Strongly Denying It Makes It Even More True Pt. 2

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🔹Mmmmm.... My head hurts... I can't move my arms... What the hell is happening?! I can't see anything! What happened to Sougo!🔹 Kisa replays the last hour in her head. "Still doesn't explain why I can't see or move my arms..." "Boss she's awake!" "Good you can take off the blindfold." The men do as they are told and remove Kisa's blindfold. Kisa squints as the light hits her eyes. "Oww my eyes. Wait where the hell am I?!" "Welcome, young lady." "Who the hell are you guys?" "Let's go with Space Pirates." "There are Space Pirates! That's freaking awesome!" "Ugh midget are you always this loud?" "Sougo!" Kisa turns her head to left and smiles, "You're still alive and tied up..... I didn't know you were into being tied up." "I'm not. I do the tying in the relationship, thank you very much." "Well as long as your alive, I guess everything is fine then." The Space Pirates begin to laugh, "He won't be alive for long and you, my dear will be making us a lot of money." "Come again?" "We'll be selling you as a slave, my dear." "Ah hell no! I don't think so!" The Captain stands in front of Kisa and glares at her, "You don't have a choice." "I do actually!" The Boss growls as Sougo starts to chuckle, "Careful Mr. Space Pirate, this girl has an awful attitude. She doesn't even realize that she'll probably have a man if she gets sold, how ungrateful." "I don't want to hear you speak Bakufu Dog!" "Sougo you make a lot of enemies, huh?" "Part of the job." Kisa smiles, "Must be an amazing job." "Damn straight it is." The Captain walks away in annoyance. "We'll get rid of him once we get to the spot." "Yes sir!" All the pirates leave the room giving Kisa the chance to scoot closer to Sougo. "Hey it must suck to have your whole body tied to a pole." "It just means they think I'm a threat. That's why only your hands are tied." "Are you trying to say I'm not a threat?" "A tiny person like you? A threat? Don't make me laugh." "Just you see! I'll find a way to untie myself and save myself!" Kisa stands herself up and walks around the room they're locked in. "Let's see, something sharp... Ah wait, where did my sword go?! Oh mah gosh, I never had it with me to begin with!" "You mean that wooden sword the Boss carries around?" "He got me one too. Because there is a Sword Ban and since the one we use is wooden it's okay." Sougo rolls his eyes, "Even if you did have it, they would've taken it away. Just like my sword." Kisa puffs her cheeks out and ignores Sougo. 🔹I could probably kick some of these metal pipes... Perhaps they'll break and then I could cut the rope!🔹 Kisa starts kicking the pipes on the wall. "Oi, why do you have to make all that noise?" "I'm trying to free myself!" She gives it one more hard kick and they break. "Damn these things were rusted to hell. But it's sharp enough to cut the rope." Kisa turns around and backs up until her hands could touch the sharp metal. She begins to rub the rope on the jagged edges, but she hears the door begin to open. She quickly moves away from the pipes but cuts her hand in the process. She slides back over to Sougo. The Captain comes in and looks around. "What the hell was all that noise?!" "Those pipes were rusty and just burst... You should really keep your ship up to code." He looks at Kisa skeptically and leaves the room again.
