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Ohh my fucking gosh, this book has made it to 67k reads. Y'all really want to see a real one be great. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We're almost there. Y'all believing in me and I'm so grateful. BTE Gang Gang Gang👌🏾🤘🏾 FNGS Gang Gang🖕🏾💰

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Take these damn pills Sai."

"No, they're disgusting and you guys never let me have anything but water to drink with them."

"That's because the fucking bottle says to either take them with water or swallow the shit dry. Yo ass better be grateful that we let you have water because if was up to me I'd make yo ass use your spit."

"That's why nobody likes your mean and hateful ass."Saga shoved the two pills in my hands and stood there waiting on me to take them. Since I'd gotten out of the hospital I was forced to take medicine to make sure I didn't get an infection anywhere. My wounds were almost done healing and to make sure that they healed properly, I had to take that nasty medicine that was prescribed to me.

"Do it look like I give a fuck?"

"Do it look like I give a fuck?"I mocked trying to imitate the same face he made. Saga slapped my leg making me ball my fists up ready to hit him back.

"Grab this water, my arm's getting tired."I snatched the water out of Benji's hand and took my medicine.

"Make me beat yo ass."

"You get on my nerves."

"You get on mine too."

"We are not doing this today. Asagai, Benjamin, and Issaiah, you three better start behaving and acting like adults."

"They started it."

"And I'm finishing it. Go get in the car little girl. Little boy one and little boy two go mind your business."

"Yes ma'am."All three of us said in unison. I placed my ankle brace on and slowly walked to the car. Since I'd been in the hospital for so long trying to recover, I was able to get the proper rest for my leg to get the cast taken off before I was able to go home.

I sat in the car texting Omega who barely came to see me in the hospital. He claimed that he couldn't stand to see me so bruised up so after the first visit, he stopped coming. I got where he was coming from because I barely looked at myself whenever I passed the mirror to go to the bathroom. It was too gruesome to look at. I looked like a completely different person and I hated it.

BaeFriend:You still coming over after your therapy session, right?-sent 3:45 p.m.

I don't think that'll be a good idea.-sent3:47 p.m.

BaeFriend:Why not, Foreign isn't going to be there?-3:48 p.m.

It has nothing to do with him. I don't think I can handle going back after what happened. That was my favorite place to be beside home and you know that, but I just can't go back there. Can you come over?-sent 3:53 p.m.

BaeFriend:Pops is not going to want all us niggas over his house. What about Foreign's place?-sent 3:55 p.m.

Boy, you tried it. Daddy will never go for that and why would you ever put your mouth to offer Foreign's place to me?-sent 3:58 p.m.

BaeFriend:I was just giving some options. But for real, if he's cool with it will you come? It's been forever since I seen you and I miss my best friend.- sent 4:00 p.m.

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