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Before I begin I just want to say thank you guys for your comments. I got more under my post and I hope you guys keep it up. I want to give a special shout out to FriskyChives IFeelVictimized and @pimplana for commenting so much. Frisky, I'm definitely going to be stealing some of your stuff if that is ok with you. Thank you so much. Got me feeling special and like I'm being being heard. You guys are the real ones.😘❤️

Much Love-Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Do you trust me?"I asked Josh as I sat next to him at his dining room table. It was the day after I went to see Foreign, and I needed to tell him what was going to happen. Foreign and I weren't doing anything wrong, I just felt the need to tell him. This relationship did not need to have any secrets in it.

"Yeah, I trust you."

"You know I like you a lot right? Like you're the only one that I want to be with."

"I would hope so, I already married your ass."I smiled a little trying to form the right words that wouldn't make him feel like I wanted him any less.

"You know I only have eyes for you."

"What's going on, you sound like you about to tell me you got a sugar daddy for your school books and shit."I made a face indicating that his joke was lame.

"I'm just trying to let you know that no other guy has the upper hand."

"Just tell me what you did Sai."

"You know the guy that was doing my tattoo the other day, but had to stop to be taken to the hospital?"I watched him look off into space trying to remember his encounter with Foreign.

"Yeah I remember him. Why, did you go and see him, I thought you didn't know him?"

"I don't know everything about him. He's just my best friend's cousin."

"So you went with your best friend for moral support, right?"

"Not all the way."

"Well tell me all the way what happened?"

"I went up there to see how he was doing."

"Is he going to be fine?"


"You should've just said that. Making it a big deal out of nothing."He started to get up to walk to the living room so I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"We started talking for a while and he wants to take me out for saving his life and so we can also see if we can build a friendship."

"So he's taking us out then."

"No, just me."

"Nah, we're going. He's taking us out."


"Issaiah. No, I'm not letting you go out by yourself, not with some other nigga."

"I wasn't asking for your permission, I was just giving you a heads up."

"A heads up?"

"That's what I said right, I mean the words can out of my mouth. Did they not?"

"Now you're getting smart."

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