Sharpen Your Sword Before You Cut Your Hair

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---------TWO WEEKS LATER--------

"So why are we at a hostess club again?" "Ane-ue said that they were short two employees, so they needed help." "That help being me and Kagura?" "Pretty much." "Don't worry, you'll love Anego!" "Anego is Otae, who is also Shinpachi's sister correct?" "Yes, but whatever you do, don't eat that woman's food. You'll probably die of food poisoning." Suddenly a fist hits Gintoki in the face. "Who's food will cause food poisoning, Gin-San?" Gintoki sits up with his nose bleeding. "Anego!" "Ane-ue, please don't hurt Gin-San! While Kagura-Chan and Kisa-San work, we were gonna find work to do as well." "Oops, I'm sorry Gin-San." "Gintoki, you're nose is bleeding." "Leave it, it gives me character." "Not really, you just look gross." "So Shin-Chan, is this the new friend you told me about." "Yep. Kisa this is my older sister, Ane-ue this is Kisa." "Pleased to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too, you can call me Tae-Chan if you would like." "Thank you very much." "Well then, the man and glasses should be leaving now." "Why are you the only one referred to as a man?" "Pachi, you'll never understand if you have to ask that question." The two guys leave the club. "Okay, let's get down to business! You two will be working from 9 PM to 5 Am! But don't worry I'll help you out anytime you need help. So tell me how is your social skills, Kisa?" "I've worked as a waitress and cashier before, so I know how to handle customers. Even the disruptive ones." "Good! Kagura even if they piss you off you need to keep your composure." "Got it!" "Well since you understand, please go put on your outfits!" Kagura and Kisa go to the changing room. "This kimono is cute and all, I love how it's short but pink isn't my color.." "What are you talking about? You look amazing!" "You look amazing too! Well I guess we should head out now." "Yeah!" The two start their job and pretty much were naturals at it. "Excuse me, sir. I'll be entertaining you for the night." "Um is Otae-San working tonight?" "Yes but she is with a customer at the moment. Please have a drink with me." Kisa links her arm with the customer and leads him to a booth. "So what is your name?" "Kondo.." "That's an interesting name. So Kondo-San, what do you do for a living?" Kisa asks as she fills up his glass. "I'm the Chief for the Shinsengumi." "Chief? That means you are affiliated with Okita...." "You know Sougo?" "I am acquainted with him, I wouldn't say we are on good terms though." Kondo downs his drink and Kisa fills it once more. "Why not? Sougo is a nice guy." "Nice?!? Every time we meet he steps on me." "Maybe that's his way of showing his affection towards you." Kisa blushes, "Affection!? N-n-nonsense, that's silly talk, n-n-n-no way, impossible." Kondo laughs and pats Kisa's back. "You're okay, but I didn't catch your name?" "Oh my name is Kisa. Nice to meet you, Kondou. And might I say, you have a romantic way of thinking. Do you perhaps have a girlfriend?" "Yes! She is beautiful and strong and just plain perfect! We plan on getting married and having three kids!" Kisa laughs when all of a sudden Kondo is thrown on top of a table. "Oh sweet lord! Kondo are you okay?!?" "Who is going to have three children with you, Gorilla?" "Oh Tae-Chan, you know Kondo." "Yes, he's a stalker and a gorilla." "OTAE-SAN!!! I've missed you! I made a new friend!" Otae steps on him a couple times and smiles. "He hasn't bothered you, Kisa?" "Oh no! Not at all, we had a very interesting conversation." "I'm glad. Shin-Chan told me that you've were very sad before and that they want to make sure you are very happy for a long time." "Yeah, it would be good to be happy for a long time." "Otae-San, you're an angel! Just being around you would make anyone happy!" Otae steps on him again. "Ummm Tae-Chan, what do we do about him?" Kisa points to the now knocked out Kondo. "Don't worry someone will come and get him. Just look at the door." Kisa looks at the door and to her surprise the door opened. "No, please anyone but him!" That's when Hijikata and Sougo walk in. They walk to the booth that Kondo is knocked out at. Kisa tries her hardest to hide her face. 🔹Don't notice me! Please don't notice m---🔹A foot is put on her forehead before she finishes her thought. "Hijikata look, they let bugs work here." "Dammit Okita! Get your foot off me!!!" Sougo looks at her and notices her outfit. His eyes fall to her legs which are really exposed. He doesn't know why, but it annoyed him. "Why are you wearing such a revealing outfit, midget? It doesn't suit you." Kisa looks down at her outfit and is confused. "My legs are pretty much the only things that are showing? And it's no different than my regular outfit. Wait why do I even care what you think?!" "Don't worry Kisa, I think you look wonderful." "Thank you, Tae-Chan." As Kisa talked to Otae, Sougo kept moving his foot back and forth, as if he was driving a car. "I DON'T HAVE A GAS PEDAL ON MY HEAD! STOP MOVING YOUR FOOT LIKE THAT! ACTUALLY GET YOUR FOOT OFF MY DAMN FACE!" Sougo doesn't remove his foot from her face, he continues to move it back and forth. "Hijikata, do something about your damn Sadist!" Otae giggles, "It seems like you have control over here. If you need me, I'll be