His Nightmare Before Christmas Pt. 3

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With no luck in finding Kondo, Sougo decides to take a walk around town, hoping to find a gift for Kisa. "Damn Yamazaki... He wasn't specific enough! What the hell am I supposed to get her!" "Excuse me, young man. You seem to be having trouble. Allow me to help you. Just follow me." Sougo shrugs his shoulders and follows the man to a store. "Perhaps you'll be interested in buying some jewelry. Women absolutely adore jewelry!" Sougo looks at the rings and slightly gasps, "Why the hell are they so expensive?" "Well people only buy the best for the ones they love." He grits his teeth, "Only buy the best, huh?" Suddenly someone places a hand on his shoulder. He turns around to find Kondo, "Kondo-San.." "Sougo, I didn't know you were into fake jewelry." "Fake jewelry?" Sougo shoots a glare at the shop owner, who was now shaking. "This bastard was going to sell me fake ass jewelry!" "Now now Sougo, his punishment can come later. Let's go for a walk." Kondo escorts Sougo out of the store. "Now I'm guessing you're having trouble choosing a gift for Kisa." "I was trying to find you earlier to ask about what I should get her." "I was visiting my future wife." Sougo stares at Kondo and shakes his head. 🔺Maybe I should've asked Hijikata.🔺 "Sougo you shouldn't worry about the price of the gift. It's about the giver that really matters." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means that it depends on you, the gift giver. Your feelings will be the biggest factor. Even if it's a cheap gift, if your feelings are really true that gift will look like gold." "Okay I sort of get it.... So what should I get her?" "Get her something that she can keep forever and that will hold precious memories for her." "So a box?" "How about something she can carry around?" Sougo thinks for a second and snaps his fingers, "A photo album! And I know the perfect place to get pictures." Kondo smiles, "That's good thinking. I'm pretty sure Otae-Chan will be happy to give you pictures." "Thank you, Kondo-San!" Sougo rushes off leaving Kondo behind, "Guess I'll go ask Otae-Chan a favor."
"This color is very popular with the ladies." Sougo shakes his head, "She's not much of a pink person. But that purple, that orange, that white, and that blue will work." "Those are some interesting color choices. Any reason why?" "They will remind her of the Boss, China, and Shinpachi-Kun." "I see! Any kind of stickers?" "This dog, the glasses, this umbrella, this parfait, the mayonnaise, this gorilla, this badminton racket, and this." "Ah the ying and yang.. The good and the bad... How nice. And it's finished, all you have to do is add the pictures." "Thank you. I'll be going now." Sougo takes the book and heads to Koudoukan Dojo.
"Okita-San what a surprise to see you here. If you're looking for the Gorilla he left awhile ago." "Actually I have a favor to ask." Otae smiles, "You would like some pictures, right?" "Kondo-San told you, didn't he?" "Yep! I guess it's one thing he did right. Now come inside." Sougo and Otae spend ten minutes putting the album together, then they finally finish. "Tell me, Okita-San, why so many pages?" "Kondo-San said I should get her something that she can keep forever and that will hold a lot of memories for her. So the more pages there are the more memories she can hold." "That's sweet! The entire design is adorable. I know she'll love it!" Sougo picks up the book and straightens his pants out, "I'll be going now. Still have work to do, but thanks for the pictures." "No problem! Have a Merry Christmas." Sougo leaves and walks around town. As he walks around, he overhears a conversation. "So you really are going to break up with him?" "I have too! He obviously doesn't love me!" "How can you tell? You guys act like a normal couple." "Of course we do. We do everything normal couples do but there's one thing he never does! He never says I love you." The friend gasps, "How dare he! So he thinks you'll just sleep with him and everything is fine and dandy." "Exactly! I thought we really had something, I loved him but I guess it wasn't reciprocated. But my heart has been swayed by another and he truly loves me. He's told me a bunch of times." "I guess you should leave him. It's the right time!" "I know! I'll do it later today." Sougo rolls his eyes, "Damn women. Why is that a reason to leave someone.... Kisa wouldn't do that, right?" Sougo bites his lip and groans, "Dammit! She wouldn't, right?" Sougo then hears familiar voices. "Gintoki! Why are you being so picky about the meat?" "It has to be perfect! Isn't that right, Kagura." "Gin-Chan the meat in the last store looked fine." "We have money now, we can afford the highest quality meat!" Suddenly the trio is stopped by a man, who hand Kisa and Kagura each a flower. "Such pretty girls like you deserve a pretty flower like this." Kagura stands there awe struck while Kisa laughs a little. Gintoki lets out a groan. Sougo stands behind a vending machine and stares at the man. "The pretty girls must join me for Christmas. I will be alone and wish to spend it with someone special. Even if that someone is two someones." Kagura giggles a little and turns away blushing. Kisa blushes a little but rolls her eyes. Gintoki stares at the guy, "Oi, we have shopping to do and would appreciate it if you got out of the way." "Come on now, old man." Gintoki's right eye twitches with irritation, "This old man is about to throw you across town...." Sougo had enough of watching the guy flirt with them so he decides to intervene. "Oi Boss, why are you causing a ruckus? Should I have all of you arrested?" The man looks at Sougo clicks his tongue, "Look pops, all I want is some girls to spend Christmas with and now the cops are getting involved. How are you going to pay for that?" Gintoki smirks as Sougo places a hand on the man's shoulder. "No how will you pay for flirting with another man's girlfriend?" The man turns to face Sougo, who is now wearing a sadistic grin. "So you like to flirt with other men's girlfriends, huh? Perhaps I should arrest you instead." The man freaks out and runs away. Sougo chuckles, "And here I thought someone was trying to rival me..." Kisa giggles, "I don't think anyone besides Kagura can rival you." Kagura flexes and starts posing, "You're right, Kisa! But I'm obviously a hundred times stronger than the Sadist!" Kisa laughs as she feels Kagura's muscles, "Oh my, you might be right!" "Kisa remember you're touching her muscles through a thick jacket. You've touched mine more up close and personal." Kisa's face immediately turns red as Gintoki whacks Sougo across the head. They all start laughing as Sougo walks away grumbling.

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