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Y'all, it is really hard for me to write in a guy's perspective. I'm trying my best, so don't write anything negative in the comments. Tell me what y'all think about this chapter and give me advise on how to make Foreign sound like a guy in the comments.

Much Love-Lex

Foreign Megalos

Omega took me with him to school. There was an opening here for custodial work. It wasn't my first option but it was something so of course I was going to jump at the opportunity. It wasn't that many people who wanted a nigga who had a record like mine. Second chances just wasn't a thing anyone was giving out anymore. When they looked at me, they saw a criminal instead of a changed man who was remorseful of his actions. I bet they had some skeletons in their closet, but since no one opened it yet, they were safe.

I sat on a bench in front of the office waiting for the boss to get there so I could inquire about the job.

"Foreign, right?"Some girl came up to me wearing the tightest dress making sure her ass and breast could be seen, but I wasn't complaining.

"Who's asking?"

"Xena, I was at your release party before everything got crazy."She held her hand out for me to shake and I gladly took it.

"You sure, I would've remembered you?"

"I was going to come over, but I saw you talking and I didn't want to interrupt what you had going on with that girl."Xena was coming off innocent and well mannered, but I knew she had a little street side to her.

"That would've been fine, that girl doesn't mean anything to me."

"I'll remember that next time I see you."

"So you go to this school?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Thinking about it, but I'm not sure yet?"She wrote something down on a sheet of paper before ripping it and placing it in my hand.

"In case you ever need a tour guide around this school. It has a lot of curves that could confuse you."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to use it."

"Bye."I saluted her and watched her walk away. Before I got up, I made sure that she was a good distance away so she wouldn't see me. I walked up to the door and knocked waiting for whoever was in charge of the janitors to come out.

"Yes, how can I help you?"Mr.Walker, the head of all the janitors asked as I knocked on the door.

"I was wondering if there was still an opening for a new janitor?"Shit was embarrassing to ask, but I needed a job. I had to get back on my feet fast.

"Do you have any experience?"

"If you count cleaning my parents' house, then yes."

"As long as you know how to sweep, mop, and clean toilets, you can have the job."

"You sure there isn't any other positions available?"

"If you know how to teach quantum physics or anything about Comp 1 be my guest, but if you don't want this job, I know some people who could use the money."

"No, I'll take it. How much is it?"

"Minimum wage and you work ten hours a day, from 8:00 to 6:00. You get two breaks and you work Monday through Saturday."

"When do I start?"

"Right now."He turned around and grabbed the uniform and a broom."Here, sweep floor three in the math building."I walked to the bathroom and changed just content that I had this job now. This wasn't going to last forever so I wasn't worried, but I knew niggas would try to clown me. I just got out, I'm not trying to get back in.

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