Princess For A Day Pt. 4

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The Shinsengumi rushes in with Odd Jobs right behind them, though Odd Jobs didn't look as panicked as the Shinsengumi did. "Hime-Sama! Are you okay?" Hijikata inspects her closely making sure there were no casualties. "Vice Chief it looks as if they escaped through the back!" Hijikata looks at the back door and scowls then he looks back at Kisa, "Hime-Sama do you know why they didn't take you with them?" "I played dead... No one wants dead bait, right?" Hijikata pats her head, "Good thinking." Kagura runs up and hugs Kisa, "Are you okay? Shinpachi said that you hit your face-aru!" "I did hit my face and I will get my revenge.." Gintoki walks up to them and picks his nose, "I'm going to take one guess; Zura." Kisa nods her head, "Yes, Zura!" Shinpachi sighs with relief, "Whew, I thought it was something serious.. It was just Katsura-San." Hijikata hits the three on the back of the head, "What do you mean?! That was something serious! Hime-Sama was kidnapped in front of our eyes!" Kondo slides next to Kisa and whispers, "Are you okay, Kisa?" "Huh? Oh yeah, Katsura would never hurt a hair on my head. He immediately untied me once he found out it was me." "That's good. Sorry you got dragged into this." "Don't worry about it. I kinda actually enjoyed today. Well except for the whole flirt with that guy while your boyfriend was in the room." "But Sougo still doesn't know it's you." "I know he doesn't, but I'm guessing Yama-Chan does." "How can you tell?" "He keeps looking at us." While they were talking, Matsudaira and a small cloaked person walk in. "It seems like you guys were too late to crash the party." Hijikata profusely bows his head, "I'm so sorry! We couldn't protect the Princess like we should have and in the end she got kidnapped!" "Don't worry about it. Plus you did your jobs very well. All of her suitors have been analyzed and turned down. One even ran out during the interview." "Wait doesn't that mean the Princess would have to be everywhere?" "Of course not! That's what body doubles are for. Just ask the Odd Job girl." Kagura smiles as she punches Gintoki, "It was Gori-San's and Gin-Chan's fault that the guy ran out of the omiai." "Hah? I wouldn't have pegged China to be the Princess type." "Of course not! I'm a Queen and I rule over all! That includes you too, Sadist!" Sougo and Kagura immediately start fighting. "China was a body double?! Then we had the real Hime-Sama, right?" "Nope!" The cloaked person pulls off the hood and smiles, "I greatly appreciate all your hard work." Hijikata gasps, "If that's the real Hime-Sama... Then who the hell did we have?!" Kisa sighs with relief, "Finally! I can take this stuff off!" Kisa pulls off the wig and tears off the clothes, "Hahaha!! This is pure bliss and freedom!" "We had Kisa the whole time!!" Shinpachi adjusts his glasses, "Poor Hijikata-San, he was being pushed around by her." Yamazaki chuckles, "I can't believe she dressed up as a Princess." Kisa smiles in bliss as the cool air hits her body. Gintoki cringes as he whacks Kisa on the head, "You're too exposed! Put on some clothes!" "I have clothes on! This tank top and these shorts." Sougo stops fighting with Kagura and stares at Kisa, "Are you serious? Two girls who shouldn't be princesses, dressed up like princesses.." Kisa scowls at him, "Are you saying I'm not the princess type?" Sougo walks up to her and laughs, "That's exactly what I was saying." "Then what type am I?" Sougo kneels down and takes her hand, "Obviously you are the queen type, my queen." Sougo kisses her hand making Kisa's face explodes with red. "Hehehe, I am the queen type aren't I?" "Oi Souchiro, stop telling her things. I can see her ego and it's getting bigger every second." "Are you sure that's not my child growing inside of her." Gintoki puts Sougo into a chokehold, "Take it back. Take it back right now before I hold you down and let Kagura beat the daylight out of you." "Ah! Gintoki please don't kill him! He was just joking! Right Sougo? You were just joking?!" "I wouldn't say I was joking... How about half joking?" "I'm killing him!" Kisa wraps her arms around Gintoki, "Please don't!" "Stop hugging me! You're hugging him in the process!" "Don't worry about me. I've got a pretty good position here." Gintoki looks down and sees Sougo's face against Kisa's chest, "Hijikata, put in a request for a new 1st Division Captain because I'm killing this one!" "Gintoki don't kill him!!!" "You can find another boyfriend!! Guys practically throw themselves at your feet anyways!" "But I like this one the best!" "You heard her, Boss. She likes me much better." An hour later they finally get Gintoki to release Sougo, but not without a fight.

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