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Happy Valentine's Day you guys, since it's a special day, I decided to give you guys an early update. So you're welcome for your gift.

P.S. I didn't edit it because I was trying to rush to get this out for you guys so don't criticize me.


Foreign Megalos

"Good evening sir, ma'am."The host greeted us as I walked inside the restaurant with Lyric on my arm. This was a whole new scene for me and being in this type of position was a little uncomfortable. I never had to take a girl out just to get some pussy. Women just threw themselves at me just because I was that Foreign nigga who had an accent.

"Hello, I have a reservation for seven."

"What's the name?"

"Megalos."I watched as he ran his pen down the paper in search for my name. I made sure to go ahead and reserve a space since it was Valentine's Day and niggas was trying to go all out for some pussy. It didn't even cross my mind that it was Valentine's Day until Omega mentioned it to me since he was one of those niggas who did any and everything for pussy.

"Here we are."He motioned for someone to come over.


"Jackson will go ahead and get you seated."

"Sure, right this way folks."

"You two enjoy."

"Thank you."I allowed Lyric to walk in front of me, being a gentleman and shit, but that didn't mean that I wasn't going to look. Her ass was poking out and her breasts were sitting up high. I definitely chose the right one to take out.

"Here you two are and your menus."

"Thank you."The both of us took our seats and started to look at the menu. It was crazy that I was even able to do this. I thought I had I had to wait another sixteen years to be able to be in this type of stetting.

"Alright, can I get a strawberry daiquiri?"

"Alright, and for you sir?"

"A lemonade."

"Alright, I will get you two your drinks and be back to take your food order."The waiter walked away, leaving Lyric and I alone to talk. Getting more comfortable, I slouched down a little bit and just looked at her.


"Just wondering why you agreed to this date with me?"

"Was I not supposed to?"

"You were, but I just want to know why."She sat up, adjusting her hands so that she rested her head on whole while the other one sat on the table. Her shoulders shrugged.

"I don't know, you're cute I guess."

"Nothing else, just the fact that I was cute."

"Pretty much, why did you ask me out?"I put my head down laughing at the fact that she called my bluff.

"Because you're fine as fuck."

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