A Woman's Feelings Are As Clear As Day

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Authors Note: As a girl I know for certain my feelings aren't very clear... Sometimes I can't tell if I'm hungry or if I'm angry... Usually it's a bit of both... Like a Hangry..
Kisa and Kagura walk the streets of Yoshiwara, the night life is booming and vivid. "Hey Kisa have you ever wonder what it would be like to work here?" "Well kinda depends, what exactly am I working as... Like I probably wouldn't be entertaining anyone.. But maybe like a hostess." "But you would still have to entertain people." "Well yeah! But I was talking about a different kind of entertainment." Kagura's cheeks turn pink as she playfully pushes Kisa, knocking her on the ground, "You spend to much time with Gin-Chan!" Kisa stands up and dusts her butt off. "That's why I said I wouldn't be in that kind of work! Damn Kagura, I know it was a playful push but that was freaking powerful." "I wouldn't have pushed you if you weren't talking about dirty things!" "Come on! You know that I am a respectable adult! We would only see disrespectful adults here! Look there's one now!" Kisa points her finger towards a drunk person who is teetering around. Both girls faces turn into one of annoyance once they realized who it was. "Kagura lets go before he asks for some money.." "Gin-Chan isn't a respectable adult, is he?" "Not in a long shot." They walk away laughing until Kisa notices a familiar person. "Isn't that Sougo?" "Yeah it is the Sadist. I wonder what he's doing here." "Work obviously." Then two women walk up to him and obviously start flirting with him. "Ew they're flirting with him. It's really gross, don't 'cha think, Kisa?" "..........." "Kisa?" Sougo starts to respond back to the girls' advances. He puts one arm around each girl and they walk off to a small hotel. "Kisa?" "Hey Kagura, why does my chest hurt?" "What are you ta--- KISA! ARE YOU OKAY-ARU!" "Me? Oh I'm perfectly fine... Perfectly fine..." "I would believe that if you weren't crying!" "I'm not crying... My eyes are broken and they are now leaking strange fluids. But I also feel annoyed like really annoyed... Kinda have the urge to drink this feeling away!" Kagura laughs, "If you say you're okay, I won't believe it. But if you say you want to go back home to drink at Snack Otose then I'll be glad to take you there." "Then please lead the way!" Kagura and Kisa link arms and walk all the way back to Snack Otose. "Alright Kagura, I'll be up stairs in a little while. So don't wait up for me and as for Gintoki, he'll be home whenever his drunk ass makes it home. Say Good Night to Sadaharu for me!" "Can do-aru! Night Kisa!" Kagura goes upstairs and shuts the door behind her. Kisa walks in Snack Otose and takes a seat at the bar. Catherine walks up to her and coughs, "Oh well if isn't Miss Shorgly." "What the hell does Shorgly mean?" Tama walks up to Kisa's other side, "I believe it means Miss Short Ugly." Catherine laughs, "Almost! It means Ugly Shorty!" Kisa stands up and grabs Catherine's ears and starts pulling. "Ow ow! Dammit Shorgly! Stop pulling my ears!" "Listen to me well you ugly cat... DON'T CALL ME SHORGLY!" "Catherine, you did it again. You set the Kisa-San bomb off." Catherine grabs ahold of Kisa's cheeks and starts pulling as well. "I have no idea who you're calling ugly! Obviously you haven't looked in the mirror lately." "Well obviously neither have you! Damn Cat!" "Damn Shorgly!" They glare at each other and start growling at each other. "Good Evening, Otose-Sama." "Are they fighting again?" "It makes it very lively in here, doesn't it?" "Honestly...." Otose rolls up a newspaper and then whacks them both on the head. They immediately release each other and rub the area that was hit. "Otose! What was that for? The Shorgly started it!" "Ow! Gran that hurt! It's not my fault Catherine is jealous that I could get more customers then she can." "Who wants a Shorgly like you?!" They both go back to glaring at each other. "Both of you quit it before I kick you out! You'll just scare away our customers." "Gran there aren't any customers here though..." Otose whacks Kisa again, "Why are you here, Kisa?" "To drink to my hearts content!" Tama pulls out a cup and some liquor, "Shall I pour for you?" "Thank you, Tama! Otose, I'll pay for Tama services." "I'm fine with that. But she ain't cheap!" "And I ain't broke! So it's all good!" Tama pours Kisa her first drink which she immediately downs. Kisa does this with several drinks, which starts to worry Tama. "Kisa-San, why are you drinking so much?" *Hiccup* *Hiccup* "Drinking so much? I've only had like..." Kisa tries counting on her fingers but loses count after five. She then begins to giggle like an idiot. "I don't know how many I've had! What kind of liquor is it? Is it strong? It tastes super bitter!" "Kisa-San, perhaps you shouldn't drink anymore alcohol." Kisa's eyes start to water, "Huh?!? B-b-but Tama, I'm still paying... W-w-w-why would you take away my alcohol?!" "The Shorgly looks even uglier when crying." Kisa takes the bottle from Tama and chugs the rest of it. She stands up and tosses the bottle behind her. Tama easily catches it and watches Kisa walk up to Catherine. "Now listen here, you insolent little twat! I am drop dead beautiful and won't be having no damn ugly cat calling me a ugly shorty! Now you either stahp or I'll have to get serious..." "Ha! What are you going to do?" Kisa fumbles around trying to grab the sword from her side. Otose calmly takes it from her. "No weapons, Kisa. If you're anything like Gintoki, you'll probably destroy my store." Kisa pouts a little and goes back to the bar. "Taaammmaaa! I want to drink some more!" "I will pour you more alcohol if you tell me why you're drinking so much." "Fine! It's not my fault. It's all his fault! Why does he have to be so popular anyways? How could girls go for a character like that? He's probably walking them with a leash or something!" Tama giggles, "Kisa-San are you jealous?" "Jealous?! What a preposterous thing to say! Who would be jealous about that?!" Tama giggles even more, "Since you told me the truth I will pour you more to drink." "Yay! Drinking!!!"

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