Near Death But So Close To Life! Pt. 3

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Kondo carries the Amanto over his shoulder and runs back to Kisa. "Toshi! There was a patrol car around here, right?" "Yeah yeah! It was just around the corner!" "Alright pick her up! We're going to a hospital! Sadaharu lets go!" Hijikata gently picks up Kisa and follows Kondo to the patrol car. They open the backseat and throws the Amanto back there, then they somehow fit Sadaharu back there. Kondo gets in the drivers side and Hijikata sits in the passenger seat with Kisa in his lap. Kondo takes off his cravat and hands it to Hijikata, "Put pressure on the wound to slow down the bleeding! I know it might seem a little too late but she still has a pulse so we can do at least this much!" Hijikata nods his head and presses the cravat against the bullet wounds. Her body flinches in pain. "Kondo-San please hurry up. She's loosing all color from her face." "I'm trying! I'm trying!" Kondo fumbles with the keys but is finally able to put them in and start the car, "Alright! Next stop the hospital!" He floors it going as fast as possible. Hijikata turns on the sirens, "Might as well give people hope." "They have hope, all they need is for us to deliver the cure." With his other hand, Hijikata feels the little vials in his pocket. 🚬Crap there is so much blood! I can't tell whether she's lost too much blood or its a mixture of hers and someone else's blood.🚬 "nghh....Hijikata...nghh.." "Yeah I know, so don't talk... Okay? Save the sentiment for Sougo.." "There it is! Just a little further!" Kondo comes to a screeching stop in front of the hospital. Hijikata opens his door and jumps out of the car. Kondo gets out and opens the back door. He ties the Amanto to a column outside, "Sadaharu stay and watch this piece of trash. I promise that we'll save Kisa." Sadaharu sits next to the Amanto and sticks out his tongue. Bark! Bark! Woof! Kondo rushes inside and finds a panicking Hijikata, "Toshi what's wrong?" "We have no medical experience, Kondo-San! How are we supposed to save her!?" "We'll find a way! Don't give up just yet!" "But look at her face! It's completely pale!" "Excuse me, how can I assist you two?" The two turn around and find a doctor, "Sensei! We need your help!" "Please help our friend, she's been shot." The doctor looks down and gasps, "Kisa!! Please put her on this bed! Well get started on surgery right now!" They place her on the bed and wheel it down the hallway. They push her into a room and get her ready for surgery. The doctor opens up her kimono revealing her stomach which was slowly pooling with blood. "Gorilla! Use that towel and clean up the blood from her stomach! Angry looking one, give me those tools and gloves behind you!" Kondo starts cleaning up the blood and Hijikata hands the doctor his tools, "Okay next I need Gorilla to hold down her arms. Angry looking one hold down her legs." Kisa eyes slowly flutter open, "nghhh...what's happening?" "Good she's awake! Now I need to take the bullets out." "Ughh that's going to hurt, isn't it?" The doctor grabs his medical tweezers and slowly sticks them in the bullet hole. "KYAGHHHH!! Stop it! It hurts! Please stop!" Kisa tries to kick around but has no luck, tears stream down her face, "You both are traitors!! Stop it! Stop hurting me!!" He gets the bullet out and starts sewing the wound shut. Kisa bites her lip and cries even more. Then she stops moving entirely. "Oi, what happened to her! Did she die?!" "No she passed out from the pain. It's normal... But after this I'm going to have to give her major pain killers. Officer do you mind going to the vending machine and getting a sweet drink?" "Uh sure but before I do that... Here." Hijikata hands the doctor the vials he had in his pocket, "It's the cure to the drug that's been administered." "Thank you, officer. I'll make sure to get started on some more. I'll cure some of my colleagues right now so they can start the duplication process." Hijikata nods his head and leaves the room. The doctor also leaves. Kondo sits next to Kisa and wipes the sweat and tears off her face, "Don't worry it's almost over."
The drink falls to the bottom and Hijikata grabs it. He lets out a big sigh and is startled by a familiar voice, "Hijikata why are you guys at the hospital?" Hijikata turns around and faces Sougo, "How did you find us here?" "I followed the sounds of the police sirens." Sougo looks at Hijikata's hands, "Who's blood is on you?" "Uh um a sacrificial goat." "Where's Kisa?" "Lost her while looking for Gurin." "Hijikata are you lyi--" Their conversation is interrupted the sound of screaming. Something in Sougo's head clicks and he is able to add two and two together. He looks towards the hallway and makes a run for it. "Wait Sougo don't go towards the sound!" Hijikata runs after Sougo but is too late, Sougo opens the door and finds Kisa being operated on. She then faints again after these stitches. Sougo walks up to the hospital bed and stares in horror. He then looks at Kondo who also has blood all over his hands. "Wh-what the hell happened to her?!"

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