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You guys, I'm about to start working two jobs and also take 4 college classes. I'm about to be full time with all of this. I'm excited but I'm also nervous because I know that I'm a procrastinator and I have a horrible study habit. I'm going to make this work though, I cannot afford to miss another semester of school. Pray for me you guys.

Let me tell y'all what happened to me at work last night. So I work at Amazon, as a dispatcher. We have this system to let everyone one that we ran our plan for the hour. The plan is a button that we run to put all the orders that come in together so a driver can have 5+ orders assigned to them as a route instead of just one order. But as you should know something always goes wrong at work that we have to fix. So that's what I was doing, I was handling an issue that involved the site that I was working with and the person that was the head of my zone got mad that I didn't turn my green light on. So he's asking me to turn my light on but I'm not doing it because like I said, I was handling something more important than turning a light on. I tell him that I was handling something and he tells me that I still need to turn my light on.

I go on still trying to handle business on my site ignoring him. He tells me that I need to look at him when he's talking to me. I got so mad but I can't act a fool at work. But best believe he wasn't going to get his way. That light still didn't get turned on by me.

The girl that was sitting next to me had to let me know that he was pointing his finger at me like he was trying to discipline me. This isn't even the first time that something like this has happened between us. I went to one of my managers and let them know once again what he has done and that I CANNOT be around this guy anymore. I refused to be belittled and disrespected by a person that is making the same amount of many as me, that came to this job after me, and doesn't know more about the job more than me. I may be younger than him but honey, I'm grown. I have parents of my own that already tell me what to do, I don't need some guy that isn't signing my checks to tell me what to do.

We both work Sunday so I'll see what happens with that. If it doesn't get handled then I am going to go hire up and file a complaint for harassment because that's what it was.

Let me know what y'all think I should've done.

Much love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Lord, I come to you now wholeheartedly asking for your forgiveness the only way I know how. Please forgive me for my actions that didn't represent you in the best way. Please forgive me for saying things that I shouldn't have. Forgive me please for everything that wasn't a reflection of you, God. I know it's been a minute since we'd last talked, but I need you right now Lord. I need you to take this pain away that's heavy in my heart. Lord, I know I'm not deserving of anything that you do for me but please. This pain is unbearable and I can't take it. I know you won't give me more than I can bare, but this is just too much. I'm trying to get back to the old me, but I've been the new me for so long that I just don't know. Lord I need your guidance. Please show me signs that all of this wasn't for nothing. That all of this has a purpose. In your name Jesus I pray. Amen."

"Issaiah, we're waiting on you."Von yelled to me from the opposite end of my bedroom door.

"Coming."I stood up from praying and fixed my dress in the mirror.

Today was Sunday, which meant church. A place that I hadn't seen in a while and was ready to go back and visit. With everything that's been going on with Foreign, it slipped my mind. I was ready to get back to it though.

I walked out my room and joined everyone in the living room.

"About time."Saga said walking out of the kitchen with food in his mouth.

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