Perfect Couples Will Clash Heads

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"So the gist of my request is to please help me out." Gintoki scratches his head, "So you're saying that the Shinsengumi is following you around and you want us to stop it?" Shinpachi adjusts his glasses, "May-San, we can't really stop them." Kisa and Kagura look at each other and smirk. "Which one of them is following you-aru?" "He's a man with light brown hair and red eyes." "Ah they have Sougo following you, huh? What did you do for them to follow you?" "I might have an idea...." Gintoki nods his head, "Well go for it." "Well I'm a twin... My older sister April was born first, she was raised in solitude and was being trained as an assassin. I was raised by my mother in a loving home. Well my sister has been very busy lately and so they probably think I'm April..." Kisa looks at her in shock, "Soo they think you're the assassin sister..." "They have no idea that I'm a twin... The problem is that they plan on getting rid of me this Wednesday..." "How would you know that?" May twiddles her thumbs, "Well that's because I'm friends with Yamazaki and he's the only who knows of my sister..." "YAMA-CHAN! Gintoki, we have to help her! She's friends with Yama-Chan!" Gintoki sighs, "How's that an excuse for helping her?" "Because I can easily handle Sougo! Just let me take care of him." "Kisa-San, you can't just walk up to Okita-San and confront him." "Then how about a decoy? I'll take her clothes and she'll take mine. I'll sit in her home and wait for Sougo to come." Gintoki picks his nose, "We can try that..." "Ah but not any of my normal clothes! Use the clothes I first came here in." Kagura jumps up and runs to a closet. She pulls out some shorts, a sweater, and some sneakers. She hands the outfit to May, "Here put them on-aru." May takes the outfit and goes to the bathroom. Kisa stands up an stretches, "I need something to cover my head. Just so they don't immediately recognize me." "Can do." Gintoki pulls out a brown bandana and tosses it to Kisa, "There don't get caught so easily." "Ha! Trust me, I won't get caught!"
Kisa tries to balance a spoon on her fingertip as she's waits for the Shinsengumi to arrive. "I'm sooo bored.... When is this idiot going to get here?!" Sougo and Yamazaki sit in their car outside of May's house. "Captain should we really do this? There's no way we can prove she's guilty." "Yamazaki, she went to the Boss. Which means she went to get help from them. I can pretty much say she's guilty." "But she came out looking so dejected... That's means they refused it, right?" "That's not the point. The point is she is guilty and I'm in charge of her punishment." Yamazaki looks at his phone and sighs, "You are completely right. I apologize, Captain." Kisa feels her phone vibrate, she picks it up and smiles, "Yama-Chan texted me! Huh, please save her? He thinks we turned down her request... Better reassure him!" Yamazaki opens his phone and a slight smile spreads across his face. 🏸Already taken care of! Though it might cause some problems.. Oh well!! So Odd Jobs is going to help her... Thank goodness..🏸 Kisa sighs, "The only problem it will cause is one between me and Sougo..." Suddenly she hears the door being slightly opened. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. As much as she can, she tries to imitate May's voice, "I've been waiting for you, Captain... Have you come to punish me for crimes?" Sougo chuckles and slams the door behind him, "Well well, never had a prey who was waiting on me before. I'm flattered but I must decline your flirting, I have a girlfriend." "Officer for what am I being punished for?" "You know damn well why you're being punished for. How many people have you killed and then you make a death threat towards the Shogun. You have to go." "Why am I being punished for crimes that are not mine?" Sougo unsheathed his sword and points it towards her, "Any last words?" "Yep.... Your phone is ringing." Sougo tilts his head and his phone begins to ring. He takes it out of his pocket and reads the name on the screen, "Why is she calling so late?" He flips it open and answers it, "Kisa? I can't talk right now I'm busy....." He stops talking and looks towards her, "What did you do?!" She holds up a phone that is very familiar to Sougo, "Are you perhaps hearing the sound of your own voice, Officer?" "What did you do to her!?" Kisa stands up and sighs, "Obviously she's somewhere she shouldn't be." Sougo grips his sword and drops his phone, "I'll kill you!" Sougo goes straight towards her but is only able to graze her arm. "You let emotions take a toll on your self reason... Isn't it obvious that I'm right here?" Kisa throws off the cloak she was wearing and crosses her arms. Sougo drops his sword, "Kisa? What the hell are you doing here?!" "I'm here in ordinance to a request that was given. I apologize for frightening you." Sougo looks at her arm which is bleeding, "Kisa, I could have killed you! What were you thinking?!" "I'm here to prove that a certain girl is very innocent." Sougo clenches his fist, "Take me to your house so I can get the criminal!" "Sorry, but she's long gone. You know a simple haircut and new unfamiliar clothes can help sneak a person out of town and far away." "You didn't." "I did." Sougo grabs Kisa by the front of her kimono, "Are you nuts! She's a killer, Kisa! Didn't you learn from your past mistake!?" Kisa's face turns red with embarrassment, "Th-th-this isn't like the last time... May is really innocent!" "How can you prove that!? How! Kisa, I love you but do not interrupt my work! Now tell me where she is!" Kisa bites her lip and looks Sougo in the eyes, "If you love me so much then why don't you believe me... Does work have a greater importance than our trust in each other!" Sougo looks her back in the eyes and with a harsh tone he says, "Yes." Her heart aches with pain, "Then Sougo... Until I prove you wrong, stay away from me...." Sougo releases her and looks at the ground, "Do what you want and when it fails, you will be imprisoned and that girl will be punished." Kisa brushes past him leaving a small bloodstain on his jacket sleeve. The door slams behind him, he touches the spot her arm touched and grimaces. He looks at his now bloodstained fingertips, "Damn it all!"

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