Baka Nii-Chan Pt. 2

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The three stand at a T crossing. Kisa looks to the left and Kagura looks to the right. They both look back at the Shogun who is in between them. "Kisa do want to go right?" "Oh I was going to ask if you wanted to go left.... Um we could split up.. You take Sho-San and go right and I'll go left." "Sounds like a plan and if you find the way out just yell for us." "Same to you then!" They go their separate ways. While Kagura and the Shogun were walking they noticed a lot of people hiding in the shadows. "Kagura, should we be worried?" Kagura looks at the people and notices familiar faces. "No we don't need to worry at all. Just keep walking and don't pay any attention to them." "Alright then." 🌂The Shinsengumi must be here just to make sure the Shogun is safe.... But I haven't seen Hijikata or the Sadist yet. I wonder if they're even here..🌂 "Kagura may I ask you something?" "Sure." "What is Kisa like? From what I've seen, she seems to be very respectable and kind." "Kisa is like an older sister to me. Since she's new here, everything surprises and excites her. Which makes her pretty vulnerable to certain things. She's too kind for her own good and has an attitude when she's with the Sadist. She'll listen to your problems but never tell you hers because she doesn't want anyone to worry. She barely cries, but when she does its for the weirdest reasons. Oh and even though she's a midget, she is very violent and can almost fight like Gin-Chan." The Shogun laughs, "Well if she is like all of you then I know she and I will get along just fine. Perhaps she will become friends with Soyo as well." Kagura smiles, "Of course she'll get along with Soyo! Well Sho-Chan, let's finish this maze!" He nods his head as they continue walking.
"Meeehhhh, so much walking! I think I'll just go find Kagura and Sho-San.... Uhhh which way did I come from again?" Kisa looks at the four paths surrounding her. "Uhhhh.... Dammit I'm lost! Guess I'll go that way..." Kisa takes the path in front of her, but it goes on forever. She stops and sits on the ground, "I quit... Too tired to continue!" Suddenly her phone starts to ring. She flips it open and puts it to her ear, "Hello?" "Oi Kisa, what are doing right now?" "A puzzle." "A puzzle? Well stop playing with the puzzle and come to that little noodle shop." 🔹Sougo wants to hang out?! But but I'm busy at the moment!🔹 "Kisa?" "I can't stop playing... I'm kinda lost at the moment.." "Is your brain that small that you can't figure out a simple puzzle." "Shaddup! I'm in a maze right now, okay! Kagura and I split up and now I'm lost as hell!" "Hahaha, I didn't think you and China had the problem solving skills to go through a maze." "Are trying to get your ass kicked? Because I'm happy to oblige." "You can't do anything to me if your trapped in a maze." "I swear Sougo, I will set fire to your favorite sleeping bench!" "You wouldn't dare! Look when you get out of the maze, call me. Alright?" "Okay! Then talk to you later!" "Bye.." "......." "Kisa?" "See you later." "Yeah, see you later." *click* "I WAS DEPRIVED OF A DATE! DAMN YOU MAZE!" Kisa picks up a rock that is on the ground and chucks it over one of the walls. "Kagggguuurrraaa!" There is no answer. Kisa puffs her cheeks and stands up. She continues walking forward, but something catches her eyes. A person with an umbrella and orange hair jumps from one wall to the other and completely disappears. "When did Kagura change her hairstyle... Never mind that! Kagura!!" Kisa runs toward where she thinks Kagura had landed. With a smile on her face, she turns the corner. In the open space she finds an orange haired man beating another man to death. The Kagura look a like wears a smile on his face as he mercilessly kills the other man. "Kaaaagurrrraa---- Oops I think I made a wrong turn... You aren't Kagura. Sorry please excuse me." The orange haired man drops his prey and grabs Kisa by the collar. "Ehhhh! Pl-please let go. I have errands to run." "You know that crybaby?" Kisa stops trying to escape and instead tries to turn and face him, "Who the hell are you calling a crybaby? Kagura is not a crybaby! Who are you to call her a crybaby?" Kisa stands her ground and glares at him. She notices his eyes, "Sweet Strawberries, you're the Baka Nii-Chan...." "So she's told you about me. Good! That saves me the trouble." "Well she's only called you Baka Nii-Chan.... So I honestly don't know you're name or why you killed that man over there." Kisa tilts her head and notices a familiar uniform. 🔹That's a Shinsengumi officer..... What the hell are they doing here?!🔹 "You look a bit troubled. Is it your first time seeing a dead body?" "Not really... Just my first time seeing a dead Shinsengumi officer...." He keeps his smile and tilts his head, "You are quite the odd one." "I'm the odd one? You just killed that guy with a smile on your face!" "Everyone deserves a last moment of peace." "I don't think that would give me any peace at all." 