Near Death But So Close To Life!

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"Hijikata, he keeps glaring at us.." "It can't be helped, I needed a hostess who wasn't going to distract me." Kisa crosses her arms, "Then you're lucky that I decided to help today." "Why are you helping today? Don't you idiots get enough work?" "Well one of the hostesses hasn't been coming in lately and since me and her are friends I decided to cover for her." "That hostess would be Gurin Ami, correct?" "Yes but why do you know her name?" Hijikata pulls out a cigarette and Kisa lights it, "She's being investigated." "Drugs, right? Illegal drugs brought over by some Amanto." "How do you know about it?" "As a girl, I cannot easily give out my source of gossip. But I can tell you that I know enough." Hijikata takes a drag of his cigarette, "Well the help me learn some more about this drug. Maybe perhaps more about Gurin?" "Ami is a social butterfly and likes to get out a lot so it wouldn't surprise of she's at least heard of the drug." Hijikata picks up his glass and slowly brings it to his mouth, Kisa immediately takes it, "Wait!! Don't drink it! Uh there's a hair in it!" Kisa places the cup down and nervously chuckles. "If it had a hair you could've just told me. You didn't have to freak me out." Kisa runs the back of her head, "You're right... Sorry about that." Suddenly one of the girls let out a scream as her customer fell to the floor. Suddenly the whole room began to collapse, Hijikata stands up and looks around, the only ones left standing were some hostesses, Kondo, Sougo, him and Kisa. "What the hell happened? Kondo-San is this what I think this is?" Kondo nods his head, "No doubt about it. This is the effects of the drug on the human body." Sougo pokes one of the patrons, "It's almost like they're in a paralysis. They don't respond to touch or sound." Kisa stares at everyone on the ground and bites her lip, "Please don't tell me that Ami is in danger..." "Kisa, you know where to find this girl. Tell us where she lives." "Then can I go with?" Hijikata and Kondo shake their head, "No can do." "Sorry Kisa but it's too dangerous for you to tag along." Kisa looks at Sougo, "Sorry... You heard them it's too dangerous for you to come along." Kisa pouts her lip, "Then you guys find her by yourselves!" Kisa storms out of the club. "Haaaaah, damn that girl is a pain in the ass." "Hijikata it looks like it was the ice was infected with the drug." Hijikata picks up the cup he was drinking from, "So why the hell are we still up?" Kondo crosses his arms, "Hmmm, maybe our ice wasn't infected." "No that's impossible, I think the water supply was poisoned. We should've fallen as well." "What should we do next?" Hijikata looks at Kondo who nods his head, "We split up and see the damage that was done."
Kisa looks around the desolate street, "I wonder how many people were infected? Mmm, I see people have barricaded their homes up... Dammit Ami, what did you get yourself into?" Kisa quickly heads home. When she gets home she struck with horror, "You guys! No no no, don't be infected as well!" Kisa shakes Gintoki but he makes no attempt to move or speak, "Gintoki! Hey Gintoki!" Kisa moves onto Kagura, "Kagura! Wake up!" Sadaharu stands up and sits next to Kisa, "So you're the only one who wasn't drugged, Sadaharu?" Kisa pets him and smiles, "We need to go confront an old friend.." Kisa stands up and goes to the front door, "Hey Odd Jobs! I, Sakata Kisa, promise to bring you the cure! So just wait here for now. Come on, Sadaharu!" Kisa and Sadaharu leave the house to go find Ami. Woof! Woof! "Yeah I know, there's a weird feeling in the air... Stay on your gaurd, there's someone following us." Sadaharu stays close to Kisa as they walk down the street. She looks into an alleyway and throws a kunai. "AGHH!! Why!?" "Hijikata? Why the hell are you following us!" Hijikata walks out of the alleyway with tears streaming down his face, "Why, Kisa? Why? You killed the mayonnaise bottle!" "I almost stabbed you and that's what you're worried about?" Hijikata tosses the pierced bottle into the trash and wipes off his hands, "I'm following you two because I know exactly where you are going." "Oh yeah? Where are we going?" Bark! "To Gurin's house." "Wrong, I'm taking Sadaharu out on a walk. Isn't that right, Sadaharu?" Woof! Woof! "See he just confirmed it." "Don't lie to me! I can tell when you're lying." "Eww it's like he's always watching me." Kisa and Sadaharu turn away and continue walking. "Oi don't ignore me! Come back here right now!" "Hijikata, I wouldn't tell at Sadaharu. He has a tendency of biting." Hijikata catches up to them and walks on the other side of Kisa. "Why are you still following us?" "I'm joining your walk." Sadaharu lets out a growl. "It's okay... He won't hurt us." But Sadaharu continues to growl, he stops and turns around. "Sadaharu, what's wrong?" Kisa turns around and sees three unfriendly looking Amanto. She grabs Hijikata's sleeve and he turns around as well. A scowl moves across his face as he places a hand on his sword handle. "Hm and here I thought that all the Shinsengumi were infected. Guess i was wrong." "And now we can't infect him because it is no longer in the water supply." "Well I guess we have to get rid of him the old fashioned way... By killing him." Hijikata unsheathed his sword, "That sounds like a challenge. Kisa stay back and let me handle this, don't need you getting hurt." Kisa puffs her cheeks, "I'm not a little kid, you know!" Sadaharu stands in front of Kisa, standing in an attack position. She lets out a sigh, "Alright I get it.. I'll stay right here." "Enough chit chat! It's time to die, Demon Vice Chief!" Kisa watches as Hijikata fights three Amanto, "that's no fair at all... They all can't attack him. Sadaharu, we have to find a way to help him."

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