getting back to work." "Wait Tae-Chan don't leave me alone with him! Kagura!!!" "Sorry Kisa, I'm busy!" Kisa grabs a fork and brings it towards Sougo's leg. "Okita, you're interrupting my work. Please remove your foot or else Hijikata will have to carry two knocked out men." Hijikata's cigarette falls out of his mouth, "That's not a threat to him! That sounds like a threat directed towards me! And what does the fork have to do with it." "I was hoping that Okita would pass out from blood loss." "Demon!" "Hah, the Demon Vice Chief is calling me a demon? That's weird." Kisa pushes Sougo's foot off her face and picks up Hijikata's cigarette off the table. She places it back in his mouth and lights it. "Don't I make an amazing hostess!" Hijikata takes a seat and takes a drag of his cigarette. "If you're gonna be good hostess then please pour me a drink." "Right away sir!" Kisa pours a cup of alcohol for him and hands the cup to him. Before he could grab it, Kisa pulls it back. "Ah I forgot the most important thing!" "What's that?" "You're paying right?" "Hah? Damn you really are a demon. Yeah yeah, I'll be paying." Kisa happily hands the drink over to Hijikata. "Then here you are, Mayora." Kisa gets up a grabs a bowl of nuts and places it on the table (actually it's on top of Kondo, who is on the table). She takes a seat next to Hijikata and Sougo takes a seat next to her. He starts eating the nuts. "Oi midget, are you gonna do your job or not?" "Depends are you paying?" "Hijikata is paying for me." Hijikata looks at Sougo and snickers, "You wish!" "It's too late Hijikata. She already poured me a drink." He notices the cup in Sougo's hand and drops his cigarette again. "I never agreed!" "Oh I was under the impression that the awesome Vice Chief would pay for his subordinate's drink." Kisa puts on the cutest voice she has and twists her hair around her finger. 🔹Hehehe! This is the oldest trick in the book! My goal is to make more money than Gintoki and Shinpachi! And if I have to use my womanly charms to do it, then so be it! Wait a minute..... If it's eleven at night, who the hell is going to go to Odd Jobs with a job..... THOSE BASTARDS TRICKED US INTO DOING WORK! I BET THEY ARE RELAXING RIGHT NOW, LAUGHING AT HOW GULLIBLE ME AND KAGURA ARE!🔹"I mean I guess I can pay for him this one time...." "Haha that's good! Okita, you should thank Hijikata for paying for you." "Thank you, Hijikata. Guess there will be no accidents tonight." Hijikata gets a new cigarette and puts it in between his lips. "Great, too bad it can't be everyday." Kisa laughs and fills their drinks up. An hour later, Kondo quickly sits up. Sending the bowl of nuts flying. Most land on Kisa, some fall down her kimono. "OTAE-CHAN!" Kondo then lays back down and falls asleep. "There are nuts in my hair.... You know what, ignore what I just said... That was awful..." Kisa starts picking the nuts out of her hair, but apparently she had missed one. "Oh you missed one." "Huh?" Hijikata combs his fingers through her hair which knocks the nut to the floor. Kisa's cheeks tint a slight pink. "Th-thank you." Sougo starts getting irritated. 🔺Damn Hijikata... Damn Midget... Why am I even annoyed? Ugh it's annoying.🔺 "Oi Hijikata, don't you think it's time to leave?" "Huh, yeah you're right. You grab Kondo from one side I'll grab his other side. Oh here's the money we owe you." "Thank you!" Kisa stands up but loses her balance. Sougo easily catches her and chuckles, "Are you already falling for me, Kisa?" The moment he said her name, her heartbeat picked up and her face turned red. She quickly stands up straight and coughs, "Yeah right! You'd probably want me to become a masochist or something like that." In the background Otae is giggling at Kisa's cute response. "All woman that fall for me become a masochist. Your time will come soon." "Mmmm...... Shut up! Just take Kondo and go home." Sougo smirks, "It will happen one day, midget." "I swear if you keep talking I'll stab you." Hijikata and Sougo grab Kondo and start walking towards the exit. "Don't stay up past your bed time!" Kisa picks up a nut and chucks it at Sougo. It hit him square in the head. "Sougo if you let go of Kondo, you'll have to commit seppuku a hundred times." Sougo holds in his frustration and they leave the club. "Finally! Now I can start working with real customers!" The rest of the night went by fast. By 5 AM, Kisa and Kagura are walking home. "Man that was pretty fun!" "You're only saying that because you didn't have to deal with the three stooges; Gori, Mayora, and Sadist." Kagura starts laughing and wipes a tear from her eye. "Gin-Chan didn't believe I would be mature enough for this job! I proved him wrong." "Kagura did you know those lazy bums sent us to work so they could relax." "What! We worked our butts off while they relaxed!!! Oh well, I got three cute guys numbers. The night wasn't bad." "I didn't get any numbers because I spent half the time with Kondo and those other two." "Don't worry, some guy will come to love you. Midgetness and all." "Shut up!! I'm only an inch shorter than you!" The two laugh and thirty minutes later they arrive home. Before they go to sleep they put Gintoki's hand in warm water. "Hehe, take that Father Gintoki." "Gin-Chan is going to pee himself!" The two finally go to bed.

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