Valentine's Day... Oh Lord Help... Pt. 2

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The police arrive at the bridge and look around. "Hijikata, what are we looking for?" Hijikata lights his cigarette and takes a drag, "Apparently some idiot was trying to throw someone off the bridge." "Are we looking for a man or woman?" "Two women. One with orange hair and the other one has brown hai--" Hijikata stops talking and sighs. "Hijikata, if it's just China and Kisa then why are we here?" "Captain, why would China be pushing Kisa off the bridge." Sougo casually throws a bottle behind him and hits Yamazaki on the head. "Ah! Captain what was that for!?" Sougo turns around and glares daggers at Yamazaki, "Don't say her name so casually." "Oi Sougo, don't beat Yamazaki up over your jealousy. If it was just Kisa and China then we can just go." Sougo again throws an empty bottle but this time hits Hijikata's head. "Do you want to commit sepukku? About a hundred times?" Sougo waves him off and goes back into the car. Hijikata also goes back into the car. Yamazaki stares at the opposite side of the bridge and is lost in deep thought. "Kisa are you really with China or are you in trouble?" "Oi Yamazaki, hurry up and get in the car!" "Yes Vice Chief!"
As they walk, Kisa bounces a little in his arms. "Kamui! Please put me down!" "Okay!" Kamui drops her immediately. Kisa hits the ground with a thud, "Ow my ass.." "So what should we do for this Earth holiday?" "Heh? Today is a day for couples! We are not a couple." Kamui ignores her rant and notices the bag Kisa is holding. He quickly snatches it causing Kisa to panic, "Ah!! Give it back!" "What is it?" "It's a present for someone!" An evil grin spreads across his face. "I have an idea, how about we play a game of tag. You have to catch me if you want this back!" Kamui lightly flicks Kisa's forehead and starts running off. "Tag? Wait come back here! That's for Sougo not you!" Kisa runs off after him. When she finally catches up to him, he is climbing on the frame of a new building. "KAMUI! You can't go on there! This is a construction site and we can't touch anything!" "Guess you can't have this back then!" Kisa grows agitated and starts climbing. As she follows him up, she is able to keep her balance. They finally reach the top and Kisa chuckles, "I got you now, Kamui! Now hand it over!" "That's not how the game works, Kisa. You have to tag me first, but our game will soon be interrupted." "Say what?" Kisa looks down and sees flashing lights. "Oh god, it's the Shinsengumi.. Wahh!!! We're really high aren't we?! That fall would kill us, wouldn't it?" "Probably just you." "Don't smile while saying that! I'm freaking out here! We're going to get caught! Look they're climbing up!" Kamui wraps his arm around her waist and smiles, "Well then let's go! They can't see us anyways!" "Wait what are you going to do?" "Jump!" Kamui lifts her up and walks off the edge. Kisa tightly wraps her arms around him. "I really hate you!" Kamui laughs as they quickly fall towards the ground.
"Keep going to the top! They could be anywhere!" Hijikata barks orders as he lights his cigarette. "Vice Chief, the men on top reported that there is no one there!" "What's with all these false alarms! Where's Sougo?" "He's up there with the others, sir." "So he's actually doing work?" "He said something about finding a good angle." "Good angle? Yamazaki, dodge!" Hijikata and Yamazaki both jump backwards as a rocket hits straight between them. "Sorry Hijikata, there was a poisonous bug! I had to save you and Yamazaki." Hijikata stands up, "Liar!" Yamazaki stands up and turns his head away. He then sees a person running away with someone in their arms. "Dammit Kamui! Stop jumping with me in your arms!" Kamui drops her yet again. "Ow ow my butt! Can't you put me down more gently!" "I could but that's no fun." "Grrrr.... You're such a bully!" "Kisa is that you?" 🔹Yama-Chan!! 🔹 Kisa pushes Kamui into an alleyway and tries to act natural. "Oh Yama-Chan! How nice to see you! What are you doing here?" "We got a call that there was someone trespassing on that construction site. What are you doing here?" "Oh you know walking around..." "Who was that person with you?" Kisa gasps, "Ah uh! That was just some drunk dude! I was pointing out the nearest bar!" "Why point out a bar to him?" "Yama-Chan please don't question these things!" "Alright alright, don't get so defensive! Actually I can go get the Captain of you want. I bet he'll be glad to see you and will probably stop trying to murder the Vice Chief." "No don't do that!" Yamazaki freezes to his spot, "You don't want to see him?" "Um uh we'll be seeing each other in a few hours anyways, so I can totally wait! Plus he'll still probably continue the murder attempts." "That's true... Well I guess if don't want me too then I won't get him." Kisa spots Kamui out of the corner of her eye and starts getting nervous, "Thank you, Yama-Chan! You're such a sweetheart!" Kisa gives Yamazaki a quick peck on the cheek and then dashed into the alleyway. Yamazaki walks back over to his coworkers, blushing. "Oi Yamazaki, what's up with your face?" "Nothing Vice Chief! Just a little warm." Hijikata stares at him in disbelief, "It's freaking cold out! I don't know where you're hogging all the heat but you better find a way to share it!" "Sorry sir... But this is a special kind of heat..." Yamazaki rubs his cheek with a smile on his face. "Do you have a fever or something? Just get the car started so we can do a patrol." "Yes sir!"

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