Sometime The Rabbit Hole Doesn't Lead To Wonderland Pt. 2

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🔹I swear there was a park this way... Oh I was right, there it is! 🔹Kisa leisurely walks into the park and sighs, "Too bad there wasn't any good places to live... I'm not looking forward to sleeping on a bench tonight. Maybe there is a police station I could go to....." Kisa stops walking and thinks for a minute. "I FORGOT TO ASK WHAT THE POLICE LOOKED LIKE!!! OR WHERE I COULD EVEN FIND THEM!!!" Kisa starts to flip out and fails to notice the street lamps turning on and the sky getting darker. After she finally calms down, she notices how dark it gotten. "Crap, it's kinda dark out.. Maybe I should find a comfy looking bench. Hahaha, like any bench will be comfy!" After 5 minutes of looking, she finds a bench that looks somewhat clean and sturdy. Kisa takes a seat and places her head in her hands. "Phew, today has me worn out. I really hope tomorrow is a good today. 🔹I'm really glad I met those three, they were very interesting. Especially when they started fighting each other and Kagura threw Gintoki-San across the bridge! Those people looked very hard for me, I mean they could have left me in the crappiest place but they didn't... They really are great people.🔹 "Well look what I found! A pretty girl, all alone. I guess tonight is my lucky night." 🔹Ugh it's a creepy drunk guy!🔹 Kisa cracks her knuckles and groans. 🔹Guess I'll have to take him out.🔹 Standing up, she stands toe-to-toe with the drunk man. "Oho, so you're coming to me yourself? Kinda small for me taste, but you'll have to do." "Oi, who you calling small. And please don't get mistaken, I'm only going to deal with this nuisance in front of me." "I'd like to see you try, small fry." The man raises his fist and vastly brings it down. Kisa throws up her hand, hoping to catch his fist and to create an opening for her hit. "Oomph!!" 🔹Wait what?! I didn't even hit him! Why is he on the floor?! Wait the question is who hit him? 🔹 Kisa looks up and sees him, the naturally wavy white haired Samurai, Sakata Gintoki. His sword is slung over his shoulder and with his other hand he is picking his nose. "Oi, you know it's dangerous for a little girl to be out by herself." Kisa kicks Gintoki in the shins and crosses her arms. Gintoki falls to the floor, clutching his shin. "Gintoki-San, what are you doing here?" Gintoki stops rubbing his shin and stands up. "I have a job to finish. So let's go." Kisa's eyes sparkle as she feels her eyes sting. But she quickly fights off the urge to cry. "Yeah, let's go!" The two walk back to Odd Jobs. As he opens the door, Kisa asks the question that has popped up into her mind. "Gintoki-San, why did you bring me here?" "WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME!!" Kagura and Shinpachi yell as they pop some party poppers. "We know it isn't the best. I mean you have loud roommates." "And you never get paid-aru." "And you'll eat egg on rice for the rest of your life." "But you'll have pretty amazing friends for the rest of your midget life," the three say at the same time. All smile as they finish their speech and Sadaharu barks with agreement. "You could've left out the midget part...." Kisa starts laughing as they all go inside.

