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|Issaiah Love|

My feet were kicked up, my head was laid back, and I was trying to relax. The other day was cool with Foreign. We did something besides laying up in his bed and almost fucking. That was the most fun that I've had in a while. I wasn't worried about watching my back or wondering about some psychotic ass boy trying to harm me. I was living in my moment.

At them moment right now though, I was stuck at home with nothing to do and some weed unsmoked. It had been a while since I rolled one and kicked back. I hadn't needed one since my last bad dream. I only smoked when bad shit was going on, but I'm about to do it to pass the time.

Grabbing the case, I pulled one out and lit it. I inhaled the drug letting the taste glide over my tongue. It was so good, so relaxing. Blowing smoke out, I reached over and grabbed my phone placing in my headphones to listen to pandora. I made sure to blast the music so I didn't hear anyone calling my name and annoying me.

Everyone was so worried about me and the only time they said my name was to ask if I was ok. I was good. You have some bad days, you move on and hope for good ones. I rolled my eyes before I started scrolling through my gallery. I managed to capture some pics and videos of Foreign skating. He was looking really good the other day. Made me want to say forget marriage and fuck him right there.

I know we had a bet and I'm not saying anything until he says it, but I may be feeling him more that I want to admit. Who could blame me though? Foreign has really turned his life around in some short months. Despite the problems he had with Amir, my daddy blaming him, and even me making it hard on him, he's really doing good for himself.

I brought the blunt to my lips, ready to take another hit. Out if nowhere, my headphones were ripped from my ears.

"I'm going to kill you both!"I opened my eyes ready to yell at Benji and Saga, but instead I went hush mouth when I saw daddy standing in front me me. Immediately, I placed the blunt behind my back and tried to swallow the smoke that was in my mouth.

Daddy stood with his arms folded and a scowl on his face. I placed my head down embarrassed.

"Put it out and meet me downstairs."

"But daddy, I-"

"You heard what I said Issaiah. Put it out and meet me downstairs!"I jumped hearing his voice boom. He'd never yelled at me like this before.

"Yes sir."I locked my phone and put the blunt out. Zanah came in my room trying to figure out what happened. Nosey ass.

"What happened Sai, why is daddy calling a house meeting?"

"Why do you think I'm supposed to know?"

"Because he didn't start yelling until he came into your room."She nudged me trying to get me to tell her.

"Daddy caught me smoking."

"You smoke?"

"Not anymore and probably after this, I won't be living either."

"Damn."She looked at me and bit her lip becoming shy.


"Do you think I could have your stuff when you're gone?"

"Shut up."

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