🔹Damn her brother is a really hot psychopathic killer! Alright this is getting really creepy! He's still got a hold of my collar, so I can't escape! Well it's time to resort to violence!🔹 "I gotta go now so it would be appreciated if you let go." "Why do that? I'm enjoying our conversation." 🔹That's because it's about you, dammit! 🔹 "If you don't let go, I'll h-ha-have to resort to violence!" "Is that so? I'd like to see you try." 🔹What the hell is up with that smile! Now I definitely want to punch him! 🔹 Kisa clenches her right fist and then quickly brings it to his face. A sharp pain shoots through her hand as she quickly pulls it away, "Aha! That freaking hurt!" "Is that all you can do? Guess it's my turn now." Kisa's heart stops as a sense of regret flushes through her. 🔹He's like Kagura except more violent and more willing to kill.... I can literally feel his killing intent.....🔹 Then something crosses Kisa's mind. - Just yell for us. - Kisa gulps and hopes her plan goes right, "I CAN'T STAND SPACE PIRATES, YOU BAKA NII-CHAN!" Kamui smiles as he raises his fist. Kisa closes her eyes and suddenly the wall behind her is broken open. "KAMUI!!" Kagura runs right past Kisa and punches Kamui square in the face, his grip on Kisa is released. Her knees immediately give out and she tumbles to the ground. The Shogun comes up from behind her and slowly helps her up, "Kisa, are you alright?!" She laughs a little, "I think I broke my hand punching his face..." The Shogun smiles, "You broke your hand and yet you are laughing? You're very peculiar." Kisa turns to him and smiles, a few tears roll down her cheeks. "Am I? Guess that's one of my good traits." "Well well, you actually got a hit. But that doesn't count if I wasn't paying attention, Kagura." "Shut up! What were you going to do to Kisa, Kamui!?" "So her name is Kisa, huh? We were only rough playing. She hit me first so I was going to take my turn." "You bastard! You would've killed her!" "Kagura you know I don't kill women. They could bring my next opponent in the world." Kisa looks at him in disbelief, "Kagura is he talking about babies? Does he expect to fight a child!" "I told you he was a Baka Nii-Chan!" "Why is everyone in this place dumb!!!!" "Kisa please calm down. You wouldn't want to injure yourself anymore.. Speaking of which, can you move your hand at all?" Kisa moves her around a little and flinches in pain. "I can move it, but it hurts." "Perhaps it's sprained." Kagura's eyes widen as she glares at Kamui, "You hurt her!?" "No she hurt herself when she punched me in the face." Kagura looks back at Kisa and laughs, "You punched this idiot?! Hahaha!" Kamui takes that moment to punch Kagura in the stomach, sending her flying into a wall. "KAGURA!!!" "Kagura I've told you before, I don't want to fight a weakling like you. Pull a stunt like that again and I'll kill you. Well if you understand that, bye!" With that said Kamui leaves. Kisa runs over to Kagura, "Kagura! Are you okay!? Please say something!" Kagura brushes the rubble off of herself and stands up, "I'm fine! But what about you?" "Just a sprain that's it. Probably isn't as bad as your head wound though." Kisa pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood off Kagura's forehead. "Hey Sho-San are you ready to leave?" "If you both promise me to have your wounds checked." Kagura and Kisa smile, "We promise!" Moments later they are led out of the maze by the Shinsengumi. Outside they are greeted by Kondo, Hijikata, and Matsudaira. Matsudaira walks up to them and smiles, "You did a good job protecting the Shogun! He even had a great time!" Kagura laughs, "Of course he would! He was with us!" Kisa giggles as Kondo and Hijikata walk up to her. "Hello Hijikata and Kondo! Where's Sougo at?" Hijikata lights his cigarette and takes a drag, "Kondo said you would be here so I thought it would be a bad idea to bring him along." "That was good thinking." "So you wanna explain what's happened here?" "I can't really explain it, I was walking and found a Shinsengumi officer dead..." "What happened to your wrist to make it swollen?" "I punched a wall." "Why would you do that?" "I was angry about being lost.." "What happened to China?" "When I found the body I screamed... She broke through the walls to get to me." Hijikata looks at her skeptically. "Hijikata can I please go now? I have a date to get too." "Fine you and China can go... Oh and Kisa, you understand right? The risk of dating Sougo?" "That you all have enemies and he could die at any moment? Yeah I understand, especially after seeing that dead body." Kondo tries to say something but holds back, "Kisa, you and Sougo have fun... Okay?" "Yeah we will! Kagura lets go home now!" "Okay! Kisa do you still have the pickled seaweed?" "Yes I do!" "Give me some! I need a snack!" "Alright alright!"
"Kondo-San, does she really understand?" "I think she does. She just doesn't want to think about it. And you shouldn't force her too do it either, Toshi. Got it?" "Yeah, I got it." Hijikata and Kondo watch Kisa and Kagura happily walk away. Hijikata chuckles, "Just like two idiots in a pod."

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