Είκοσι τρία

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Foreign Megalos

"Stop girl!"

"You're such a baby."She kicked my back again almost cutting me with her long ass toenails. Shit was deadly from the smell and now she was trying to slice and dice.

"I said stop, when I do the shit back to you don't say anything."

HolierThanThou-WhEn I dO ThE ShIt baCk To yOu doN't sAY anYthIng, head ass. Shut up.-sent 2:14 p.m.

I read the message and looked at the picture. That shit wasn't even that funny. I hit her hard in her leg making sure I got a reaction out of her."Owe!"

"Fuck you, shit not even funny. Stupid girl."

"You'd like that wouldn't you, dumb ass boy."

"Nah, but I bet I'll have yo ass screaming out."I hovered over her getting closer to her while I bit my lip. She stuck her pinky up before speaking.

"Pinky niggas can't do anything for me."

"Don't try to play me, you felt it before. Nothing but mandigo shit over here."

"I don't recall."

"Let me refresh your memory then."I grabbed her hand trying to place it on me.

"Stop, leave me alone!"

Issaiah was over my place right now. She thought that we needed to hang out more. I took that as an opportunity to mess with her. We were still going at our bet about who'd break first. She definitely could hold her own, I giver her that, but it's only a matter of time before she breaks. I knew she was feeling a nigga kind of heavy, she was growing on me too but I wasn't about to have her thinking a nigga was going to give up easily. If I didn't learn anything else in jail,I learned about stamina. I could hold out way longer than Sai.

"I'm hungry, can you get me some snacks?"

"Hell no. The fuck I look like, your butler?"

"I'm a guest."

"Guests are invited over, they don't pop up when they feel like it."

"Please, I offered when you came over my house."


"Puhleeeeaaaasssseeee!"She stretched out being overdramatic. It wasn't even that serious she could get up and go get it.

"Nah, I'm fine right here, you want it you get it."

"I am not about to go through the cabinets and refrigerator."

"If I say it's cool, why are you so worried about it?"

"I just don't feel comfortable doing that."

"You're a pain in the ass."I stood up pulling her with me.

"Kiss my ass."

"Bring it here and I will."She looked back at me rolling her eyes.

"Ass eater."

"But you kissed me though."

"One of the worse mistakes I made."

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