Strongly Denying It Makes It Even More True

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"Yaaaaawwwwnnn....." Kisa walks out of the bathroom to find two strangers sitting across from Gintoki. She takes a seat next to him. "Who are these guys?" "Zura and Elizabeth." "I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura." "Is he stupid?" "I'm not stupid, I'm Zura." Gintoki nods his head, "He's very stupid." "Interesting...." They sit in silence, Gintoki looks at Kisa, who looks like she is having a staring match with Elizabeth. He uses a rolled up magazine and swats her on the head. "It's rude to stare." "But it's just so c-c-CUTE!" Gintoki stares at her in bewilderment as Elizabeth slightly blushes. Kisa stands up and hugs Elizabeth, she starts petting his head. "So so cute!! Kyah!" Kisa continues to flatter Elizabeth. Katsura looks at them in approval and looks back at Gintoki, "I see you have a new member." "Yeah picked her up off the street. She's a troublemaker and eats as much as Kagura does." "So she is pretty much like you." "You know what they say; like father, like daughter." "Gintoki, it's like father, like son." Gintoki tears a page out of the magazine and crumples it into a ball. He then proceeds to throw it at Kisa, hitting her square in the forehead. "Don't correct me, child." Kisa continues to pet Elizabeth, "Katsura-San, what do you do for a living." "I am the leader of a Joui faction and a fugitive wanted by the authorities." "Gintoki should a terrorist be here?" "Believe it or not, the Shinsengumi really sucks at catching this idiot right here. Even if they do, he always ends up escaping." "The Bakufu's dog can't stop me!" Kisa stops petting Elizabeth and goes up to Katsura. She sticks out her hand and smiles, "I'm Kisa, pleasure to meet you!" Katsura takes her hand and shakes it firmly. "Katsura do you perhaps know Okita Sougo?" "Yes, I've made plenty of escapes from him." "Will you teach me how to successfully avoid him!?" "Use disguises! Lots of disguises!" "You wear disguises? And it works?!" "Of course it does! No one can outsmart me!" "I knew those guys are dumb, but are they really that dumb!" Gintoki laughs, "Kisa you have a lot to learn still." "Well Katsura if you'll excuse me. I'm going to take a walk." "Say hi to Souchiro for me." Kisa blushes and stomps out. "What is with that reaction?" "Nothing really, she just really likes him." Katsura jumps up in surprise, "GINTOKI! You must stop her from falling for a dog of the Bakufu!" "Eh she'll learn by experience. Plus I doubt he'll ever reciprocate her feelings even if he did like her back." "Why do you say that?" "His job is dangerous, why would he have a girlfriend? He could die at any time and leave her alone. I don't think Souchiro would put her through that, even if he is a huge Sadist." "Gintoki, the work you do is also dangerous. Why would your occupation dictate your love life?" "Aren't you the one saying she shouldn't fall for him?" "That's because he is with the Bakufu's Dog." "Yeah well she's 19 years old, it's her decision to make." Katsura sits down and sighs, "Well if that fails for her, I have some good men she can meet." [ Katsura is an idiot. ] "You got that right Elizabeth."
🔹All the single ladies! All the single ladies! All the single ladies! Now put your hands up! Ah damn I think I need a boyfriend. Maybe I would have a walking buddy.. Up in the club (club), we just broke up (up)! I'm doing my own little thing! Decided to dip (dip) and now you wanna trip (trip)
'Cause another brother noticed me! Gah, I really do need a life and fast!🔹 As she was walking she notices a little shop which was emitting a delicious aroma. She walks over to it and peeks inside. Her eyes sparkle as she notices the menu. 🔹They have Udon noodles! Kyaaahhh, it looks so yummy!🔹 "You're practically drooling, midget." Kisa snaps out of her daze and wipes her chin. "Drooling? Who's drooling? I don't see any drool!" "Do you want some?" "Huh?" "Do you want to go eat?" "Yes I do!" "Then let's go inside." "Yes sir!" They walk inside and take a seat at the counter. "Welcome! What can I get you two today?" "Udon, Please!" "And you sir?" "Same thing as her." The man smiles, "Right away! Would you like any drinks?" "Green tea." "Beer." The man smiles again and goes to get their meals ready. Kisa looks at Sougo in confusion, "Isn't it a bit early to drink? And aren't you working right now?" "A little drink never hurts anyone." "I guess you're right..." The man brings them their drinks, "So are you two perhaps dating?" Kisa starts blushing and starts waving her hands around, "No that's highly impossible! No no no!" "Do you see her? She's the size of a twelve year old." Kisa shoots Sougo a menacing glance, "I do not look like a twelve year old! If anything, you act like a twelve year old!" "How nice then. Friends should always find a way to