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RIP to Junior who held such a big impact to his community. He was a beacon of light to a place that was so dark. In my opinion he was the perfect son to his parents. I know there are no words that can bring him back but just know that you were deeply appreciated and they are getting justice for you. You didn't deserve to die by the hands of monsters that had hatred in their hurt. Your legacy will forever live on.

RIP to Baby girl Luz who got ran over because someone was so impatient and wasn't paying attention. She was only four years old and she lost her life to a reckless driver. I've been seeing posts about her and they're saying that the person in charge for the manslaughter won't get charged because they'll call ICE on them. Either way weather she's an undocumented immigrant that doesn't mean that you can kill someone and not have consequences happen to you. I pray that Luz's killer gets the appropriate punishment and I hope her mother has someone to lean on in her time of need.

Let's keep both Junior's and Luz's families in our prayers.

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos


I sit in a van with a load of other niggas that was as misfortunate as I was. We're all lucky to be in here with minimum damage to us. No telling how far they could've gone with any of us. I can live with these handcuffs, I just wish that they were looser. These handcuffs felt like they were ripping my skin from how tight these motherfuckers put them on me. All I can think about is how Issaiah is handling all of this. I know this can't be good for her. I was trying to protect her and let that nigga know that she's not to be messed with but it backfired. I'm going to jail and there's nothing that I can do about it. Now anybody can try and get at her and I won't be able to protect her. Fuuuckk!

"This is bullshit, I didn't even do nothing."One of these guys yells out. Both cops get in the front and look back at us. Officer Thomas opens his mouth to talk, with attitude in his voice.

"If you didn't do anything then you wouldn't be in here. Now sit back and shut up before we beat your ass."

"This is exactly why I'm in this piece of shit. You bitches can't look past color."

"What the fuck did I just tell you?!"Officer Thomas stats to get up trying to get to the person that is arguing with. His partner tries his best to stop him.

"Chill man."

"Pussy ass!"The cop nods his head. I already know that his ass getting beat.

I kept quiet not trying to get any more time given to me. Plus they ass was not going to get a chance beat my ass and call it self-defence. We were riding for the longest time before we had to stop and get the rest of the ones that needed to be picked up. They enter the van quietly and take a seat as best as they could. This van was as crowded as the penitentiary that we were about to be in.

A few hours later, we were pulling up and getting out. They were pushing and shoving trying to rush us inside. Majority of us wasn't having it and if it weren't for these handcuffs and the fact that they had guns and tasers, hands would've been thrown.

One by one we walk inside and went through the routined booking. We follow one after the other to get our mug shots and fingerprints scanned in. Mine was already in there from the last time and I knew some of these motherfuckers would recognize me soon.

"Oh, Megalos."Officer Edwards said coming up to harass me. We never go along and I doubt anything would change this time around. In fact, we'd butted heads and fought before because he thought that I was going to roll over and do as he said.

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