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|Issaiah Love|

"Alright Issaiah, I'm leaving out so you should be behind me."Daddy announces as he gets up from his seat at the kitchen table and puts his plate in the sink.

"Right behind you."Doing the same as him, I get up and put my plate in the sink. I then go over to Vision and Josiah to kiss them goodbye and hug my sister.

"You be good today at school Jo Jo or I'll make a trip down there myself."

"Yes ma'am."I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

"Shy Shy, share your crayons ok mama."

"Kay."I kiss her cheek as well.

"Bye Za Za."

"By Sai, have fun with daddy."She laughs because she knows this was torture for me.

"Shut up, that's why you have to give people catheters and empty bed pans."

"Don't try me, you know I save lives."

"It's a beautiful day to save lives."

"Ayeee."She does a little dance catching on to my reference to Grey's Anatomy.


"And that's my cue, bye babies."I run to the car not trying to get left. Since daddy and I weren't seeing eye to eye I try to sit in the back but he stops me. There were rules that he wants to go over with me.

"I want to go over some rules with you."

"I already know the rules, daddy."

"Tell them to me then."

"Be respectful, listen, give eye contact, don't make you look bad, and stay away from boys."

"I guess you do know them."

"You drilled it in my head since I was a kid."

"And I see it paid off."I roll my eyes and shift in my seat."Your uncle Kazimir is excited that you're going to be working with him. He said he's going to keep a close eye on you for me."

"Of course he is."

"He's just looking out for you. It's a big shop with a lot of wandering eyes."

"I'll be fine, I can handle myself."

"I know you can."

"So if you know that I can then why does uncle Kaz have to keep an eye on me."

"Precautionary measures."

"Sure."He looks at me for a second before he moves his attention to the road and turns left."Why can't Uncle Kaz tell them to just lay off and make sue they're doing what they're supposed to?"

"That's not how it goes, you're just going to have to deal with it."

"Like everything else."

"Aye, you better be glad that you have someone making sure you're safe, most people would kill for a parent that cares about them and their safety."

"I'm grateful for it, but you don't have to be a helicopter dad all the time. Von isn't that way with Benji."

"Von and I are two different types of people."


"I have every right to worry about you. You're my youngest daughter, whatever happens to you I'm accountable for and I'll be damned if it let something else happen to you because I listened to you and eased up on making sure you were safe."

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