His Nightmare Before Christmas

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"Welcome to Otose Snack Shop! Please come in and warm yourself up with some good alcohol! Be waited on by the prettiest of ladies!! Except Catherine!" Kisa is struck on the back of her head by a newspaper. "Ow! Da hell!" She turns around and sees Tama, "Tama what the hell was that for?" "Otose told me to whack you if you weren't doing your job right." "I was totally doing it right! Didn't you see? I got you guys 5 more customers!" "She said to hit you if you went off track." "How did I ever go off track?!" "When you said, 'except Catherine.' So I had to whack you." "Can't I have a little fun? It's flipping cold outside and I'm standing in this Santa outfit which by the way is probably lingerie rather than a costume. And might I add that I'm doing this for free!" Otose comes outside and whacks Kisa's head as well, "Tama go back inside, we need your help." "Alright. See you later, Kisa." "See you later." Tama goes back inside. "And you little missy aren't doing this for free! You're doing it to pay us back." "Aww come on! In all fairness it was their fault too!" "That's why I have them doing different jobs as well. You aren't the only one being punished." "I'm the only without real clothes..." "Oh I wouldn't say that.."
Gintoki lets out a big sneeze as he scoops leaves out of a pool. "Damn Gran! Making me clean out a pool in the middle of December and in my underwear!"
Shinpachi shivers as he stands there only in Sumo Clothes. "Achoo! Why am I being punished for those idiots mistakes! I didn't make a hole in the floor!" He shakes his head as he holds up the sign to the Sumo match.
Kagura runs around the park as she tries to clean up all the trash she could, "Awww my nose is all runny-aru! This is all Gin-Chan's fault! If he would've just handed over the last piece of pizza that fight would've never happened!"
"You're so evil! Making poor Kagura run around with no clothing!" "Kagura has clothes. I can't make a young girl run around naked." "I'm a young girl!" "You're an adult. Now deal with it or you get no break!" "Like hell I'm not getting a break! WELCOME TO OTOSE SNACK HOUSE! Please come in and warm yourself up with some good alcohol! Be waited on by the prettiest of ladies!!" Otose smiles and goes back inside. 🔹Soo cold! I can't feel my damn legs anymore!! Maybe if use this sign and this Santa hat, I can create a fire to keep me warm..... Or I could burn down the entire town and bask in the warm fire.... Ahhhh fire.... Just thinking about it makes me warm.🔹 "Excuse me, Miss? But are you perhaps part of the entertainment? Or can I steal you away for a little while?" Kisa shakes the thought of fire out of her head and looks at the person in front of her, "Sougo! Oh thank god!" Kisa puts the sign down and pokes her head inside, "Graaaannnn! Can I take my break now? Something came up!" "Fine fine, don't take too long. You were bringing in a good amount of customers." "Can do!" Kisa salutes and goes back outside. She looks at Sougo and grins, "You can steal me away for awhile!" "Good." He takes her hand and starts walking. She immediately matches his pace. "Wanna tell me why you're dressed up like Sexy Santa?" "It's a punishment for making a huge hole on the floor.... To be honest, I'm not the only one in no clothing." Sougo chuckles, "I can only imagine their faces." "You're such a Sadist...." Kisa shivers as a gust of wind blows against her skin. "I have an idea." Kisa sniffles a little and looks at him, "Oh yeah? What?" He releases her hand and takes off his glove, "Here put this glove on that hand." "Okay but I don't see the point of putting one glove." "You'll see." Kisa slips the glove on her left hand, Sougo takes her gloveless hand with his gloveless hand and puts them in his coat pocket. "See now your hands are warm." She lets out a small giggle, "Hehe that solves that problem." They walk to a small diner and have a seat inside. Kisa's body is filled with relief, "It's nice and warm in here! It's like heaven!" "You haven't even ordered any food. How can you even tell this place is any good?" "Uh because it's warm! I doubt you would understand, even if you stood on the Sun, your soul would still be frozen." "Well then I guess you're wrong. There are two lights that can immediately warm up my soul." "Huh? Really? What are they?" Sougo only smirks at her. "The fires of hell don't count, Sougo." "Of course they do. But that's not either of them." "Are you ever going to tell me?" "Maybe if I want too." Kisa sticks her tongue out at him. The waitress comes over with her notebook. "What can I get you two?" Kisa stares at the menu and sighs, "Hot Cocoa...." "And you, sir?" "Tea." "We'll be right back with your drinks." Sougo looks at Kisa and chuckles, "Hot Cocoa? How kid like." "Shaddup... It's cold outside and I need something warm but it also has to be sweet." Sougo rests his head against his hands and smiles at her. "What?" "Nothing, you're just so entertaining." Kisa puffs her cheeks and looks through the menu. The lady brings their drinks and set them on the table, "So have you two decided what you wanted?" "A quiche!" "The same as her." "Alrighty so two quiches! Coming right up!" Kisa sips her hot cocoa and wears a face of bliss. Sougo smiles as he watches her. Thirty minutes later they finish their meal and they are back outside. "So cold.... Ah by the way, how would you like to do Christmas tomorrow?" "I wouldn't mind meeting later in the afternoon. That way you and them can spend the morning together." "Alright! Then it's decided!" They were back at Snack House Otose. Sougo picks up the sign and hides their faces behind it. "How about I give you a quiche before I go?" "Hahaha, I get it. Quiche sounds like kiss. I would like it very much if you gave me a quiche before you go." Sougo leans in and kisses her gently, "I'll save the passionate stuff for later." "Kay, see you later." "See you later." Sougo pets her head and starts to walk away. "Love you!" He smiles as Kisa waves goodbye. 🔺She honestly is too open..... What should I get her for Christmas?🔺 "Excuse me, young man? Do you not feel anything for her?" "What?" Sougo stops at little table where a psychic sits. "Will you not regret not saying I love you back?" "I don't have to say it." "Are you sure, young man? Women are very finicky. She could say it doesn't matter but in reality she is slowly losing interest." "That can't happen. She is crazy for me." "On the outside maybe. But on the inside she's probably bored and feels unloved." Sougo rolls his eyes, "Yeah sure she does. Bye bye fake psychic." Sougo walks away, shoving his hands in his pockets.

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