Sharpen Your Sword Before You Cut Your Hair Pt. 2

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"AHHHHHHH! I pissed myself!" Kagura and Kisa immediately wake up laughing. Sadaharu stretches and yawns, quickly falling back asleep. Kisa gets up and rubs her eyes. She folds her blankets and puts them away. When Gintoki comes out in his underwear, Kisa busts out laughing. "You did that didn't you?!" Kisa holds her sides as her eyes tear up from all the laughing. Kagura comes out of the room and is laughing as well. "This is your punishment, Gin-Chan. You and Shinpachi didn't work at all yesterday and tricked me and Kisa into working." "But did you guys have to make me piss my pants!" "Don't worry Shinpachi will wash your underwear. No need to get mad, Papa Gintoki." "Alright I promised I wouldn't do this but now I have too!" "You wouldn't dare!" "Oh yes I would!" "Wait what's going on? Gin-Chan, what are you talking about?" Gintoki's smile contorts into a very evil smirk. "Stay out of my clothes Gintoki!" "Clothes?" "Oh yes! I'm going to go grab them and show them to Souichiro!" "Don't show them to Okita!!! He'll somehow use it against me!" "What are you two talking about?" "Kisa's bold underwear choice! For a small person she has very bold underwear choice." "Oohh, you mean like those lacy ones that have the little bow on the back?" "Yeah and the red one that looks like it hardly covers anything at all!" "Shut up! Can we not talk about my underwear! If Okita were to ever find out about them, he'll use them to make fun of me." "Fine I won't show them. But you and Kagura better not do it again!" "Okay okay we got it, Mr. StillPeesTheBed." Gintoki shoots a menacing look towards Kisa and walks back to his room. Kisa and Kagura decide to get dressed and eat some breakfast. "Hey Kagura, I just realized something." "What's that?" "We are up before Shinpachi came." "You're right!" Gintoki comes out in fresh clothes and grabs Kisa's wrist, brings her hand, which is holding toast, to his mouth and takes a bite of the toast. "Heyyyy, that's my toast." "I know, that's why I did it." Kisa sticks her tongue out at him and continues to eat. "Gintoki, I refuse to do any work today. I feel like taking a walk instead." "That's fine with me, I'll make Pachi work today." "Gin-Chan, you should also work." "Sure, after I get back from playing Pachinko." Kisa cleans up her plate and washes it. "One day you'll end up in debt, Gintoki." "I'm the main character. That can't happen to me." "What kind of main character can't pay his rent?" "The best kind!" "I bet! Hey maybe you could also encourage kids with gambling." "Are you giving me sass. Maybe we should have you do the laundry instead of Pachi." "Good! At least then I can make fun your underwear instead of mine getting made fun of." Gintoki waves her off, "Aren't you going to take a walk?" "Yes, I am. See you later, Mr. PeesTheBed!" Gintoki stares her down as she waves bye to Kagura. Kisa walks out the door and just walks. She has no set destination, but her one goal was to avoid him. "What should I do today? Maybe I should go bother Hijikata... No wait if I do that I might bump into Okita.... Guess I'll just wander around." While Kisa was wandering around she came across a tennis court. She could see someone playing badminton by himself. "How is that even possible to play by yourself? Well I know what I'm going to do today." Kisa climbs the fence, before she jumps down she yells out, "Oi loner, I wanna play badminton with you!" The guy looks up at her and blushes ferociously. "S-s-sure, but please come down quickly... I can almost see your uh... ummm...uhh... Undergarments." Kisa starts chuckling, "Undergarments? You know you could say panties." She jumps down and lands on her feet. "Perfect Landing!" When she looks at him again she notices his outfit. "You aren't perhaps affiliated with Okita, are you?" "You mean the Captain?" Kisa places a hand on his shoulder and shakes her head, "You poor soul... What is your name pitiful creature?" "Pitiful creature? Um my name is Yamazaki." "My name is Kisa! Nice to meet'cha, Yama-Chan!" "Yama-Chan?" "Oh sorry, I gave you a nickname on the spot.. Do you not like it?" Yamazaki blushes and hides his face behind his racket. "N-n-no, it's fine!" "Good! Then I'll say this again, can I play badminton with you?" "Uh sure! But I have to tell you that I'm pretty good at it." "I've played badminton a couple times before. I'm pretty confident with my skills." "Then let the game begin!" Kisa and Yamazaki hit the birdie back and forth, not one point was made for either of them. "Break! I need a break!" Kisa stops in her tracks and puts her hands on her knees. "My god, you have some endurance, Yama-Chan." "You think? I told you, I've been doing this for awhile now. Vice Chief gets mad at me for practicing all the time." "Hijikata seems like the type to be very serious about work. But I think that's what makes him cool!" "You think the Demon Vice Chief is cool?" "Yeah he actually is pretty cool. Unlike a certain someone..." "Are you talking about the Captain?" Kisa's makes a weird face and huffs in annoyance, "Yes I'm talking about that one. Every time we meet, he always ends up stepping on me like I'm a bug or something!" "Yep that sounds like him." Kisa jumps up and dusts her legs off. "Anyways, let's start this game up! And don't go easy on me this time, Yama-Chan. I can take a defeat, not saying I'm going to lose though." "Alright, this time I won't go easy on you." They get in their ready stance and start the game. This time Yamazaki was more quicker and wicked than last time. The score was 4-21, Kisa lost. She fell to her knees in defeat and had to take deep breaths. "I couldn't keep up with that damn birdie... Damn you, Yama-Chan!" "Haha, I told you I was good at it!" "Yeah, too damn good at it!" "You look dead.... Do you want a drink?" "Yes please." Yamazaki holds his hand out, "Well come on then! I know the best place to go. They serve amazing tea and dango." Kisa takes his hand and he pulls her up. "Well lead the way, Yama-Chan." "Of course!" They take a ten minute walk to a small tea shop. They sit outside and enjoy their warm tea. "Hey Kisa, why did you put that much sugar in your tea?" "I love sweet things." "Is that so? Um actually I have a question, who exactly do know around here?" "Gintoki, Kagura, and Shinpachi, there are others as well." "I see, now it makes sense." "What?" "How you know the Captain and Vice Chief. Do you als--" "Gori-San, yep I know him as well!" "Wow you really do know everyone." "Yep pretty much!" Kisa picks up her stick of Dango and brings it to her mouth. Suddenly it is dropped on the ground. Yamazaki's mouth is open agape and he starts to make weird noises. "Ki-kisa!" "Oi Yamazaki, what are you doing talking to a bug?" "Captain! Y-your foot is on her face!" Kisa smirks underneath his shoe as she begins to chuckle. She grabs his leg and kicks his other one from beneath him. He harshly lands on his ass. "Do you have a fetish for stepping in people!!!?!" Kisa stands up and looks down at Sougo. Yamazaki quickly stands up and grabs Kisa's shoulder. "Hey Kisa, we should go somewhere else! I bet you would like a chocolate bar or something!" Kisa turns around at stares at Yamazaki. "I'm not a little girl, you know.. I'm 18 years old.." 🏸Is she pouting? C-c-cute!!🏸
"J-ju-just because you're 18 doesn't mean y-y-you can't enjoy a chocolate bar." Sougo stands up and dusts himself off. He crosses his arms and stares at Yamazaki in amusement. "I think you're right, Yama-Chan! So let's go!" Kisa grabs his hand and pulls him along behind her. Once they were a bit out of sight, Sougo sneers, "Why hasn't that girl embraced her inner Masochist yet? She should be my slave by now! Guess I'll have to ruin their date a bit more." An evil grin spreads across his face as he goes to track them down.

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