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I just want to take the time to thank you to all of you. I'm really feeling motivated and my creative juices are flowing. You guys are making me go back and write chapter completely different than how I would right them before. Shout out to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Much Love-Lex

|Issaiah Love|

"Do you guys really have to follow me into every store that we go to?"I asked Benji and Saga who decided to take a trip to the mall with Merci and I. They were still trying to catch Amir, using me as the bait. I really hope that I didn't see him in here at all. I'm tired of being reminded about him. I just want him to be a fading memory until I forget his existence.

"Yes, now shut up and do your shopping. If you see him let us know."There was a warrant out for his arrest and many others besides mine. Apparently I wasn't the only girl he had done this to. When I went down to the police station they had told me that he had a few rape charges right along with some saying that he'd had sex with girls and didn't tell them that he had HIV. I was disgusted with myself for even letting him touch on me knowing that he could've actually gotten me infected with being so reckless. Thank you Jesus that I was saving myself for marriage and that he didn't force me like he did those other girls.

"I don't mind them being around."She winked at one of them.

"This isn't anything that you want to get attached to ma."

"Make me beat your ass."I did not need to be like the stereotypical families that had the girl's best friend dating her brother, they say they're in love have a kid and then argue the whole time until the kid is old enough to not deal with their shit anymore.

"I was just being nice?"

"Whatever, come on."We walked into Charlotte Ruse and started looking around. They had some cute shirts in here, but their priced were crazy. Thirty dollars for basically a bra, nah you're good.

"Sai, isn't that Amir."I looked over to the direction that she pointed to and my heart instantly started racing. As best as I could, I tried to avoid him seeing me and go about my business.

"Don't look at him."

"Baybeh, long time no see."I tensed up feeling his glide across my back. It wasn't that same feeling like I used to know, more of an abusive uncle type of feeling.

"Please leave me alone."

"What's wrong wit' mah baybeh?"He tried to rub my chin but I moved my head to the side.

"Get the fuck off of me. You are not about to treat me like I'm a bitch on the street."

"Who tha' fuck you talkin ta, huh?"He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. Some people in the store stared and whispered to each other. Gossip was a sickness, because why wouldn't you try to help me instead of stare and make accusations?

"I know all about the shit that you've been doing. I went to the police."

"So you fuckin sneakin' behind mah back and going ta' tha' police on meh."

"That's what the fuck you're supposed to do when a coward puts his hands on you. Or have you been doing it so much, that you've forgotten that?"

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