Caution: Dad Will Cause Havoc!

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"Yama-Chan were scared when Kawakami stabbed you?" "Of course! I thought I was going to die! But in the end he spared me, he was a pretty weird guy. Has a way with words though.. Wait why bring him up?" Kisa sighs and leans against the fence, "I think he Out-Sadist Sougo." "What? Someone can actually out-sadist the Captain!" "Well I guess in my point of view, yeah. Sougo really hasn't done anything super bad to me. But Kawakami made sit on the nose of the ship with my eyelids taped open, just so a bug can land in my eye!" "Perhaps he did out-sadist the Captain... Are you okay?" Kisa laughs, "Oh yeah totally fine! I was just temporarily blind for a few days!" Yamazaki watches her smile and sighs, "Kisa.... Good Job!" He gently places his hand on her head and smiles, "You've been practicing a lot in order to beat me, huh?" "You've noticed! I've been able to keep up much better now!" "Guess I'll have to kick up my game or else you'll be able to beat me." Kisa grins widely as Yamazaki pats her head. From across the street Otae notices the two. She walks over to the court and stands behind them. "Kisa, how nice to see you!" "Tae-Chan! What are you doing here?" "Oh just some shopping. What were you doing?" "Playing Badminton with Yama-Chan. Still can't beat him though and it's really annoying!" Otae giggles, "So you broke up with Okita-San?" "What makes you say that?" "Wait you two are still together? I just thought because you were here with him." "No no, every Tuesday and Thursday is badminton day. I'm still with Sougo." "I apologize, it's because Yamazaki touched you so easily and I've noticed Okita-San doesn't even hold your hand out in public." Fear strikes Yamazaki, "Is it a bad thing that I can pet her head so easily?" "No not at all! You're just more open that Okita-San is. Huh, Kisa what's wrong?" "I've never thought about it..." "Never thought about what?" "The fact that he doesn't show any public display of affection.. It's not a bad thing but I just never noticed it.." Otae suddenly gets angry, "WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! What if he is just using you for things!?" Yamazaki starts shaking his head, "No it can't be like that. The Captain might be a Sadist but he isn't that awful." Otae grabs Kisa by the wrist and starts dragging her somewhere, "I'm sorry, Yamazaki! I need to take Kisa somewhere!" "Ah don't worry about it! So Kisa are we still on for next Tuesday?" "Yes! And be ready to be beaten that day!" Yamazaki laughs but then he sighs, "Why do I have a feeling something bad is going to happen? And why do I feel like I'm going to be blamed for it?"
Otae kicks the door down and drags Kisa in. "Ane-ue?! What are you doing here?" "Pachi are really going to ask that question! You should be asking why the hell she broke our damn door down!" Kagura stands up and hugs Otae, "Anego! Oh and Kisa!" "Gintoki-San, I have a job for you guys!" "Are we getting paid?" "I'll pay you with pain and suffering." "Alrighty then, we'll do this for free! What's the job?" Otae pulls Kisa in front of her and clears her throat, "Find a suitable partner for Kisa! And when I mean suitable, I mean good husband material." "Partner? Aren't you dating Souchiro?" "I am dating him!" "He's not suitable for her! He's so detached from her it's ridiculous. The boy can't even hold hands with her! She needs a man who actually loves her!" "Ane-ue, Okita-San isn't using Kisa-San... For those little reasons, that isn't enough to decide whether he's good enough for her or not. It's all up to Kisa-San." Gintoki stands up and puts Shinpachi in a chokehold, "I think she has a great idea! That way I can make sure the guy is to my liking and is perfect for my daughter." Kagura pumps her fist into the air, "Yeah it's time to get rid of the damn Sadist!" Shinpachi knocks out and Gintoki lets him drop to the ground. "Hey! Don't I get a say in this?!" All three yell in unison, "NO!" Kisa flinches and sighs. 🔹Why da hell do I not get a choice?! This is complete bull crap!🔹
