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|Issaiah Love|

"C'mon baybeh."

"Can I please take this blindfold off now?"

"Nah, I told ya it's a surprise."

"Please, you know I hate surprises."

"Dis' one ya gonna love."

"I better."Amir held a tight grip onto my waist as he guided me to the destination. I hated surprises, because they never went as planned.

"Promise baybeh."

"Say it again."

"Baybeh, baybeh, baybeh. Na' keep walkin', we almost dea."I stayed quiet for the rest of the time. It was sweet of him to do this especially for our first date. He was already setting my expectations high."Ok na you can open ya eyes."The blindfold was taken off of my eyes and I found myself at the same amusement park that I used to go to when I was a kid. He really did listen.

"Damn, you're good. So you were listening."I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tippy toes to kiss him. How could he be so perfect?

"I always listen. I'm glad ya like it."

"More like love, bugga."

"What I tell ya 'bout callin' me dat' shit?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"I'm not'a kid."

"I know, but that's my nickname for you."

"Not feelin' it."I shrugged my shoulders because I was going to call him that either way.

"Get used to it, because I'm still going to call you that, bugga."

"A'ighht, I gotcha."I leaned my head back and laughed. He was being so petty.

"Come on, I want to ride some roller coasters."We walked hand and hand to one that was called Dragon, it had a many ups and downs, loops and turns and the shit went fast as hell.

"How many?"The worker asked looking bored as hell. Half these people at amusement parks always look done with life.

"Two."Amir passed the guy our tickets before we took two seats that was in the middle. He was looking scared as hell, but he tried to cover it up for me. I kept my mouth closed not trying to embarrass him. The ride began to go, speeding all around the tracks. My hair started blowing getting all in my face. Everyone was screaming, some people had their hands up. I kept mine down because it was not that serious.

After five minutes the ride was over and everyone was getting off. The look on Amir's face was priceless, he looked like he had just shit bricks.

"You didn't like it?"

"Fuck nah, tha' shit went too fast."

"Good thing I wasn't scared, because you wrapping your arms around me to comfort me would've been a fail."

"Oh ya mean like dis?"Amir stopped me from walking and placed me in front of him. His chest was against my back, locking his thumbs into my belt loops. I could feel his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes smiling a bit before turning my head to kiss his lips tenderly.

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