Something Snaps Pt. 3

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🔹Something doesn't feel right here... ~Duh! You know exactly why! We're being followed, idiot!~ Dammit! The vegetables will spoil out in the sun! ~Draw your sword! You don't want to accept me, but you need to be on the defensive!~ Yeah I know already.🔹 Kisa sets the groceries down and draws her sword. "Kisa? What's wrong?" "Vixa stay behind me." "If you were a bit taller that would be reassuring." Kisa puffs her cheeks, "Just get behind me already!" Vixa nods her head and goes behind Kisa. Five men walk towards them and stop 6 feet away. "Here I thought I'd be able to kill you with ease. But it seems you brought along another pest for me to squash." "You won't get away with it! Reiji won't let you get away with this!" "Heh? You're husband is brand new to this game, but thinks he's better than all of us. Me and my faction make even the great Katsura shiver in fear." Kisa starts laughing, "Katsura afraid of things? I doubt that man is even afraid of Takasugi! What idiot boat did you come off of? Hahaha! Hold on, I need a second to calm down!" "Who the? How dare you speak to me like that! Little girls like you should cower in fear when approached by me!" Kisa laughs even harder, "Ahahahaha, you just made the biggest mistake of your life! No one calls me little girl and gets away with it." 🔹~Ah I forgot those words set you off. Kukuku, this going to be fun!~🔹 Kisa points her sword towards them and grins, "Are you ready to fight or are too scared to fight a little girl like me?" "Hah! Men time to take the trash out!"
----------Twenty Minutes Later---------
"Hah....Haha, this is getting ridiculous! She's one girl men! Just hit her!" "We're trying, Boss!" "She's good at blocking!" "And her dodging speed is amazing." "I don't care just kill her!" Vixa stares at Kisa, her mind is in a mess, "Kisa are you okay?!" "Hah... Hah... Hah.. Haha, this nothing! Just running low on energy! Don't you worry your little head." Kisa's breathes even out as she looks up at the men. 🔹Keh! I can only dodge! I'm not skilled like Gintoki and Shinpachi... I can't cut with a wooden sword yet.. We're so fucked if we can't find a way out of here... Where the hell are my kunais when I need them! ~I told you! You're going to need me. The time with Ami's boyfriend, I was let out a little but then you pushed me back! You could have stabbed the Space Pirates with that metal, but you didn't and in the end you were on the verge of death. With Kamui, you could've taken the chance and fought him and hell you could've let him drown! You could've taken Kijima out! That Kawakami bastard who threw you off the edge of a ship, you could've killed him for that or at least fought! But no, you held me back and took the peaceful route!~ Haha! I don't have time to be a ruthless killer! I'll protect her till my last breath! That is what I signed up for!🔹 Kisa stands herself up and points her sword at them again, "Are you ready to dance again? Or am I just too much?" "Kill her already!" Kisa easily dodges and evades their attacks until her foot slips and one of the blades slightly grazes her face. Her eyes widen as she hears Vixa yells, "Kisa!!" Kisa regains her footing and using her sword she slaps the other blade away from her. Her heartbeat picks up as she touches the blood on her face. 🔹Th-that was close.... ~That was too damn close!~ Shut up, I don't need your criticism right now!🔹
------------Ten Minutes Later-----------
Kisa's breathes come out heavy and a bit ragged, "Hah... Hah... Hah... Sonuva... I'm too tired for this shit..." Kisa falls to her knees using her sword to keep her body upright. "Pathetic.... Pathetic... I have no stamina at all." "Kisa!" Kisa looks up to see a blade heading straight towards her. Her eyes widen as a body shields her from the original blow. The blade is just inches away from her face. Kisa looks up and let's out a scream, "AHHHHHHH VIXA!" The man backs up with a satisfied smile on his face. Vixa tumbles to her knees, her body falls backwards landing onto Kisa's lap. Tears stream down Kisa's face, "Vixa... Wh-why did you do that?" Vixa chuckles as blood drips from the corner of her mouth, "Kisa did you know that I always wanted a kid? I found out I never could have one which made me not fit for marriage. Reiji accepted me though and then I met you. A woman like me who's in her thirties