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I had this great plan to put a chapter out yesterday and then give you guys one today since it's my birthday and what not, but yesterday did not go as planned. Either way, here's a chapter update for me as a gift to you guys. Enjoy and shout out to anyone else who shares a birthday with me. Happy birthday to you and me!😁

Let's get to 300k reads as a gift to me BTE Gang 👌🏾🤟🏾

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

I force myself out of bed and go into the bathroom to get ready for a long day at work. Going in is going to be hell. All I would be thinking about is how Foreign isn't going to be there to take me to lunch like he always did. I'll have to explain to everyone what happened to Foreign and I'll cry. I will bawl my eyes out secretly and pretend that I'm ok when I'm not.


I strip down and get in the shower. The water runs over me and I try my best not to cry this morning. Taking deep breaths is working until I stop abruptly and play everything in my head over and over, back to back. I scrub my body and quiet my cries. It doesn't take me long to dry off and put on my work shirt and sweatpants. I condition my hair and put it up in bun. I say a prayer because God is the only one getting me through.

"Baby, you ready?"Daddy asks as he knocks on my door and then enters.

"Ready."I follow him down to the car. For once he's taking me because I wanted him to. I place a pair of shades on my face and look at my phone scrolling through Twitter. Everyone was going crazy over the man stabbing the two sisters like it was nothing. How could someone be so heartless? It's said to know that he most likely won't get any serious time, if he gets any. Tashiya I pray for a speedy recovery and Nia rest easy baby girl I'm praying for y'all family. I said a prayer for them and then scroll to a different post.

I was seeing a lot of work out posts. I need to get back in the groove of my exercise routine. Foreign tells me all the time how I didn't need to exercise but I like feeling my muscles burning telling me that it's actually working. I enjoying making myself fit.

I pout just thinking about how much easier it could be for him if he just agrees to let Von help him. He could get out sooner and get that off his record. I know where he's coming and I get it but if he doesn't try then he will never know what could have happened and I don't want him to look back and regret his decision of not choosing to get our help.

I'm not going to continuously bring it up, I'll just wait for him to come to the conclusion that he needs to take our help. I'll still support him because all I want is the best. Whatever he chooses I'll support him.

"Your boyfriend decide what he's going to do yet?"Daddy asks looking over at me from the top of his glasses.

"He doesn't want to take our help. Too scared of how things will play out."

"I get that, doesn't want to make things worse."

"Yeah, but Von is the best and could get him a win out of this."

"We know that but he doesn't know like we do. He's just being cautious."

"I know."

"You want me to go and talk to him?"I look over at daddy. He'd really do that for me? In the past he wouldn't even give anyone in Foreign's predicament a second thought; but he was trying. It's nice to see that he's on my side.

"No, I'll just give him some time to think it through. I don't want him to seem like I'm forcing him and then blames me for any bad outcomes."

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