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I finally watched Acrimony and biiiiiitch, let me tell you. Taraji P. Henson, girl, Melinda, Mel, you played your part you played your part. Amazing. I was mad with you for how he treated you. How he did us. Girl, I would've help you kill both of them. You get him while I get her. You're not crazy, you're pissed and you deserved half for your pain and suffering. If you haven't watched it, please do so. Tyler Perry and Taraji knew what they were doing when this movie was though of and created.

Also, have y'all heard about Tristan Thompson cheating on Khloe Kardashian. Do I feel bad for her? No one fucking bit because that's what she gets. The same way you got his ass is the same way you lost him. Should've left him alone with his fiancé and mother of his son. You thought y'all was so in love. Bitch you thought wrong.

Ok so apparently we just bombed Syria for a chemical attack on its own people so we might die soon. I'm praying for us and y'all president that we don't go to war.
|Issaiah Love|

I walk into Dame's office to collect my last check that I'll ever receive from working here. This job has treated me well, better than I could have ever imagined. But like most good things, they eventually have to end. This was my time to find something different for myself.

"Issaiah, how are you?"


"You know we're missing you being here. Your customers have asked about you."

"Yeah, I figured they would."I sighed trying to make this less hard than it had to be. All I planned to do was collect my check and leave. Having small talk was not on my list.

"You sure you don't want to come back?"

"Positive. This isn't a safe and healthy environment for me to be in."Dame still doesn't have a clue what Alonzo did to me and I wasn't going to tell him. It wasn't a need to when I wasn't going to be around anymore.

"I get you, things change."


"This isn't because of how Alonzo has been acting has it?"He leans back in his chair and examines me.

"Doesn't matter any more. I mean, I never planned on working here for long. I have to leave some time you know."He leaned back in his chair and examined me. I tried to keep my facial expressions limited.

"Well do you mind at at least working the rest of this week until I find someone new?"

"What happened to Alonzo do it?"

"He has the flu or something so he won't be in for a while."

"I really don't think I should. I only came to get my check not get hired back."

"Please Issaiah, Merci needs help and I can't pull any of the dancers or the customers will get pissed."

"I'm sorry Dame. I get that you're understaffed but I don't think I'm fit to help you right now."

"At least take the day to think about it. If it helps, I'll pay you time and a half."

"But I-"He cut me off.

"Just think about it."

"Fine."He passed me my check and sent me on my way.

In no way, shape or, form was I going to go be going back to that place. Time and a half was not going to convince me otherwise. I walk out of his office and go back to the dance floor to get to the exit. I was just going to walk out but I decided to talk to Merci before I left.

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