Εικοσι εξι

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You guys know that I appreciate all of you, right? I'm grateful that you chose my book to read, but I need to see more comments. I'm not asking for thousands of them, but you know.

Comment, I want your feedback.

Much Love-Lex

Foreign Megalos

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay?"My mother asked running her fingers through my hair as she looked like she was on the verge of breaking down.

"I'll be fine, ma. Don't worry about me, just go home and get some rest."

"πολύτιμο μου αγοράκι."(My precious baby boy.)I smiled a little as she bent down to kiss my cheek.

"We'll be back tomorrow to check on you, son."

"Take care of ma."I looked to my sister who stood off to the side being quiet and timid."Come here Lyn."

"No."I could see tears start to form in her eyes. My baby sis was scared.

"For real, come here."

"What For?"She finally made it over to me but she tried her best not to look at me.

"I'm going to be fine. Your brother is tough. Can't nothing stop me."

"I just hate that you're like this."

"I do too, but we can't think about the negative. Just be happy that I'm going to be out of here and that I'm ok."


"Now give me a kiss."She bend down and kissed my cheek."I love you."

"Love you too."I watched her walk out before I took a deep breath.

I laid in the hospital bed hooked up to tubes as I struggled to breath properly. My body hurt, my eyes were sore, and I was uncomfortable. I hated this shit. How out of the whole family did I get stuck with sickle cell anemia? Why was I the chosen one? My mother did everything right when she was pregnant with me, but I end up getting it.

Everybody came in bringing gifts and checking on me. As usual Wes, King, and O were making jokes at my disposal. But I'm glad they were. I didn't need them acting any different just because I was in the hospital. People irritated me always switching how their attitude when they found out you were hurt or in the hospital. If you were a dick before I got here then be a dick while I'm here. No need for you to start switching up because I'm going to be cool regardless.

I pulled out my phone checking it to see if Lyric sent me anything. She wasn't trying to be bothered with my ass right now. I tried to call and go down to her job, but she wasn't with the shit right now.

I got where she was coming from, but she couldn't say shit about me kissing Issaiah when we never made things official. She didn't want to jump in a relationship right now and I was cool with it. You can't want a nigga to have a relationship behavior when you're telling him that he can have a fuckboy attitude. That doesn't work for anyone. Although I agree with Issaiah, that was not her place to go and run her mouth. I swear if it's not sending the cops after me, it's running her mouth about shit that doesn't concern her.

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