"Wow that guy is stupid... Why is everyone here stupid?" "Aren't you going to escape or something?" "Oh yeah!" Kisa starts wiggling her arms back and forth. "You went through the trouble of breaking something and your not going to use it." "Don't need it anymore.. I accidentally cut myself so I'm using my blood as a lubricant..... I'm going to need a tetanus shot after this though.." Kisa continues to wriggle around until she feels a sharp pain. She bites her lip to the point she draws a little blood. "Oi, why'd you stop moving? I was enjoying watching you wiggle around like that." "The rope slid across the wound on my hand.... I just opened it up even more...." Sougo looks at her in marvel, "You really are something else, you know that?" "Shut up! I got the rope anyways!" Kisa shakes her hands free and fist pumps the air. "I did it! In your face!" While she was gloating some blood from her hand drips onto her face. "That's awesome! I'm bleeding everywhere!" She takes the purple ribbon out of her and uses it to bandage the wound. Sougo's eyes widen as he watches her. "What? Is there a lot of blood on my face?" "You still have that ribbon?" Kisa looks at the ribbon on her hand and smiles, "Well of course, it was a present after all! Ah but I'll have to wash it after today. Now it's time to get you out!" "I thought you weren't going to help me." "It's kinda pathetic seeing you tied up. It was funny at first but I'm over it now." Kisa goes over to the pipes, using a strong kick she breaks a sharp piece off. She picks it up and walks back over to Sougo. "Don't worry, I'll make sure not to cut you... that much..." "What was that?" "Nothing!" Kisa is able to free Sougo, but then the doors behind her opened and the Captain walks in. "What the hell is this?" Kisa's stomach drops as she is grabbed by the hair. "Oww!!" Kisa grips the hands that are grabbing her hair. "Men! Come grab the dog!" Some of his subordinates come in and grab Sougo. "Let go of me! You're making my hair dirty!" The Captain looks down at his hands and laughs, "What's this? You're bleeding? My dear this is what happens when you try to escape. But now I see how troublesome you really are.. I guess we'll just have to get rid of you both." They drag the two outside, the Captain forces Kisa to look over the ship's side. "Do you see that Ocean, my dear? Would you like to know how cold it is?" "Um not really... I went swimming last week, I'm bored of it already!" The Captain chuckles, "So you know you'll be thrown off the edge?" "Question, what would kill me first? The impact of me hitting the water or the freezing temperatures of the water?" "Both.." "Cool a two in one death! Can it not happen? I have a drama to watch today." "Oh yeah that's right. The new episode is out today." "Sougo, you watch it too!" He nods his head. "Well look at that, I have something in common with the Prince of Sadist." "This is getting annoying! Men hit him or something!" One of the Pirates punch Sougo in the gut. Kisa flips out a little, "Hey! What the hell did he do?!" "Why do you care? He is a Bakufu Dog and has ruined a lot of my trades. It's his time to go." "Since you're pirates, I wouldn't be surprised if everything you do is illegal! He's a police officer, it's his job! You can't kill someone over their job!" "You speak highly of this cretin. Are you perhaps infatuated with him?" Kisa's face burns up, "Don't get me wrong! It's not like I like him or anything! I'm just pointing out the facts!" The Captain laughs, "Well think of it this way. I'll let you die first so you still have the image of him alive in your head." "How thoughtful of you, you bastard!" "I grow tired of your voice. Say goodbye to this world, my dear!" The Captain releases her hair and grabs her neck instead. She grabs his wrist and starts kicking around. Her heart rate picks up as she feels all senses leaving her body. Sougo tries to tear away from the Pirates' grip but he couldn't pull away. "Dammit! That midget has nothing to do with this! Let her go now!" The Captain evilly grins as he holds her out past the side of the ship. "What should I do? I could easily crush her throat or I could drop her into the freezing water and being at this height, she'll probably break her neck anyways." Kisa's eyes begin to water as her eyesight begins to get blurry. "...sou...go..." In a rage, Sougo tears his arm away from one of their grasps and grabs a sword from its sheath. He swiftly cuts the men, who cry out in pain. Sougo easily cuts through all the men, he then throws the sword at the Captain, which stabs into his leg. In a panic, the Captain releases Kisa and grabs the sword trying to pull it out. Kisa begins to fall. Sougo runs to the side of the ship and grabs her wounded hand. *Cough* *Cough* "Sougo?" "You can thank me later." "I'm not going to thank you! You're grabbing my wounded hand, idiot!" Sougo rolls his eyes and pulls her up. She takes both hands and grips his sleeve, "....thank you..." "Hold that thought." Sougo walks to the Captain. He places his foot on the injured leg making the Captain howl in pain. Kisa stares at Sougo with an unknown feeling. "What the hell am I feeling?" An evil smirk spreads across Sougo's face as he takes hold of the sword's handle. Her mind draws completely blank as she watches him push the sword further in. "I know this emotion.... It's fear..." "Criminals like you make me sick... Just die.."

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