Εβδομήντα έξι

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Sorry that it's taken me a while to post. I've been busy moving and settling in to a new state and living arrangements. It's been crazy but I'm doing a lot better. I got some tea about my old apartment complex so when that gets taken care of I will update you with that.

Hurricane season is among us so I'm praying for you guys out there in the Carolinas. Puerto Rico, Lo siento sinceramente y profundamente for how Trump is treating your casualties and deaths. You guys showed us so much love in our time of need and we can't even deliver you guys water bottles properly that could've made a difference in your death rates. To know that it was sitting out there just 30 minutes away and no one told you guys like people's priorities are fucked up. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive us. Y'all really didn't deserve that.

To all my people that are already affected by the storms, I pray you and your family have made it to safety. I pray that you are being cautious and safe. I pray that this storm passes with a quickness so that you guys can get back to your proper living conditions.

If there's other places that's been affected by the storms that I didn't mention let me know and I will put it in the next update. Stay strong and stay prayed up, there is truly power in the tongue.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Outside waiting on you bae-sent 11:23 a.m.

Merci-On my way down now sweets-sent 11:23 a.m.

I look in the mirror at my makeup loving how it turned out. Since I didn't have but only hour long visits with Foreign, I placed the rest of my time into working on makeup. It was nothing major , just a little more than I normally did. As long as I look presentable, I was cool. Going in my purse, I search for my ruby colored lip tint and apply that and then some clear lipgloss to give it a shine.

"Damn girl, Foreign getting released today?"Merci slides into my car with ease checking her makeup as well.

"No why?"

"You're all did up, face beat and shit."

"It's not all that, it's good."

"Good, nigga that's extravagant."

"Stop playing."

"Why would I play with you, you look good sis."I smile in appreciation.

"Thank you and you look bomb per usual."She flips her hair.

"You know nothing major."

"Where do you want to start our day off with doing?"

"Breakfast and then I need to stop by the club to grab my check."

"I'll just pay for everything and you can pay me back later."Going back was the last thing I wanted to do. I never want to step foot in that club unless I absolutely had to and even then, I wouldn't.

"It'll be quick."

"No Merciana, if you want your check go take your car and get it."

"Fine I'll just use the bit of cash I have and get it later."

"Thank you."For her to even make that suggestion was suspect. She knew what he did to me and she still wanted me to be within ten feet of it for her check. Damn, where is your compassion for me?

I pull out of the parking space and drive to the first stop sign of many until we are out of her apartment complex and on the road. She leans forward and turns the music on. Barbie Dreams we're already playing.

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