"Good morning.... Are you all still asleep!? Gin-San! Kagura-Chan! Kisa-San!" Kagura walks out the room and yawns, Gintoki follows behind her, scratching his head. Kisa sits up and stretches. "Ah here Kisa, I bought you a kimono and brought you one of my old hakamas." "Is there something wrong with my clothes?" "Well for one they are dirty and two they really stand out here. We don't want you to be suspected as a terrorist or something." "Shinpachi is right! Knowing that damn Sadist, he'll probably think you're a terrorist just to kill something." "Sadist?? Who's that?" "You don't need to worry about him! If he comes near you, I'll kick his ass for you!" "Kagura-Chan, just because you don't like Okita-San, doesn't mean you need to worry Kisa." "Gintoki-San, I'm confused... Who's Okita-San?" "Don't worry about it. We'll probably bump into those idiots soon enough. Just go change for now." "Okay." Kisa goes to the bathroom and stares at herself in the mirror. "Damn, I really look like a mess.... I should wash my face while I'm at it." She changes her clothes and then washes her face. She dries her face with her sweater. "There all better!" While she stares in the mirror, she hears a noise come from the bathtub. "Wh-wh-what was that?" Kisa gets on her hands and knees and crawls over to the tub. She slowly peeks into the tub and is tackled by a hug. "KYAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Gintoki, Kagura, and Shinpachi run into the bathroom and sees Kisa on the floor. Gintoki's face drops as he drags the purple haired woman off of Kisa. "Oh it's Sa-Chan." "Gin-San, please don't use any violence." "I'm just going to tie her up and then tie to the rope to Sadaharu and then let Sadaharu run free." Kagura helps Kisa up. "Um who was that?" "That's Sa-Chan! She is a Super Masochist and madly obsessed with Gin-Chan." "Does this usually happen?" "Yep!" "Interesting..." They leave the bathroom and go sit on the couches. Sa-Chan is tied up and is on her knees and face with Gintoki's feet kicked up on her back. "Look Pachi boy, we got a new table." Shinpachi looks away and starts gathering the laundry. "Oh Gin-San! I'll be your table any day!! Maybe we could get some candles too!" Gintoki digs his heel into his back. "Shut up, tables aren't supposed to speak." Kisa sits next to Sa-Chan. "Um hello, my name is Kisa. We kinda met in the bathroom earlier." "Oh I thought you were Gin-San, sorry about jumping on you. I'm Sarutobi." "Hello Sarutobi, what do you do for a living?" "I work for the Shimatsuya, which is pretty much an assassin for hire." "An assassin!" Kisa's eyes shine with interest.  "And also a ninja." "NINJA!!! THATS SO AMAZING!! PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO USE THROWING KUNAIS!!!" "I'll be glad too. It will have to be later though, I'm spending time with Gin-San right now." "Kisa don't talk to the furniture, it's weird." "Yes, Gintoki-San." "Gin-Chan, I'm hungry!! And I don't want to eat egg on rice." "We're broke until we get another job." "What happened to the money I paid to you guys?" Shinpachi sighs and wipes off the table. "We had to pay 2 months worth of rent, that's what." "2 MONTHS!!! How the hell do you miss 2 months worth of rent." "Lack of jobs. Speaking of jobs, congratulations Kisa, you now work for Odd Jobs!" "Huh, work here? For reals?" "You now share our burden of rent. Congrats." 🔹There was a catch! 🔹 "Oh I have an idea! How about we go out and eat?" "We would if we could Kisa-San. But we have no money." " I have money though! It will be my thank you for giving me a home!" "Then let's get going!!" The four go to a diner and easily get a table. "Hey Kagura, wanna order the buffet!" "Kisa read my mind!" "Look at all these parfaits I can order!" "Eggs.... I actually want to eat them. They will probably will taste better than Ane-ue's eggs." As they're food is put on the table, it quickly starts disappearing. "Gin-San, if you eat too much parfait, you'll blood sugar will be really high." "It's fine!" "It's so much food!! It's like heaven!!" "Kagura, I was wondering, but why do you carry an umbrella around?" "Kagura-Chan comes from an Amanto race called the Yato. They are really strong, but have no tolerance for the sun. Her umbrella is also a weapon." "Kagura, you're an Amanto?" "Yeah." 🔹She doesn't look like the two I met before... So there are different types. Gladly noted. 🔹 The waitress brings out two really big parfaits and places them in the table. Kisa and Gintoki smile as they devour the parfaits put in front of them. "Kisa-San, do you perhaps have a sweet tooth as well?" "I love sweet things! But I also love sour and salty things!" They all start laughing.
~Outside The Diner~
"Look Hijikata-San, I see troublemakers in a diner." Hijikata takes a drag of his cigarette and looks at the diner. "I don't feel like dealing with Odd Jobs today." "They could be dining and dashing, just look at all that food." Hijikata sighs and puts his cigarette out. "Let's go, Sougo." The two walk inside the diner and head towards Odd Job's table. "Gintoki-San, I was wondering, how do I identify the police?" "The Shinsengumi wears black uniforms with like a yellow trim. Stay away from them, they are nothing but trouble. Nothing but Mayonnaise freaks." "Stalkers..." "And a damn Sadist." "Something tells me that you guys don't like the Shinsengumi." "They get in the way of work." A sword is suddenly pointing at the back of Gintoki's head. "Who gets in the way of work?" Kisa becomes confused. "Um Shinpachi, who is that." "That's the Vice Chief of the Shinsengumi; Hijikata-San." "Hey boss, you know dine and dash is illegal." "Damn Sadist, we plan on paying!" "China, I wasn't talking to you. Should I arrest you for interference with an arrest." "What about him, Shinpachi?" "That's the First Division Captain; Okita-San." "These guys are the police? Shouldn't they, I don't know focus on real crimes? Instead of slacking off." Suddenly a foot lands on Kisa's side. "Oops sorry, I couldn't see you since you're so small." 🔹Okita, huh? I hope he's prepared to get his ass kicked. 🔹 "Damn Sadist! Who do you think you are!?" Kisa looks down and quickly punches Okita in the side. "Let's get one thing straight, Okita-San. I don't appreciate being called small or being stepped on. So let's call this even before I use my spoon to carve my name into your forehead." "Picking up more brats, Odd Jobs?" "Yep, Sadaharu can't be the only mascot we have." The waitress comes by and gives them their bill. Kisa picks it up and laughs. "One hundred and fifteen dollars, damn we ate a lot!" She goes in her backpack and pulls out the owed money and hands it to the waitress. Gintoki yawns, "Let's head back then. We might get a job today." They all stand up and start walking. Kisa and Sougo glare each other down as she walks away. "Oi Sougo, let's get going." The two leave the diner as well. 🔺The hell was up with that brat? For a small person she's got pretty hard punch.... Does mean I get to fight with China and the midget? Pretty good deal!🔺 A sadistic grin creeps it's way onto Sougo's face, giving Hijikata chills. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

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