Πενήντα εννέα

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I'm sorry that I've been gone for a while and haven't updated in a while. This new job has been kicking my ass and my schedule is literally waking up at the crack of dawn to driver 2hs to school and then drive back home to get ready for with the next day. Then I still have this weekend job so my life has been hectic. I will have some free time next week so I might put something up, but I'm not making any promises. Promises were meant to be kept. Enough about me though. Shout out to MELANIN_NIRVANA for your favorite "couple" nickname ForSai. That's a cute name and I'm glad that you came up with it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love the name.

Much Love~Lex

|Issaiah Love|

Foreign:Sai, why haven't you answered any of my calls or text. I'm worried about you. Look, I didn't mean to cause you any harm, I'm sorry if you felt that way. Please answer me.

Foreign:Isssiah let me know how to fix it.

Foreign:I'm worried about you, call me.

Missed call from Foreign

Foreign:Answer my calls, let me know that you're ok.

Foreign:For real Issaiah, can we talk?

Missed call from Foreign

Missed call from Foreign

Foreign:For real Issaiah, don't make me have to come over there and make you talk to me.

Foreign:Just send me a text to let me know that you're ok.

Missed call from Foreign

I had went a whole eight days without any contact with Foreign. I made sure that I only went to school and home. Foreign would definitely have stopped by the club if I was there that's why I took time off. What happened between us last Tuesday had affected me. In my heart of hearts, I knew it wasn't his fault but my anxiety got the best of me. I hated the fact that the littlest things could set me off. Why did it have to affect me so much? I was cool with ignoring it and giving it to God to deal with but I just couldn't stop letting it get the best of me.

I picked up my phone ready to text Foreign to give him some piece of comfort but I was stopped by Benji. He stuck his head in my room and started moving his lips. I took my headphones off my ears trying to catch what he had said.

"What'd you say?"

"You have some packages waiting for you downstairs?"

"Packages from who?"

"Not sure but it looks like it's a gift only a nigga would give."I rolled my eyes before scrunching them up in confusion. This could only be from Foreign. He would give me the moon and the stars just for me to talk to him, if I allowed it. Pushing myself off of my bed, I got up and threw on some shorts before following Benji down to the living room."So who's the nigga that got you this shit?"

"Stop acting like you're daddy."

"You're right, I should let him know so he can handle it."

"Go right ahead and I will let him know about the girls you've been sneaking into your room and the pregnancy scare you had with Xena."


"That's what I thought."He pushed me, getting mad that these walls were just a little too thin for his liking. We finally made it to the living room. In front of me was a big teddy bear that was half the size of me and a bouquet of sunflowers. I bit my lip as I took the card that was placed under the bear's arm and read it.

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