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Foreign Megalos

My leg bounces vigorously up and down while I wait in the holding cell. I'm about to be called to talk to the judge and give my decision. Even though I beat that nigga's ass Ms.Von said that I should still plead not guilty. She says that it's better for me to let whatever attorney Alonzo's bitch ass get try to prove that I'm guilty.

Issaiah was probably doing back flips right now happy as shit that I was taking the proper steps to becoming a free man. I just want this to get over and done with. My baby needed me and I damn sure need her.

"Megalos, you're up."One of the guards here calls to me while unlocking the cell. She pulls me to the side to lock the cell back and handcuff me."Let's go."

As expected. Ms.Von was in attendance ready to stand by my side. To my surprise, Issaiah and Lynx are here ready to support me. They wave to me and I wink at them. It feels good to have my girl and my sister here. My parents couldn't make it because of work but I didn't want them here knowing how they worried so much about me.

I take another look at them and it was like my problems went away. Sai blows kisses to me without placing unwanted attention on her.

"Mr.Megalos, glad to see."

"You too, Ms. Von."

"Alright, let's get this over with."Here we go. Judge Henry enters the room like he received the worst news before he got here.

"Ah, Mr. Megalos I've heard a lot about you."

"I assure you your honor, those allegation were falsely charged to my client."Ms.Von states trying to make me look as innocent as possible.

"Your honor, if that was the case then Mrs.Young's client would not be standing in front of you trying to plead his possible innocence."I get that this man is only doing his job but yo, he could cut me some slack.

"Mr. Powers, has been an attorney for ten plus years so he should know that those that are entered into the system are sometimes falsely accused."

"Save it for the trial counselors."

"Yes your honor."

"Foreign Megalos you are being charged with assault and battery against an individual in the first degree. How do you plea?"

"Not guilty your honor."

"Alright, the defendant will continue to be held at the state jail until the trial begins. We'll meet back here in two weeks. Adjourned."Judge Henry bangs his gavel dismissing us for the day. Issaiah and Lynx rushes to us before the guard comes back.

"I'm so happy that you're ok, For."She leans in for a hug.

"How are you holding up?"

"Doing the best that I can but I miss you."

"I miss you guys too, but I'll be out in no time."

"Baby, you did so good."

"Issaiah, you didn't see me do shit."

"You kept your mouth close and that's the best thing that you can do."She reaches her hand out and grabs my chin, speaking to me like I'm a kid.

"Don't make me bite your shit."

"You two act like adults."Ms. Von threatens pointing her finger at both of us and lowering her eyelids to glare."Now I will be stopping by tomorrow to go over your case some more."

"Yes ma'am."

"Let me hug you before they take you away from me."

"Issaiah don't get me in trouble."

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