Sougo aimlessly walks around. When he notices a line leading into Odd Jobs. "Hah, so Boss can really get some actual work?" Sougo chuckles but then hears two men talking, "Aw man, you can't even talk to the girl who supposed to be the bride." "I know! That white haired idiot asked all the questions while she had no room to talk!" "She was very pretty, but kinda short for my taste." Something in Sougo snaps as he grabs one of the men. He pins the man to the wall, "What was this girls name?" "Her name? He never told us her name. He said that if we were worthy enough, we could learn it!" Sougo releases him and tries to get up the stairs. He pushes his way through and finally gets through the door. "Okay who's next? Souchiro what are you doing here?" "Boss why are you trying to give my girlfriend away?" Otae steps in front of Sougo and crosses her arms, "If you don't love her then why are you here?" "Don't love her? What are you talking about?" "Tae-Chan, please I beg you don't say anything unnecessary!" Kisa steps in front of Otae. "It doesn't bother me at all that Sougo doesn't show any public affection. He shows he loves me in his own way." "How do I know that he isn't using you for sex?" 🔺Using her for sex? Because I won't do any public display of affection, they think I don't love her and just using her for sex... That's crazy!🔺 Sougo grabs Kisa by the arm and pulls her into his arms, "Don't fuck with me." He turns her around and lifts her chin up. He roughly pushes his lips against hers. Kisa tries fighting him off at first but then she slowly goes with it. "Dammit Souchiro! Don't molest my daughter in front of me!" Otae covers her eyes and turns her head away. Kagura and Shinpachi hold Gintoki back. Sougo pulls away and looks down. Kisa takes a glimpse at his face and starts blushing, "Sougo, is that the reason why you don't do public affection?" Only small mumbles are heard from him. "Souchiro, I could care less if you're super embarrassed from kissing her! I will murder you where you stand!" "Gin-San, it's normal for couples to kiss!" "Wait don't do anything, Gin-Chan! I think I just found the Sadist's weakness!" Gintoki tries to pull his body away from Kagura and Shinpachi but fails. "I believe you for now! Just shoo before Gintoki-San breaks something." Without looking at Kisa, Sougo quickly walks out. "Oi Sougo! What the hell!? You can't make a cute face like that and then run away!" "Kisa if you run after Souchiro... Pick up some milk on your way back. Kagura drank it all this morning so now we need more." "Yes sir!" Kisa runs after Sougo.
--------------10 Minutes Later----------
"He literally had a two minute head start! How did he escape my grasp!" Kisa looks back and forth desperate to find Sougo, "Did he die in the time I've been looking for him!?" She suddenly spots him walking into an alleyway. "Hehe! Got you now!" Kisa follows behind him. She quietly sneaks up behind him and then she kicks his knees out, knocking him to the ground. She places a foot on his back and laughs, "Ahahaha! How does it feel to be knocked onto the ground when you're least expecting it?" Sougo pushes himself up which makes Kisa lose her balance. She quickly balances herself and laughs again, "Bet you weren't expecting that!" "Do you think that too?" "What are you talking about?" "Do you think that I'm just using you?" Kisa sighs, "Like I said before, it doesn't bother me that you aren't affectionate in public. You show your love to me when we are alone, which makes me happy." "What about saying it?" "You don't have to say you love me. I can tell by your actions." Suddenly a boot comes flying past Kisa and hits Sougo right in the face. "Souchiro let me tell you something, if you want to keep then I suggest you step it up! Yamazaki can easily ask her to hang out and he's the most awkward person right next to Shinpachi. If you can't even ask her out on a date in front of people then what's the point? Trust me, I know you have asked out before but if you want her then you'll have to come to our door." Kisa picks up Gintoki's boot and sighs, "Gintoki, you gave him a bloody nose." She drops his boot and kneels down. "Do you understand where I'm coming from, Souchiro." "Boss..... Do I have to arrest you for assault." "Glad you understand. Oi Kisa hand over my boot." Kisa grabs it once again and then tosses it to Gintoki. "No need to pick up milk on your way home, Kisa. I'll pick some up on my way home." Gintoki turns around and starts to walk away. "Gintoki!" He stops and turns his head. "Thank you..." He smiles and starts walking away again. Kisa turns her attention back towards Sougo and pulls out a handkerchief. She places it right under his nose and starts dabbing the blood away. "The Boss is really like a father, isn't he?" "You could say that, but you know he's the worst role model ever." Sougo chuckles a little and puts his hand over her hand. "Thanks...." "You're absolutely welcome." "Kisa.. I'm sorry for not being open about things." "You don't have to worry about it, love.. I don't need you to be so open.. Just once in awhile please be at least a bit loving." "I'll do that then... How about right now?" Sougo backs her against a wall and presses his lips against hers. After he pulls back, Kisa smiles, "I love you, Prince of Sadist." Sougo smiles and places his forehead against hers. "Yeah... I love me too." Kisa gently taps his head, "Stupid!"

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