strengthen their bonds. Just sharing a meal is fun!" Kisa smiles, "You're a very happy man, you know that?" "Well that's because I have this amazing little shop and I'm married to the love of my life." Kisa giggles, "That must be nice to marry the love of your life." "It is, we were best friends when we were younger." Sougo yawns and quietly sips his beer. "Ah I'm sorry! I must've bored you with my story! Let me get you your food." Kisa glares at Sougo, "Sougo that was rude. I was really getting into that story." "Why? Love is boring, that's why being me rules. Women immediately fall to my feet. They become my slaves." Kisa sticks her tongue out at him, "If women fall to your feet all the time, then why don't you go bother one of them." "Because it's no fun unless it's you." Kisa's eyes widen as her face turns a deep red. "What do you mean by that?" "Because you're a challenging one. Usually women open up to their inner masochist just by spending minutes with me. But you, you are a mystery. No matter how many times I step on you or how many times I've tried demeaning you, you always smile through it and never give in. It's quite troublesome if you ask me." "Well if you ask me, I think that sounds like a girl with amazing qualities. My apologies for interrupting your conversation." "N-no worries.. Thank you for the meal!" Sougo drops his chopsticks. "Ah, I'll get that for you!" The moment Kisa bends down to get the chopsticks, Sougo takes this chance to put a lot of hot sauce into her bowl. He then quickly stirs it together. She sits back up and hands him the chopsticks. "They might be a little dusty." The owner starts chuckling. "Huh, what's wrong?" "Nothing, nothing at all. Please enjoy your meal!" Kisa smiles and claps her hands together. She opens her chopsticks and begins to eat. It takes all of Sougo's willpower not laugh. Kisa's eyes begin to water as she realizes her mouth was on fire. Tears pour down her face as she grips her throat. "I-I-I-I hate you so much.... You-You-You Sadistic Bastard!" Kisa downs her tea and looks as if she's about to die. The owner brings her another glass of tea in which she downs. She grabs some money from her bag and puts it on the counter. "I hate you so much Sougo!" Kisa stands up and heads toward the exit. "Where are you going?" "Away from you, Bakakita!" Kisa exits the building in rage. "Damn that girl and her attitude." "Now now Mr. Officer, she seems like a nice girl. You should cherish her some more or else she might disappear from your sight." "If that happens I can easily find another girl to taunt." The owner shakes his head and sighs, "So mean... I still think that you should go after her." Sougo sighs and stands up. He takes some money out of his wallet and puts it on the counter. He exits the building, once he's outside he looks around and spots Kisa next to a vending machine. "Come on.... Why don't I have any change? I need a drink, my damn throat is on fire!" As she rests her head against the glass of the vending machine, a pair of hands trap her between the vending machine and the owner of the hands. She notices one of the hands putting change into the machine. "Which one do you want?" "Sougo?" "I don't think that's a drink choice, but I'm happy to oblige." Kisa points to a button, "That one." "Which one?" She moves her finger closer to the button, "That one." "I'm sorry, what was that?" Kisa's finger hovers over her option, "This one!" Sougo puts his hand over hers and presses the button down. "Well get your drink, midget." "I don't need you to tell me that." Kisa tries to reach down but realizes she needs to bend down to get it. "Um Sougo... I kinda need to bend down to get it." He calmly whispers in her ear, "Then bend down and get it." Her face and ears start to burn. "I can't in this position..." Sougo smirks and chuckles. "Alright, I'll move... But this is the only time.." Sougo backs up a little, giving Kisa enough space to bend down and get her drink. She turns around and faces Sougo, "Thank you, Bakakita.." "You could thank me by adding 'woof' to the end of your sentences." "Huh? Hell no!" "You're already wearing a collar though." "Say what?" Kisa looks down and sees a chain extending over to Sougo. She touches her neck and feels a collar. "How the hell did this happen?!" Sougo ignores her. Kisa bites her lip, "How the hell did this happen, woof." "When you were pouting against the vending machine I slipped it on." "How did I not notice that, woof!" Sougo smirks and pulls Kisa towards him. "You're going to have to call me master as well." "Like hell I'm going to do that!" Suddenly someone hits Sougo in the back of the head knocking him out. "SOUGO!" The same is down to Kisa. Before she blacks out, she sees some people grabbing Sougo. "ahh sougo, wake up." Then she completely blacks out too.

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