I Love You More Than Anyone

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"Sougo..... Sougo.... Geez, Sougo!" Okita snaps out of his daze and looks at the purple eyed girl in front of him. "Oh midget, I forgot you were here." Kisa places her hand on his cheek and tilts her head. "What's wrong, Sougo? You seem out of it today." He wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer. "Nothing just thinking about how I won't be able to use you as a pillow for a week." "It can't be helped. You guys have a big job to do. But I have to admit it, I'll be a bit lonely." Sougo smirks, "Is that so? Maybe I should get you a leash and collar. That way I can take you everywhere I go." "No thank you. I'll deal with the loneliness." "Then maybe I should give you something that will make you crave me nonstop." "Eww, stupid sadist pervert.." Sougo leans in and presses his lips onto hers. He parts his lips and traces her bottom lip with his tongue. She slowly parts her lips, which gives him the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. "Mmm...Sougo.... We.... Can't do... This in an.... Alleyway... Plus you... Have to... Go soon.... Mmm..." Ignoring her words he continues his tongue play. Kisa moves her hand to the side of his head. She glides her fingers through his hair. 🔹As usual his hair is soft... Man I really am going to be lonely.. Damn him..🔹 Sougo breaks the kiss for a moment, "Do you want me to stop?" "No.." He smirks, "Good, I wasn't going to stop either way." "Geez, you really are a pervert." "Yep yep, a big pervert."
"Damn! I lost again! This rock-paper-scissors game is rigged!" "You lost, Kisa! You have to do the job-aru!" 🔹Awww it's so cute when Kagura says -aru at the end of her sentence. Wait can't get distracted!🔹 "Kisa-San, please don't be mad. Besides you'll look better in the outfit." "It's pretty much a suit and tie! Except with a mini skirt!" "That's why Pachi thinks it'll look good on you. Now stop being an ungrateful daughter and go do work!" "Yes sir, Mr. Gintoki!" Kisa goes to the bathroom and changes her outfit. When she comes out she fidgets a little. "Remind me again, why a librarian assistant would wear this?" The Librarian lets out a chuckle, "Kisa, you honestly look fine! You know that we don't get a lot of people in the library so we thought we'd try something out." Gintoki shakes his head, "I don't know what kind of library you run, but I wonder what you do in your spare time." "Sakata-San just because you didn't like that black outfit you wore doesn't mean you should question the library." "That's what I'm saying! What kind of library would have those clothes in the back room! And why does Kisa know about them?!" "Yamazaki-Kun also knew about them." "Kisa what do you and Yamazaki do in your spare time?" "We were the ones who went out and bought them! Look when the Librarian asks for something, you have to do it." Gintoki shakes his head in disappointment, "Just go do some work! Before I take you to an insane asylum." Kisa salutes and heads toward the library.
"Alright Kisa, you know where all the books are located. All you need to do is put books back and help people check books out. Occasionally showing people where books are." Kisa smiles, "It's like heaven in here!" Kisa pushes the book cart around and puts some books back. "Let's see the science fiction goes here... Ah this one is a good book! I want to read it, but I have to work.... Meeehhhhh!!!! Inner turmoil!" Kisa hesitantly puts the book away. "I wanna read so badly! Look it's the second part of the detective novel I love! Why do I have to be working right now!!" Suddenly a chill runs through Kisa. 🔹What the.... I feel like someone is watching me! No it's probably just my imagination.🔹Kisa shakes her head clear and continues to put the books away. "Finally down to the last book! Oh this one is a romance.... It's a love story between an Amanto Prince and a human waitress... Let's see what the back says, "This is no ordinary love story and she isn't your ordinary waitress." That makes absolutely no sense... Oh well! Not like I'm going to read it." Kisa tiptoes to put the book away, but can barely reach it. "Damn the corner is barely touching the edge... Just a little more.... Little more..." That's when a hand takes the book and puts it in its place. Kisa turns around to face the person. She is greeted by a very handsome face, "Ikemen!!" "Huh?" "Oh uh sorry! What I meant was, thank you for helping me!" "No problem, I thought you were having some troubles." Kisa chuckles and rubs the back of her head, "Yeah, I'm kinda on the short side..." "Really? I don't think you're that short." Kisa's eyes widen with glee, "Really! Haha I'm usually here with Yama-Chan and he gets the books down for me." "Well if you need help grabbing books that are out of your reach then just call for me." "Sure! Oh wait I don't even know your name!" "My name is Tamotsu, and yours is?" Kisa smiles brightly, "My name is Kisa! Nice to meet'cha!" "Umm Kisa, may I take you out for dinner?" 🔹What does Gintoki say about this situation? Oh yeah, if someone offers to take you out for food, accept the offer! Because FREE FOOD!🔹 "Sure! My shift ends in two hours!" "Then I'll come back in two hours." "See you then!" "Yeah.. See you then.." Tamotsu walks away, leaving behind a gleeful Kisa. 🔹That guy seemed nice! And I get free food out of this! Score!!! He actually kinda seemed a bit weird too.... Oh well, nothing to freak out about!🔹

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