His Nightmare Before Christmas Pt. 4

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"Finally! It's time to get the hot pot ready!" Kisa claps her hands in excitement as Gintoki adds the meat and Otae adds the vegetables. Kagura stares at hungrily as her stomach growls, "It looks so good-aru!" Shinpachi wipes away a tear, "We can all finally have a piece of meat!" Kisa laughs, "Was it really that bad?" "Kisa-San, you won't ever have to understand that pain... Everyone was against everyone just to get a piece of meat." Gintoki cleans off his hands and dry them on Kisa's head, "Oi, instead of standing here and doing nothing, shouldn't you brats put the gifts under the tree?" Kagura jumps up and runs to her room. Kisa grabs the gifts from under the couch and places them under the tree. Kagura comes back and puts her gifts under the tree. Shinpachi drags in a bag and dumps the gifts under the tree, "These are from Ane-ue and I so it may not look like much." Otae pats Shinpachi's head, "I think we did a good job, Shin-Chan." Kisa looks at Gintoki and coughs, "What about your gifts, Gintoki?" "My gift to you all is my presence." Otae, Shinpachi, Kagura, and Kisa all start kicking Gintoki. "Gin-Chan is so cheap." "Ane-ue, we should take his gift back." "I can agree with you on that, Shin-Chan." "Wow Gintoki, maybe we could make your dead corpse our gift." Gintoki shields his face as a barrage of feet attack, "Wait! Wait a second, I was kidding! I have the gifts!! I have them, I swear!" They stop kicking him and give him time to stand up. He walks to the bathroom and comes back out with gifts. They all grimace as he puts them under the tree, "Why are you all making that face?" Shinpachi adjusts his glasses, "We should all be glad he got us something despite the fact he hid them in the most unsanitary place." They all chuckle and sit under the kotatsu. Gintoki joins them, "All we're waiting on is the alcohol! And then our night will be complete!!" Five minutes later, Otose, Catherine and Tama arrive with the alcohol. Everyone but Kagura is poured a drink, instead she was given tea. Gintoki raises his glass, "CHEERS!" They all do the same and down their drinks. Kisa's and Shinpachi's face pucker a little as the bitter alcohol hits their tongue. "Eep so bitter!" Tama laughs, "Kisa how can you say that? You drank 10 bottles by yourself without complaint." "I was in an emotional crisis! And plus after the fourth glass from the first bottle, I was already drunk. The flavor didn't matter by then." "The Shorgly says it was an emotional crisis but in reality she was just jealous." "Oh Catherine, you were here? I thought you were just a pile of garbage they brought in." Otose shakes her head, "Why can't you two ever get along?" Catherine starts to laugh, "Otose this is how we get along." "Pretty much insulting each other is the basis of our friendship." Otae giggles, "That's the best way to get along. Haven't you seen Kagura-Chan and Okita-San? Fighting is the basis of their friendship." Kagura chokes on her tea, "Me and the Sadist, friends? That's funny!" Shinpachi sighs, "Kagura-Chan is there any reason to hate Okita-San?" "Many reasons!" Kisa takes a sip of her drink and let's a breathe of relief out, "Ah this feels so nice... I haven't had a Christmas Eve like this since I was little." Gintoki smiles and throws a crumpled up napkin at her, "Merry Christmas, Kisa!" "Merry Christmas, Gintoki!"
"Sougo! Drink some more alcohol!" Kondo teeters around naked trying to hand the bottle to Sougo. "Kondo-San! Please put on some clothes!" "Lighten up, Toshi! It's a party!" "You're scarring half these men...." "Speaking of scarring... Kondo-San, you revealed yourself to the whole world that one day." Kondo laughs, "It's okay! I have no shame whatsoever!" Sougo laughs as he takes the bottle from Kondo. He puts the bottle to his lips and starts chugging it. Yamazaki stares at him, "Captain are you sure you want to do that? You're not going to pass out outside, are you?" "Don't worry about me, Yamazaki! You should be drinking too!" Sougo walks over to Yamazaki and puts the bottle in his mouth. Yamazaki quickly chugs the liquid that floods his mouth. Sougo pulls the bottle away and whines, "Ah Yamazaki! You drank all the alcohol." "*hiccup* That's your fault, Captain!" Sougo laughs as he goes to find another bottle.
