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My thoughts and prayers go out to those who were and are still being affected by Hurricane Harvey. I hope that y'all are safe and taken care of. Remember that through it all God has y'all. Stay positive and stay prayed up. This is just a minor(big) set back. I know many blessings are about to come y'all way. God has something for y'all. Big thanks to Mexico who has came through for us once again despite the hate from y'all president. More thanks to everyone who is actually doing something to help out during this devastating time. The devil is busy for real but we're not about to let that affect us. Be safe out there y'all.

Much Love~Lex

Foreign Megalos

"How is she Ms. Dana?"I walked into room 321A where Issaiah laid for the last few weeks. Since I'd come to visit her, it's just been her laying there with no life or movement in her. Shit was frustrating. All I wanted her to do was wake up so I could talk to her. I wanted us to be friends. Develop a relationship or something. Anything.

"Still the same. Hasn't woken up yet."

"It's been three weeks and she still hasn't opened her eyes?"I walked over to her, giving her a hug before I took my spot in the chair next to the bed.

"This type of thing takes time. While they were able to get everything taken care of she still had some severe injuries. Just be patient baby, she'll come around."

"Yes ma'am."Ms. Dana walked over to me and patted my should squeezing it a little for reassurance.

"You want me to bring you some cherry jello?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright I'll be right back with it."I smiled a little. Since I started coming here, I'd eat Sai's jello that Ms. Dana always offered. They'd put it out for her in hopes that she'd wake up but hasn't changed.

I shifted in the seat trying to get more comfortable. All I needed her to do was open her eyes. She didn't have to speak or try to move, I just needed her to wake up. I watched as her chest moved up and down, the only way for her to breath was the machine they had her on.

A week ago I had spoken to O and he still hasn't told me anything. Said it wasn't shit that he wanted me apart of since the last shit I was accused for by Sai's family. I got where he was coming from but I was tied into this shit either way. Might as well beat a nigga's ass in the process then fight like hell to prove my innocence.

Eventually I'd catch that nigga slipping and then it was his ass. I already knew it was going to be the same shit all over again with Issaiah on this issue. She'd twiddle with her thumbs a bit about telling who it was that hurt her then last minute she'd tell who it was. Same shit. Same people. Different outcome.

I scooted the chair closer to her and grabbed her hand. It amazed me how far we'd come with each other. Some time ago, I wouldn't have cared if she was laid up in the hospital but now all I want her to do was wake up.

"Come on Issaiah, please wake up. Wake up for me."

"Foreign?"I placed Issaiah's hand down and quickly stood up. Lyric stood at the door with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. Issaiah's mother also stood there not shocked to see me here. We'd ran into each other a few times during our visits.

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