

Enjoy and make sure you guys comment. I love your comments. You guys always hype me up.


|Issaiah Love|

"JoJo, grab your sister's hand."

"No she just dug her nose."

"You used to do the same exact thing, so grab her hand so we can cross the street. I will give you some hand sanitizer when we get to the park."

"Ugh ok."My sister did not pay me enough for this type of behavior. I was currently babysitting my niece and nephew while my sister and her boyfriend went on a date. They both worked at different times so lunch was all they could do. Originally I had plans to spend the day with my bugga, but since my brothers needed him, he went with them.

I loved being with him, but always being inconvenienced when it was our time to link up, was irritating me. I deserved to spend time with my boyfriend when I wanted to. Is that too much to ask?

"Can I get some now Ti-Sai?"

"Yes you can my love."I dug in my purse in search of my small bottle. Finding it, I pulled it out and gave some to him."Now go play with your sister."

"But she doesn't know how to play."

"So teach her."

"Fine."He rolled his eyes, catching a little fit. Ever since he turned eight, he acted as if he didn't need to watch after his sister. He used to be so protective over her, like a little guard dog. He didn't want to be around her now, but let something happen to her and he'll blame himself.

I smiled watching them interact with some other kids in the park. Making friends was so easy at that age but now as a teenager and even as an adult, it was very seldom that you gained a friend that would still be there with you when you got up there in age. Luckily for me I have Omega and Merci.

"Excuse meh ma'am I'm lookin fa' dis' girl. She's sexy as hell, wit'a fat ass and an even bigga mouth? You seen her 'round?"A small smile crept on my face as I heard his familiar voice. Turning around, I saw my fine ass boyfriend standing there with a bouquet of red roses. He was making it really hard for me to be mad at him.

"Yeah, I've seen her, but I'm sure her boyfriend pissed her off, because he ditched her for her brothers. You may know him, cocky nigga, loves to let other girls ride in his car, and he hangs with two of the biggest players."Amir sucked his teeth placing the flowers down in front of me. His hands reached out to the table locking me in so I couldn't go anywhere. He had a sly grin on his face only making me wonder more, what was he trying to do.

"Dis' how you want ta' play, huh?"

"I'm not playing Amir, I'm serious. What if I was to ditch you to go hang out- I'm sorry "handling business"- with my friends? You wouldn't like that would you?"

"You was tha' one who wanted ta' keep our relationship a secret."

"And you agreed because you know how my brothers are. If I would've known that you were working with my brothers, I would've left you alone."

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