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R.I.P to Aretha Franklin who has died at the tender age of 76. She was the queen of soul and was a trailblazer with great quality music. You will be deeply missed but you legacy will forever live on.

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos

The timer to the buzzer for our routine shower rings signaling that the water was no longer running. This time, I was fortunate to get rinsed all the way off. I wrap my towel around my waist, grab my hygiene bag, and walk to the counter. Faint bruises ran up my sides and scratches cover my face. All I've been trying to do is keep my head down and keep my nose clean but niggas were trying my g. Some niggas from before caught me slipping and beat my ass. Niggas couldn't stand to see you have what they only dreamed of getting. Like I was the reason for them always being in some shit. Jealousy was a bitch.

I finish up and change into my clothes as quick as possible. Officer Warren and officer Jones were walking around making sure that we were getting dressed and not playing around or getting into fights.

"Let's go inmates, time is ticking!"

"Move your ass Bishop!"I get in line with other people making sure I didn't give them a reason to single me out. Even when I didn't do shit they were quick to try to fuck with me. I couldn't catch a break at all.

I bet Sai is at home praying up a storm that I'd come to my senses and ask for her help. I wasn't this rich white man that did my dirt and could get treated like a child because I was sheltered and didn't know any better. I was a biracial kid who had been through this shit before and they're not looking to help me. This is strike two for me so taking this to court could end my ass and land me life just because the judge saw what he perceived to be a black kid that didn't know any better. My fate would be chosen before I even get a chance to step foot in that courtroom.

"Fields lead us out."The line starts to move and everyone follows in suit. We are now on our way back to our cells where we spend majority of our time each day. It was one hour of being outdoors, an hour of recreation, and an hour for each meal that they decided to give us. Someone always seems to fuck up our times because they couldn't chill for ten minutes without trying to start some beef.

Once we make it back to our block, we are let go to go back to our cells where we are left to sit and reevaluate our actions. My ass didn't do shit but try to defend myself. How does it look letting five niggas beat my ass without me fighting back. I wasn't a fucking pussy; I was going to get in a few hits.

I walk into my cell with Mr. Major and try my best to deal with the pain that I was feeling on my sides as I try to lay down.

"You let your girl know you got your ass beat yet?"

"Nah, I'm not ready to tell her plus I doubt she'd come up here knowing that I still haven't agreed to her and her mom helping me."

"So what, you're just going to stay in here and hope that you get out early for good behavior."


"Either way you go, you will still be given an attorney so you can plead guilty and then you'll be sentenced. Going through that, you might as well have help form your girl."

"I get it but I don't feel like fighting this right now. I already know what the judge is going to say."

"How can you be sure that the judge will give you a full sentence if you don't try?"

"I've already been to jail for some shit that I didn't do. I'm guilty this time and there's no reason why that judge won't give me the maximum time."

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