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Gather around children, we need to have a serious talk. Over the past few weeks, I have received so many votes, comments, and reads on my book. Not to mention the follows from you guys. Since I started writing this book, I've seen so much from you guys. While I love all the love that y'all are showing to my book, I'm sorry to say that I will not be continuing this book. It's just too much for me right now. I just need to focus on me right now and get myself together. How I feel right now, I might just delete it. I don't know. But what I do know is that I just need to stop here for some time. How long? I have no clue, but you guys will know when I put a new chapter up. Since this is the last chapter for a while, it'll be a banger. Sorry guys. BTE gang gang🤘🏽👌🏾

Side note:Please pray for me and everyone affected by Irma. So many people have lost their homes and many have lost their lives. Now Jose and Katia is behind Irma. Lord please be with us. For real please pray for us.

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos

"Lyn, come on before I leave."

"I'm coming, I'm coming jeez."

"A little faster please."

"Now you know that only makes me go slower."

"And that only makes me want to leave you."I unlocked the doors to the car and got in. I was on my way to see Issaiah once again and Lynx wanted to come along so I agreed. She'd recently started calling Issaiah her sis in law and it only made me feel bad for Lyric. Lyric had been trying her hardest to get Lynx to like her but Lyn wouldn't budge.

"Whatever, let's go I want to see my sis in law."

"Please do not say that round Lyric. You know how she gets."

"Actually I don't because I don't like to be around her and I don't care how she's going to react."


"Foreign. I don't like her and there isn't anything that either one of you can do to make me like her."

"She's trying, so please try for me."

"You're my brother and I love you but no."

"Come on Lynx."

"No Foreign, I don't like her and you can't make me like her."

"What if I pay you?"She groaned out as if she was frustrated with me. I was getting frustrated with her because she wasn't giving Lyric a chance. I wanted my girlfriend and sister to get along. What was wrong with that?

"Why did you have to say that?"


"Foreign I'm petty. So put petty and me not liking her together and you know that I'm not going to keep the fact you bribed me to like her to myself. You gave me ammunition and now I have to blast her."

"Lynx, you better not."She gave me a look before she looked to her phone and put her headphones in. I never thought I'd see the day when my little sister turned on me.

I shook my head and turned left at the light before I drove down further and pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"You got a text For."I grabbed my phone seeing that it was from Lyric.

Lyric Da Bae: I'm sorry baby but they actually need me at work so I won't be able to meet up with you to go see Issaiah, I'm sorry.-sent 2:34 p.m.

It's fine. Go ahead and make that money.-sent 2:36 p.m.

Lyric Da Bae:Thank you for understanding.-sent 2:37 p.m.

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