--------------Two Hours Later-----------
Kisa wakes up to find that she passed out under the kotatsu. Kagura was asleep next to Sadaharu, Otae was gone and so was Shinpachi, Gintoki was half on the couch and half on the floor. She rubs her head and stands herself up. "Ugh feel sick... Ate too much meat or maybe too much alcohol... Did I have a drinking contest with Catherine? I don't even remember.... Oh well." Kisa drags herself to the other couch and plops down, she immediately falls asleep.
Sougo tosses and turns in his sleep. "Kisa where are you going?" "Oh you know just there." "Then I'll go with you." Sougo reaches for her hand, she immediately pulls away. Sougo feels something in his chest pound. "Hey, what the hell was that about? If it's because people are around then I don't care. I'll hold your hand." Kisa averts his gaze, "It's not that... I-I-I think that we need to break up.." *Ba-Dump* *Ba-Dump* "Wh-why?" Sougo hears his voice waver a little. "You don't like me, right? We had a good run but I think I need someone who actually loves me and will say it.... I already found someone who loves me unconditionally." Sougo reaches out to her but she just gets further and further away. "Bye Sougo.... I hope we can still be friends..." "W-wait! Don't leave!" Sougo immediately sits up, his breathing is hard and his heart was out of control. He grabs his phone and immediately types in her number. "....Hello?" His heart immediately calms down upon hearing her voice. "Sougo? What's wrong?" "Be outside in ten minutes." "Wha?" "Outside in ten minutes!" Sougo hangs up the phone and grabs his coat.
"Outside in ten minutes?" Kisa looks at her phone and groans, "Its twelve in the morning though....." She gets up and grabs a sweater, she slips it on and yawns. She grabs the scarf she made for him and goes outside. It only takes five minutes for Sougo to get there. When he stops in front of her, he begins to pant. Kisa tilts her head and places a hand on his cheek, "Sougo what wrong? What has you so worried?" Sougo puts his hand over hers and sighs with relief. "Thank god..." "Thank God for what? Sougo, what scared you?" "You... You scared me." Kisa wraps the scarf around him and pulls him down to her size, "I'm sorry then. What will make you feel better?" "Come back to headquarters with me..." "You want me to stay the night with you?" "Yes...." Kisa kisses Sougo gently, "I'll stay the night with you and by the way, Merry Christmas Sougo." He pulls her in and presses his mouth against hers. Taking in every second he passionately kisses her. Once he breaks away, he leans in and whispers in her ear, "I love you." Kisa's eyes widen as she feels her face grow hot, "Wh-what brought this about? So-Sougo why say it now? It's almost like you thought I was going to disappear." "You won't disappear, right?" "Yeah that's right. I won't ever disappear.." Sougo smiles and takes Kisa's hand and takes her back to the Shinsengumi Headquarters. Once they get there, Sougo immediately drags her to his room. Like the speed of light, Kisa was already in the bed with Sougo's arms wrapped around her. "Good Night, Sougo!" "Night Kisa..... I love you.." Kisa cuddles her face against his chest, "I love you too.."
"Sougo! It's time to get up and start morning training!" Hijikata opens the door, his face immediately drops. Sougo sits up and stretches, "Right now, right now..." Kisa rubs her eyes and sit up, "Good Morning, Hijikata." The cigarette from his mouth falls to the floor as he slowly backs out of the room, "Sorry for interrupting..." He slams the door shut, "PUT A SOCK ON THE DOOR OR SOMETHING!!" "Vice Chief what's wrong?" Hijikata puts a hand on Yamazaki's shoulder, "Yamazaki..... Sougo is too grown up..." Hijikata walks away leaving Yamazaki confused. He tilts his head, "What's that supposed to mean?"

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