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Alright you guys, I know you have your opinions about Foreign but he's not the bad guy. Yes he broke Issaiah's heart but it wasn't intentional. He was just a guy who had feelings for two girls and he finally chose. Do not get mad at him because his gut told him to go with Lyric. Y'all know y'all have chosen the wrong person once or twice. Yes our girl Sai is hurt but she'll bounce back. Hell she might even find someone new. Just stop the angry mobbing and throwing of tomatoes at Foreign and actually understand where he's coming from.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"I'm sorry. I'm really feeling you on some heavy shit, but I have to go with gut and it's telling me Lyric. I have to see where this goes with us. I promised myself that if I had a second chance with her then I'd take it. This is my second chance."

That line that he spoke to me stayed stuck in my head on repeat. It replayed in my head over and over and I couldn't shake the feeling that I felt while hearing it. My stomach turned and my heart broke with every word. I could still hear the way he said it to me. I pictured the way he looked at me every time I closed my eyes. I wonder if he heard the cracking of my heart when it finally reached the pit of my stomach. Wondered if he noticed the slight hint of resentment when he told me that he was choosing Lyric.  I wondered if he could read my mind telling him that choosing her was going to be the biggest mistake that he'd ever made.

I grabbed another box of tissues and blew my nose. The tears just wouldn't stop coming. I'd never cried so much in my life. I was so tired from all of this crying. He had me crying over him and it wasn't even worth it. No nigga was worth my tears.

My head hurt, my nose was stuffed, and my heart ached. It was like someone ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it into a million pieces. Instead of someone it was Foreign. He chose her over me. There was always a possibility that he could chose her over me but I didn't think he'd actually do it. Between me and her I was the better option. Granted she could offer him sex but I could offer him something way better than that. I could give him a whole lot of firsts.

It had been a full four days since I'd last seen him and my I still felt the same way on day one.

"Sai."Someone knocked on my door but I didn't feel like being bothered.

"Go away!"


"Leave me alone how many times do I have to tell you?"Whoever it was, was really irritating me.

"Little girl, you have to the count of three to open this door before I get your father in here."Von spoke out putting her disciplinary voice on."Three."She waited for a second and then continued when she didn't hear any footsteps."Two."Once again she stopped, but I still didn't get up."Fine I'll go get your father."

"What?"I swung the door opened trying to make a whole in the wall.

"Girl you better take that attitude out of your voice. I don't know what happened to you but that doesn't mean you can walk around here being disrespectful."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now I need you to go to the grocery store for me."

"Why can't you have someone else do it?"

"Because I'm asking you. Plus you need some sunlight and fresh air. You've been cooped up in this room long enough."

"Do I really have to go?"

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