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|Issaiah Love|

"Class dismissed! Papers must be turned in today by 11:59p.m. and I will not keep it open for you procrastinators." Mr. Martin tells us at the end of class. We have a paper on our majors and what we want to do with them career wise. I was still undecided, so it was harder for me to write, but I was determined to get it done.

I gathered my belongings and walked outside the classroom and exited the resource building to finally go home after dealing with four different teachers who demanded the same amount of work from me. I had a test in African American History. An assignment in Calculus this test, and two assignments to finish from my World studies class. They wanted so much from us and was so tiresome.

"Issaiah, the most beautiful girl on campus?"Josh announces as he catches up with me.

"What do you want?"

"Your notes for history."He wrapped his arm around my shoulders trying to show me his pearly whites like that persuade me more to help him.

"Where are yours?"

"I didn't take any."

"This is your history that you decided to learn about and you didn't take notes?"

"I was busy."

"Well now I'm going to be busy studying my own notes. Good luck."

"Come on Sai! Help your man out?"

"Boy please, my man is Foreign."

"Oh you two are an actual thing now."

"Sure are, been that way since Valentine's Day."

"Congratulations, I thought it be us two but I'm happy that you're happy."

"Still not getting my notes, but thank you for that."

"Can I at least take a picture of them."

"Fine."We stopped at a near by table. Going in my book bag, I pulled out my binder for history and turned to the chapter's notes.

"All of these?"

"I write down everything she says. Some of us isn't as important as the others but I'd study it anyway. You know she likes to give bonus questions."

"Thank you."

"Uh huh."He starts to take pictures of damn near every page I had. Watch how his ass doesn't study all of them though.

"Issaiah!"Someone yells my name making me turn my head in the direction that it came from. Foreign came walking up with Omega and Merci. What did they have going on?

"You keep the crew with you huh?"

"Not really, I don't know what they're doing here."I fold my arms and wait for them to get closer.

"Issaiah, why aren't you answering my calls?"Foreign was quick to ask, pulling me away from my conversation with Josh. Why did he have to do this? It was clear, he didn't want to tell me the reason why he couldn't kiss me. He didn't need to pop up on me to do the same thing.

"I don't know, you tell me."I cross my arms and look at him with an unpleased look look on my face.

"I told I couldn't tell you."

"Ok, so don't try to call me. Simple as that."

"Man, you're tripping."

"Damn right I'm tripping! Who the fuck wouldn't trip about this except for a bum ass nigga?! You're putting me in that position."He didn't want to tell me why he didn't want to kiss me so I wasn't going to press the issue. I wasn't going to let him think we were cool right now either.

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