Eyepatches And Shorties Don't Mix Pt. 2

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"Alright there's one more person you need to meet." "Okay... Where is this person?" "Somewhere around here.. Probably in this room." They go through a door and are greeted with a man's back. "This is Takechi Henpeita.." Kisa cringes at the name Takechi, "His name sounds like a disease...." "Yeah well.... Henpeita-Senpai, this is Midget Bi--- I mean Kisa." He turns around and Kisa lets out a small yelp. Kijima looks at her funny and Kisa shrugs, "S-sorry, I got startled by him...just his face really." The last part is muttered under her breath. "A little kid." "Who the hell are you calling a little kid?" "Listen Lolicon, she isn't a little kid. Shinsuke-Sama wouldn't have any use for a little kid." "I'm not a lolicon, I'm a feminist." 🔹Oh yay, another dumb one! I wonder how many more dumb people I have to meet until I find a smart one.... Who isn't psychotic!!!🔹 "Kisa, huh? What exactly are her skills?" "I don't know. Shinsuke-Sama brought her along... Which means he sees potential, but it's no fair! He calls her by her first name!" "Heh? Is that why you got mad? You're jealous that he called me by my first name? Don't tell me you're in love with Takasugi?" "Of course I am! I would ride to hell with that man and no one will ever harm him!" "Obsessed much?" "Matako respects Takasugi-Dono very much. She's a great fighter as well, the Kiheitai would be weak without her." "What you mean is that you'll have no one to protect you." "I'm not a fighter, I am a thinker." "I can respect that... Ah but anyways, what is the Kiheitai?" The two look at Kisa in confusion. Henpeita clears his throat, "The Kiheitai, an extremist Joui faction bent on causing world destruction. Or that's what people say about us and we follow our leader Takasugi Shinsuke!" 🔹Joui Faction.... As in like what Katsura does...🔹 "Ahhh, I get it. There are different factions for the Joui Rebellion! So there's this one and the one that Zura is the leader of. How many factions are there?" Kijima shakes her head, "There are a bunch... Wait, Zura? As in Katsura Kotarou?" "Kisa how do you know that name?" 🔹Sweet Chocolate Strawberries! They don't look like they enjoy Katsura very much... Think of a lie! Think of a lie! I got it!🔹 "Ah uh well I've heard the Shinsengumi are always looking for him! And well they are always out looking for him and questions everyone they see." The two look like they bought her story. "How about we take this conversation to another room? We can also include Takasugi-Dono in this conversation." "Shinsuke-Sama! Let's go to him!" All three leave the room an end up in another room where Takasugi and Bansai were talking. Kisa looks around the room and sees a dartboard with a picture of Gintoki in the middle of it. Takasugi throws a dart and hits Gintoki right in the forehead. 🔹GEHHHHH!!!! HE LITERALLY HIT GINTOKI IN THE FOREHEAD!!! Don't tell me that he doesn't like anyone in Odd Jobs. Or he doesn't like Katsura! I bet he doesn't like Sakamoto either!🔹 Three more darts are thrown at the picture, ruining it completely. "Hm seems I need a new picture." "Don't worry Shinsuke-Sama! I'll replace it for you." Kijima pulls down the picture and puts another one up. This time it was Katsura's photo. "Perfect." "Ehhhhh! Why hit his picture?! Aren't you two both Joui?" Takasugi turns toward Kisa, with an angry look on his face. "That idiot and I don't have anything in common! I want this country to burn and he wants to switch the toilet paper at the Shinsengumi's Headquarters." "Switch the toilet paper... As in put it on backwards?" Kisa begins to chuckle, "Haha!! Are you serious!? A man who is wanted can literally walk in there and do that and they still can't catch him? Oh my gosh, it's to much! The Shinsengumi is literally useless.." Takasugi walks up to Kisa and takes her by the chin, "Do you understand why this country needs to burn. Why it must be destroyed to the point of no return. The Bakufu needs to be destroyed! Gintoki and the rest of those idiots have to die." Fear reflects in Kisa's eyes as the thought of them dying crosses her mind. Bansai glances over at them and takes notice of her eyes. "Takasugi don't you think it's time to set a destination?" "You're right." Takasugi releases her face and leaves the room. The others follow behind him. Kisa walks over to the ripped picture that was on the floor, she picks up the pieces and sighs, "Gintoki, what have I gotten myself into? I need help."