just found a perfect girl. You were how I wanted my daughter to be like.... And I guess in a way I thought of you as a daughter." More tears pour down Kisa's face. "Would you mind pulling the sword out? It's kinda uncomfortable." "I-if I do that, it'll kill you faster!" "I'm dying anyways... Would you mind letting me die in comfort?" Kisa screams as she pulls the sword out, "Wahhh! I'm sorry!!" Vixa places her bloodied hand on Kisa's cheek, "don't be sorry.... I feel much better now, thank you.... it's kinda sad though, i always wanted to die by reiji's side but i guess we don't get what we always want.." Kisa lets out inaudible words as Vixa's words get weaker. "thank you, kisa.... i am glad i met you... please don't cry or else i won't die seeing that dazzling smile of yours...." Vixa's hand slowly falls off Kisa's face. Kisa begins to shake with a mixture of anger and sadness. 🔹~Kukuku! You know what you need to do Kisa... Come take my hand, accept me.. You have a reason to kill now! Pick up that sword! Kill them with their own sword!~ Wahhh! ~That's right! Now stand up and fight! Let me take over!~🔹 Kisa grabs the real sword and stands up. Her head is still looking down. "Woah Boss, she's up again." "Just get rid of her. She's not a threat anymore." "Ehhhh Boss, she's scaring us..." "What the hell are you going on about?!" The man looks at Kisa and cringes with fear. Kisa was now staring directly at them with a twisted grin, half her face covered in blood, "My turn now...." With great speed, Kisa kills each man leaving just the Boss. "Hehehehe! Tell me, how does it feel to know you'll be killed with your own sword? How does it feel to watch your men bathe in their own blood. Let's see I got one stomach hit, a throat hit, a heart hit, a ball hit, what am I missing? Oh I know!" Her grin turns more twisted, "I'm missing the HEAD SHOT!" As Kisa says that she stabs her sword through the man's skull. His screams were only audible for a second. "Hahahaha!!! That was all you could offer me?! I thought you guys made even the Great Katsura shake?That was pathetic! Where is the real fight! Huh, you useless bastards!" Kisa drops the sword and falls to her knees. She buries her face into her hands, unable to tell who's blood was who's. 🔹~There all done! The body is all yours!~🔹 Kisa looks up and looks around her. Her heart stops when she sees Vixa's body. She stands up and walks over to her body, "Why do you look so peaceful? I failed at my job.... Why did you smile at the end?! Why did you show me compassion, if I let you die!" Kisa bends down and lifts Vixa up. She puts Vixa's arm around her shoulder and starts walking. As she walks along the dirt path she sees someone in front of her. "K-K-Katsura.. Please help me..." "Kisa-Dono! What happened to you?!" "Screw what happened to me! Please try to save her!" "Who's blood is on you?!" "Mine, hers, those bastards! I don't know anymore!" Katsura takes Vixa from Kisa and grabs Kisa's hand, "Come on! You need to be cleaned up! Where are these bastards?" Kisa lets out an evil chuckle, "Hehe, I killed them... They are as dead as a door nail.." He looks at her in shock but continues to take her to his hideout.
----------------An Hour Later------------
Kisa sits in the doorway and stares at the grass waving in the mid afternoon breeze. Katsura takes a seat next to her, he clears his throat, "Kisa-Dono--" "There was no saving her, right? Yeah I figured that was the case..." "She lost too much blood.... Now if anyone is beyond saving it would have to be those men you killed." Kisa flinches at those words, "I went overboard didn't I?" "Overboard? No that was just something new to see. But don't worry, it has been taken care of." Kisa looks at Katsura, "Am I a horrible person?" He places his hand on her head and ruffles her hair, "Not at all and don't worry we let Reiji know about this mess." "He hates me right?" "He lost the one he loved... He's mad at himself mostly.." "Why?" "He's in a dangerous occupation.. He believes it's his fault for marrying her, but you should never let your work dictate your love life. You're free to love who you want. Even if he's a Bakufu Dog." "Katsura, you're an idiot but sometimes I swear you are the smartest man here." "It's not idiot, it's Zura." "I take back my comment." They both start laughing and enjoy the nice breeze.

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