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For future notice, Foreign will rarely get a big POV unless I feel like I can write a good enough part for him. I get that you want to hear Foreign's thoughts, but I just can't get into the mindset to write for him. Plus this book is mainly about Issaiah. For will get parts I promise, he just won't have them as much as Issaiah. But if you want him to have more POVs than I can offer, you are welcome to message me ideas on what you think should happen next and I will be more that happy to try and incorporate that into the next chapter.

Also, I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. A G's birthday was lit my sister and I went shopping, out to eat, and went to the movies. Nothing major just something small. A big thanks to you guys that have been commenting, reading, voting on my chapters, adding this book to y'all libraries, and following me. I swear we're on the come up, getting closer and closer to the goal. BTE gang shit. Whole lotta gang shit.🤘🏽👌🏾

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos

I sat in the backseat with Sai in my lap. King was driving. Wes was in the front seat. Josh on the left side of me and Lyric was on the right trying to clean as many of the wounds as possible. O was all the way on the back looking like he was contemplating his life.

Everyone was trying to place blame on each other as if it was really our fault. I know I didn't do shit wrong leaving her in O's apartment while we left. That pussy ass ex of hers was to blame. Sorry ass nigga. What kind of person brings other guys to another man's apartment to beat on a girl just because she broke up with you? Please help me understand. Niggas will be butt hurt over that shit like they can't find any other chick that wants to be with them. Willingly at that.

I looked down at Sai seeing that almost her whole face was swollen and filled with cuts. She held tight onto my shirt, groaning a bit from time to time. We were almost at the hospital and then she could get all the help she need. Her eyes were slightly open and I could feel her staring a hole in the side of my face. I didn't feel like looking her in her eyes right now. I did stupid shit when I looked in them. Like letting a nigga live who didn't deserve it.

"Yo, can you go any fucking faster?!"

"I'm going as fast as I can nigga."

"You going fucking 15 you can go 50!"

"Nigga I am going 50."


"Why the fuck do you care so much anyway? You don't even like her."Wes asked. I'm pretty sure he was the most effected by this and he barely had a relationship with Sai.

"Just because I don't like her doesn't mean that I don't feel bad for her."

"You a fucking lie. I know yo grimey ass happy she in this predicament."

"Shut the fuck up, you sound dumb right now."I tried my best not to mover around since the slightest move affected Issaiah, but these nigga were getting on my nerves. They were not about to make be out to be the bad guy especially when they didn't even know how deep our relationship went.

"Nigga we all know you got some vendetta or some shit against the girl."

"You think I would go out my fucking way to wish harm on her. If I don't care about the girl I won't bother myself with even thinking about her."

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