"AACHHOO!" *sniff* *sniff* "Gin-Chan, what's wrong?" "My father senses are tingling.." "Gin-San do you even have father senses?" "Yes I do! Speaking of which, where the hell is Kisa?" "Kisa went out with the Sadist about an hour ago and hasn't come back yet." *knock* *knock* Gintoki stands up and walks to the door. He opens it up, "Hello?" "Yeah I guess this belongs here. Found it on the floor." The man hands Gintoki a wooden sword. "Where did you find this again?" "On the ground outside." "Outside of here?" "No in a different neighborhood. Anyways I thought it would be good to bring it back here. Bye." Gintoki closes the door and looks at the sword. "Gin-Chan, what's that?" "It's Kisa's sword..." "You shouldn't worry. She probably dropped it when she was with Okita-San." "Yeah I hope so... But now my father senses are going through the roof."
Kisa takes Katsura's photo down and sighs, "Poor Katsura, even an idiot like you doesn't deserve this kind of treatment." She places the photos down on a table. "Now I gotta find a way out of here or I'll probably end up like Yama-Chan...." "I knew it. You had a song that resembled someone else." Kisa jumps in surprise, "Eep! Hahaha, I have no idea what you're talking about!" "Your song is very interesting, not very hard to read, but somehow is similar to the white haired man. Have you come to attack Takasugi?" "N-no! I honestly had no idea about Gintoki and Takasugi's relationship. It doesn't help me at all that I know Katsura, does it?" "No not at all." "I guess it wouldn't... But I honestly mean no harm! I was fighting with someone and I yelled something that I guess peaked Takasugi's interest and then he dragged me here." Kisa can feel his cold glare shoot through her. "I promise I don't want trouble! I'll do anything you want me too!" "Go sit on the nose of the ship till a bug lands in your eye." "Huh?" He crosses his arms, "You heard me, go sit on the nose of the ship till a bug lands in your eye." "But how do I keep my eyes open that long?" A smirk spreads across his face, "I have a solution to that."
"Damn Sadist! Freaking taping my eyes open! That bastard!" Kisa twitches in anger as the wind hits her eyes. "Ehehe, I wanna blink so bad! Someone please, I'll commit sepukku if I have to! Please end the torture!" "Bansai-Senpai, why did you do that to her?" "Think of it as initiation." "Initiation? I guess." Kisa yells out profanities but is suddenly silenced by a bug landing in her mouth. "AHHH!!! It's in my mouth!!! Pfft!" Kisa spits the bug out and her eyes profusely water. "I just want to blink! This is worse than what Sougo has done to me! I'll commit sepukku! I promis I will." Suddenly a bug lands right on her left eye. She falls backwards back onto the ship. "KYAHHHH!!! ITS IN MY FLIPPING EYE! THIS IS WORSE THAN SEPUKKU! I KNOW MY DAMN RIGHTS AND I KNOW FOR SURE THAT CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT IS HELLA ILLEGAL!" Kisa rolls around on the ground clutching her left eye. Bansai stands above her and laughs, "Have you learned your lesson?" "You could've stabbed me! Why didn't you stab me? This hurts way more than I thought it would!" He picks her up and walks over to the side of the ship, "Kisa, if our paths are to ever cross again, it won't be as allies only enemies." "You damn right, you freaking sadist!" "Glad you understand." He drops her off the side and she falls into a dumpster. She sits up and watches the ship fly away. "BASTARD!" She takes the tape off her eyelids and notices she was dropped off in front of a hospital. "GENEROUS BASTARD!" She climbs out of the dumpster and wobbles her way into the hospital.
--------------One Hour Later------------
"I'm home!" Gintoki puts his JUMP down and gasps, "What the hell happened to your eye?!" "Well you see I ran into this idiot named Takasugi and--" "That bastard blinded you!" "No a bug landed in it while I was sitting on the nose of the ship..." "WHAAT! That bastard! Wait till I get my hands on him, I'm going to choke him... Wait why are you blushing?" "He was kind of cute in a psycho way..." "WHAT! He brain washed you!!!" "Well it was only cute when I saw he had pictures of you and Katsura.." Gintoki cringes with disgust, "He has pictures of us?" "Yeah but he uses them for his dart board." "He's ruining my face by using it as target practice!" "My eye hurts and like I can't feel half my face... I feel like I could take a hit from Kagura or Kamui and not feel anything..." "What kind of drugs are you taking?" "The kind that makes all sense of feeling disappear...." Kisa then falls face first into the couch. "Kisa?!" Gintoki looks at her and watches her breathing even out. A smile spreads across her face as a bit of drool starts to roll down the corner of her mouth. "That's unlady like... But whatever." He grabs a blanket and tosses it over her. "Sleep well, you super high child of mine."

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